7 Topics

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## Basic workflow of my page ## [Image of Payment page](https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ava3iL9se3C3gTF_XJ_RiBBsWDHs) I have a payment page that has a name textbox (txtName), a PIN textbox (txtPin) and two textboxes (txtPaymentDate and txtPaymentTime) containing payment date and time respectively. The page also has a payment button (btnPay). txtName has a RequiredFieldValidator …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for rb1234567

How can this be implemented on a web page? using c# and clicking a calander which will go to a booking form from each day and how to add database to this? using visuals tudios 2008, using For example a doctors practice.

Member Avatar for LiDmX
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

Hello friends. I have a webpage (my.aspx). In that page i have some controls inside div tag and some controls outside div tag. Now i want the html source of those controls which are [B]inside[/B] div tag using JAVASCRIPT. How can i do this. I got the code with which …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for Rynkadink

Hi there, I'm quite new to ASP.NET development so i don't know what's the best way to do this... I want to list some data in several rows and have a column with a checkbox or radiobutton that allows the user to select a row; Then I should get a …

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

i have a div tag named <div id="div1" runat="server"></div> i wrote a javascript which adds content like 0,1,2,3, in this div tag as its content. Now i want a script which will delete some of the content of div1. as like 0,2,3, how can i remove content from div tag.

Member Avatar for MARKAND911
Member Avatar for LotusShiv

Scenario: I have a ASP.Net 3.5 (VS.Net 2008/C#) application. I have a webservice which I have marked with [ScriptService] attribute and also made sure that the <compilation debug=trus /> setting is in place in the webservice web.config configuration settings. I add the Script reference in the codebehind of my aspx …

Member Avatar for Z_KiNGPiN

Can anyone help me out in calling a JavaScript function from ASP.Net or if anyone can direct me to a good site/tutorial defining things in detail example (working) code would also be great great benefit :) Thank you

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The End.