Hello! I'm trying to modify opensourced application but due to lack of knowledge, I'm stuck. Explantions are in the comments of the app :-) Thanks in adavance for your support!

void CBaseGame :: FixSlots( )
	struct Struct1{
		list<string> UserList;
		list<CGameSlot> PlayerSlots;
	list<string>::iterator IT;
	list<CGameSlot>::iterator TI;

	for( vector<CGamePlayer *> :: iterator i = m_Players.begin( ); i != m_Players.end( ); i++ )
		unsigned char PID = (*i)->GetPID( );
		if( PID < 13 )
			unsigned char SID = GetSIDFromPID( PID );

			Struct1.UserList.push_back( (*i)->GetName( ) ); // let's say it added "Bob", "Mike", "Jack"
			Struct1.PlayerSlots.push_back( SID ); // let's say it added "0, 1, 2"

	list<Struct1> toSort; // merge ?

	// Here I would like to sort this list by name SO UserList 
	// turns to "Bob", "Jack", "Mike" AND automaticly PlayerSlots to "0, 2, 1"
	toSort.sort( );

	// After this I would like to print them all like ["Bob -> 0", "Jack -> 2", "Mike -> 1"
	// but I have completly no idea how to print from vector struct


You should bundle the string and CGameSlot into a struct and make a list of those. Then, you can define the < operator such that structs are compared by the string. For example:

struct Struct1 {
  string User;
  CGameSlot PlayerSlot;
  Struct1(const string& aUser, CGameSlot aPlayerSlot) : User(aUser), PlayerSlot(aPlayerSlot) { };
  bool operator < (const Struct1& rhs) const { return User < rhs.User; };

Making a list of the above will allow you to do a sort afterwards by just calling sort() on the list of Struct1 that you generated. To push the elements on the list, you can construct them with:

list<Struct1> my_list;
  for ....
     if ...
       my_list.push_back(Struct1((*i)->GetName(), SID));

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