hello everyone i was wondering if anyone would be able to help me in an program i have to do. the program wants me to use my initials A and G and plot them on using gotoxy() function to make some thing that look like the picture in the link
so basically i need to use the same letter to make the letter i know i need to use for loops, not sure if nested loops, basically i just don't know what i have to do with it. Would really appreciative the help, thanks to anyone who can. also does anyone know how to exactly use the Sleep() function.

You're going to have to show some effort before anyone is going to help you with your project. Have you written any code so far? I'm not sure how they're expecting you to know the form/shape of the letters - do you have any additional input files? (b/w images of letters, etc)?


commented: not bad +0

You're going to have to show some effort before anyone is going to help you with your project. Have you written any code so far? I'm not sure how they're expecting you to know the form/shape of the letters - do you have any additional input files? (b/w images of letters, etc)?


i already have the gotoxy() function i just dont understand how to make the shapes with for loop, heres the gotoxy function

void gotoxy(int x, int y)
  static HANDLE hStdout = NULL;
  COORD coord;

  coord.X = x;
  coord.Y = y;

    hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

and also what little i was able to do in making something with a for loop

void FirstInitial() 
	for (int i=0; i <=16; i++)
	cout <<'A'; 
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