Averages Programming Databases by HDRG … 7 9 5 4 4 How do I get the averages of Val1 and Val2 per unit ID and store it… Re: Averages Programming Databases by pritaeas You can use something like: INSERT INTO `new_table` (`av_val1`, `av_val2`) SELECT AVG(`val1`) AS `av_val1`, AVG(`val2`) AS `av_val2` FROM `table` GROUP BY `id` Re: Averages Programming Databases by HDRG Thank you very much. Help needed sorting averages from highest to lowest Programming Software Development by psvmr …v)) print(names,average) averages=[] averages.append(average) I have worked out the averages however, I'm stuck …on how I could sort these averages by highest to lowest, here is what ive… tried list = sorted(averages, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) However… Re: Help needed sorting averages from highest to lowest Programming Software Development by vegaseat …)) print(ddict) # test # create a list of (average, name) tuples averages = [(sum(scores)/len(scores), name) for name, scores in ddict… Re: Help needed sorting averages from highest to lowest Programming Software Development by psvmr … up my coding a bit for name, average in sorted(averages, key=lambda a: a[1], reverse=True): print(name, average… need to work out how i could only get the averages of the last three scores scores of each pupil Calculate Averages for a Class program Programming Software Development by bradford68 … IF ELSE END for the inner. So for calculating the averages seems ok to do, but the issue I have is… to code the program to get it to keep the averages and a running total. Could someone help me out. Create… a VB.NET program that calculates class averages. It must include the following features: • Use Option Strict On… Re: Calculate Averages for a Class program Programming Software Development by bradford68 When using the array, would be it be good to use the array to store the running averages for the students and then use that same array for the class averages, or do I need to setup an additional array to compensate for that? Re: Calculate Averages for a Class program Programming Software Development by bradford68 …'t get the calculation of adding the classes and the averages in the totals section boxes. Private Sub CalcBtn_Click(ByVal sender… Problem Calculating Averages (Class/pointers) Programming Software Development by Syrne …. What I am trying to do now is calculate the averages of each test 1-5 and then the total average… of the individual student's test averages. for example: [CODE] Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Average Student1… Getting Array Averages Programming Software Development by andimiami … as * arguments to functions in order to calcualte student averages and quiz * averages. */ # include <fstream> # include <iostream> using… Read data into array and work out averages Programming Software Development by moose333 … read some data into an array and then workout the averages of all the data. I can read in all the… line, the problem is I need to work out the averages of the all of the bits of data in individual… Re: Get daily averages of monthly database Programming Software Development by glez_b … data recorded every 15 minutes. I need to obtain daily averages of monthly database. How do I get these daily… averages?. One more thing, my monthly database is not continuous, there …,How I resolve this problem and I can get daily averages?. I am doing some tests in a file with few… serious help calculating averages Programming Software Development by zandiago … naturally inept with numbers, have a difficult time calculating students’ averages and assigning letter grades at the end of each semester… calculating averages from input file into array Programming Software Development by amishraa … calculate the average of all the grades and list the averages next to the total column. Any help would be greatly… Re: calculating averages from input file into array Programming Software Development by jonsca … row, etc, then on the final row print the column averages. Re: calculating averages from input file into array Programming Software Development by adams161 … calculate the average of all the grades and list the averages next to the total column. Any help would be greatly… Re: calculating averages from input file into array Programming Software Development by amishraa …"; cout<<" It then calculates and output averages and\n"; cout<<" grades to the… Re: calculating averages from input file into array Programming Software Development by amishraa …"; cout<<" It then calculates and output averages and\n"; cout<<" grades to the… Totaling averages within listview box vb.net Programming Software Development by Fattman …: English Mark Column 4: Science Mark i would like the averages to outputed to labels. lblMathsAverage lblEnglishAverage lblScienceAverage would i use… Re: Totaling averages within listview box vb.net Programming Software Development by Momerath I would average from the array. Having to go through the listview to get the values adds additional coding that just slows down the process. Also remember that since they are averages, divide by the number of students :) Re: Totaling averages within listview box vb.net Programming Software Development by Momerath Divide the results by the number of students if you really want averages :) Creating month averages and reading out to a file Programming Software Development by Adibren … from a file, do some calculations with it such as averages and standard deviation and then read it out to a… Program that averages the temperatures from a week Programming Software Development by amelia.rox … in the highs and lows for the week and it averages them and tells you the highest and lowest temperature. I… Get daily averages of monthly database Programming Software Development by glez_b …:00, 23, 45, 0, How I can get the daily averages of the variables Temperature and Moisture for the 31 day… Re: Get daily averages of monthly database Programming Software Development by glez_b … contribution for me. I found another way to create daily averages of many variables, for example of a database that has… Update tables with averages in Django Programming Software Development by dhruvarora227 … want to create a function that on execution computes the averages per category and updates the grade corresponding to the category… Re: Finding .CSV averages Programming Software Development by kdoiron … to find the average for each director, and sort these averages. Your best bet would probably be a dictionary tying the… directors and their averages, and sorting the averages. (It's a lot easier if you use… Re: how to sort alphanumeric file to find averages Programming Software Development by emanmae …, and write your program to automatically list your four calculated averages one to a line, along with a suitable label for…. (Note: Mathematically, this is NOT the average of the four averages you calculated previously). Re: Algorithm - The closest of averages Programming Software Development by nateuni … 10 Hence Mary is the closest over all, to the averages. So it is all good on my piece of paper…, and I have written up to, the returning of the averages. But on paper I am unable to nail a clean…