Hi guys

Im developing this java application and i have the following hurdles:
a) I would like to develop an installer for all platforms(including windows,linux and Mac).
b)Can someone please illustrate clearly how to connect to a mysql database in java after having downloaded the driver(connector/j) and having imported all the relevant java.sql classes. thanks prior.

I would like to develop an installer for all platforms(including windows,linux and Mac).

well for the first problem: http://installbuilder.bitrock.com/ and this might help: http://www.advancedinstaller.com/java.html

for your next problem take a look here for

how to connect to a mysql database in java

: http://www.java-samples.com/showtutorial.php?tutorialid=9 and here: http://www.roseindia.net/jdbc/jdbc-mysql/MysqlConnect.shtml

hope this helps

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