Arshpreet_1 0 Newbie Poster

I am making a Python script which will search for Thread-ID and according to thread-ID it will find corresponding UIDs. After getting the UID I will be able to get required data for analysis. My ultimate goal is to make a graph, something like the following:

Is this the correct approach, getting data from conversations/threads so I can calculate the time in which "user get Email and respond back"?

from imaplib import IMAP4_SSL
import email
mail = IMAP4_SSL('')


_,uid = mail.uid('search', None, 'ALL')

x = uid[0].split() # We are getting list of UIDs

    print x[i]
    result, data = mail.uid('fetch', x[i], '(X-GM-THRID)')

    m = data[0].split()
    print m[2]
    result1, data1 = mail.uid('search','X-GM-THRID',m[2])
    print data1[0].split() # getting list of UIDs for corresponding Thread-ID

So after getting list of UIDs for perticular thread ID how I should fetch data so I could get the results for the graph shown in the link?

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