According to the Python 2.7 manual this construction of the with statement should work:

text = "aim low and reach it"

fname = "test7.txt"

with open(fname, 'w') as foutp, open(fname, 'r') as finp:
    # write text to file
    # read text from file
    mytext =

print("to file --> %s" % text)
print("from file --> %s" % mytext)

""" my result -->
to file --> aim low and reach it
from file --> 

It writes the file out, but does not read it in. There is no error traceback.

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The result is correct since you open it for reading before anything is written to it.

text = "aim low and reach it"

fname = "test7.txt"
with open(fname, 'w') as foutp:
    # write text to file

# read text from file
with open(fname, 'r') as finp:
    mytext =
print("to file --> %s" % text)
print("from file --> %s" % mytext)
commented: clearer +11

woooee is on to something, in your case you need to close the file before you can read it ...

text = "aim low and reach it"

fname = "test7.txt"

with open(fname, 'w') as foutp, open(fname, 'r') as finp:
    # write text to file
    # need to close the outp file so you can read it
    # read text from file
    mytext =
    #print(foutp, finp)  # test

print("to file --> %s" % text)
print("from file --> %s" % mytext)

""" my result -->
to file --> aim low and reach it
from file -->  aim low and reach it 
commented: that explains it +5

I think woooee's approach is clearer. The extra close() may be too easy to miss.

I think woooee's approach is clearer. The extra close() may be too easy to miss.

I agree! I think the OP wanted to explore the fact that can open two files on the same 'with' line.

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