Re: What is the optimal content length for SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by alx181 For SEO, aim for articles between 1,200 to 2,500 words as they rank well by covering topics comprehensively. Focus on high-quality, valuable content rather than just length. Tailor the length to match the user's intent and check top-ranking pages for your keywords to find a good benchmark. Quality and relevance are key. Benchmark Programming Software Development by cesarmas Please can somebody help me .......... I have no idea on how to implemenet a program to benchmark functions such as insertion , deletion and iteration and deuqe. I know that I have to use the clock_t function but I can not figure out, if I need to call the clock_t function inside the functions to be tested. Thank you Benchmark software Hardware and Software Hardware by cm0229 :eek: Hello everyone, i am looking for a good benchmark software for hardware. Any adivse? Thanks Carl Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by damdamdam … 000 uv/month). But I would like to have a benchmark of community websites. **Can you help me ? ** Please I did… Re: Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by damdamdam I stay focus on our native langage market. IOM we can take the best on an international benchmark, ux, ui, gamification... Thx for this help. Re: Benchmark Programming Software Development by SpS what complier are you using In VC6.0 you get profiling option in built Re: Benchmark Programming Software Development by cesarmas The compiler I am using Visual Studio 2005. Actually I have some problems with the clock funcion, Allways return 0, I am wondering if there is another way to measure the time. check this out : class xyx { public: vector<int> intlist; clock_t start_time,elapsed; double elapsed_time; int i,intN; vect… Re: Benchmark Programming Software Development by kc0arf Hello, Actually, look into a "profiler" on your system. Profilers are designed to measure code execution times, and help identify where you need to optimize your code. The profiler design also takes account how much CPU the profiler code consumes, Check out profilers. Christian VB6 benchmark Programming Software Development by Elfshadow My friend who is a VB6 programmer is doing a benchmark against C and the VB is running faster than the …C but we know this isn't a reliable benchmark Could you look at our benchmarks and tell us any… Re: VB6 benchmark Programming Software Development by TkTkorrovi … concerning that test, this is not a right way to benchmark a programming language. The benchmarking loop should not contain the… spent for running that loop should be measured. Then the benchmark would show more the speed of the programming language, and… Re: VB6 benchmark Programming Software Development by Salem … prejudice doesn't wash. But you're right that any benchmark should avoid any API calls as a means of attempting… Re: VB6 benchmark Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon The posted code is not really much of a benchmark program and will not adequately make the test you want with it because the programs are just too trivial. Strange Hard Disk Benchmark Hardware and Software Hardware by mps727 ….html)[/url]. Using this program I did the hard disk benchmark test and the results seem a little odd to me… Key Software Benchmark: No Country for Old Software Spending Trends Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … - usually a good leading indicator of economic growth. One key benchmark, the ChangeWave corporate software spending survey, has seen a shift… Recursion Benchmark Programming Software Development by sneekula If you own a stopwatch, here is your chance to benchmark the various versions of Python on recursion performance. The Ackermann function gives the old computer quite a workout. Linpack Benchmark Software Hardware and Software Hardware by japtech … I have been asked to look into using the Linpack Benchmark Software to run on computer workstations for Energy Star performance… Advice building a benchmark program in C to test default linux schedulers? Programming Software Development by iamsmooth …, I want to try and create some sort of simple benchmark program to test schedulers of my Raspberry Pi (CFQ, noop… Right way to benchmark script ? Programming Web Development by terryds Can you tell me what's the right way to benchmark script ? I've profilled it by using Xdebug, but the … Re: Benchmark software Hardware and Software Hardware by raybay Details, please? Re: Benchmark software Hardware and Software Hardware by cm0229 [quote=raybay;286736]Details, please?[/quote] I am looking for a good software to test computer hardware Re: Benchmark software Hardware and Software Hardware by raybay Which aspect of what types of computer software. There are well over 1000 different softprorams to test various... each cpu socket series, each motherboard series, and so on requires different test procedures. There are, for instance, 87 different programs I know of which deal with the registry. You will not find a grab bag of test software. You … Re: Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani Hi, I'm sorry, I am really confused by what you're asking. I see you have a list of some of the bigger social media / community sites out there, especially ones targeting developers and technology early adopters. But, what are you trying to accomplish? Build a digital strategy for a niche market?? Can you elaborate what you mean by that? Re: Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by damdamdam Hi, I try to find the best way to create a huge community on a specific market. We already have 1 site on the younger costumers like buzzfil but for a specific topic , the second for older people (35-60yo) on this topic too and another site with a great community of expert in this field. But all this website have different brand / name / UX … Re: Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by rosario1990 I appreciate your efforts. Most valuable sites which you have gathered but I want to say you should target your own local market. This will help you to get more visitors locally. Re: Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by damdamdam But i have some serious issue about duplicate content. Better used canonical ? Re: Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by erikko I think you are asking of the best ways to market your French site. Go for sites that cater your language or country so that it is related to your site. Re: Benchmark : community site ( forum, discuss, reddit like) Digital Media Digital Marketing by rosario1990 Of course, content must be unique and logical. So that, visitors feels interested to visit website and be as a customer. Re: VB6 benchmark Programming Software Development by Salem > startt = clock(); The first suggestion would be to use the same API in both programs. [INLINECODE]#include <windows.h>[/INLINECODE] and [INLINECODE]unsigned long start = GetTickCount();[/INLINECODE] for example. > MINGW The second suggestion is to use a native compiler, not one which has a bloated compatibility layer to make … Re: Strange Hard Disk Benchmark Hardware and Software Hardware by dcc Try running WD's diagnostic tool, you can download it from [url=]here[/url]. Instructions are on the same page. Re: Key Software Benchmark: No Country for Old Software Spending Trends Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by patelmiteshb ya this is good joke