204 Topics

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Member Avatar for ddanbe

I wanted to make an array of bits which I could click on and off at will. Sort of a register you could manipulate. First thing that came up was a checkbox control. But I wanted to change the usual checkmark with a 1 or a 0. With tips from …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi i have checkboxes , textboxes and drop down list boxes in an aspx web page, how do i get the data that is being entered by the user. and where should i write the code or it thanks appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for ms061210

Hello! I have part in my web app that the user will see this 8 check boxes, and he is only allowed to check 3 check boxes, my problem is that How do I check if the user check the correct textbox?

Member Avatar for ms061210
Member Avatar for dashawk

Hi guys, I have a php code that displays a list of dishes where a user can check on those dishes and then save the selection to the database. My code works find when selecting and saving the data. But the problem is that when I try to uncheck one …

Member Avatar for dashawk
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

HI i have 4 gridview in one form...i have to check all text field if someone select main check box... my code is working only on one grid view..its not working on other grid view. what should i do? my code is <script type="text/javascript"> function checkAll(chkid) { var chk = …

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

I have a html with a checkbox and 3 radio buttons. I want to disable and deselect all radio buttons when the checkbox is unchecked, and select the first radio button when checkbox is checked. I have the below code but it does not seem to be working. //html <input …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for JokerTime

Hey all, iam new at PHP and i have a question. I do a select-query in mysql. $sql = "SELECT name, street, city, y,m,d, email FROM player WHERE `name`= '".$name."' or `city`= '".$city."' or `y`= '".$y."'"; The result i paste in a table like this. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { .... …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for choconom

hello, i'm having trouble getting my delete selected checkbox working for a code I'm writing: the trouble is really just in the bottom half of the code after i make the while loop...i made this off of an example that i found on a site but like it was pretty …

Member Avatar for AdelineZ
Member Avatar for nnehadixit

hi friends, here is my problem i'm designing a page with no. of checkboxes but not able to insert its value in mysql... here is my php code: **<?php $host="host"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="packtest"; // Database name $tbl_name="test"; // Table name // …

Member Avatar for nnehadixit
Member Avatar for MarkieJye

I'm doing a delete page, and this part is the part where all the data were supposed to be echoed. but, the problem is I don't really know how to print the checkbox within the php. The line 6 is wrong. Kind men, do show me how to write it …

Member Avatar for MarkieJye
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hi everyone, I'm having difficulty updating information within my database in regards to a checkboxlist. I have a table which has attributes of DealerId and ProductId which reflects the products that a dealer is authorized to sell. The table looks as follows: DealerId | ProductId 100 5 100 8 100 …

Member Avatar for bill_kearns
Member Avatar for mitesh.24jain

I have 3 table let say table1 ,table2 and table3 Table1 with 2 columns pid and productname pid(P.k) productname 1 abc 2 qwe 3 ewre 4 jui Table2 with 2 columns fid and imagename fid(P.k) imagename 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g …

Member Avatar for mitesh.24jain
Member Avatar for davidp994

I have code which displayed a person's info in a table(fields:name, surname, address, etc.) and one of the inputs is a checkbox. The code is as follows: $("#table").append('<tr class="trow'+j+'">'+ '<td class="ids" id="z'+i+'">'+totrecs+'</td>'+ '<td>'+member[i].jdate+'</td>'+ '<td class="users" '<td id="contact'+i+'">'+member[i].fname+' '+member[i].lname+'</td>'+ '<td id="myaddress'+i+'">'+member[i].address1+' '+member[i].town+'</td>'+ '<td><input type="checkbox" name="whome" id="showMe'+i+'"'+ 'class="boxes" onclick="getMe('+i+')" /></td></tr>'); totrecs++; j++; …

Member Avatar for radow
Member Avatar for tedy.jd

I was doing xaml with vb coding in vb 2010 I create a datagrid and linked itemssource with table adapter, and also I modify a columns to checkbox datagrid columns. Problem now is I checked the checkbox value in the columns in datagrid but through button check the data grid …

Member Avatar for tedy.jd
Member Avatar for PowerCheez

I have a small problem. I wrote this script to update the status of my list using a checkbox for each line I want updated. But I (beeing new to this whole thing) can't seem to get my button to do what I want it to do. <?php //ansluter till …

Member Avatar for PowerCheez
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I've got a website with a splash page where users select one of two languages in which to access the page, and have the option of ticking a "remember me" checkbox, which would write a cookie. On subsequent visits to the splash page, the cookie would be read, and the …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for emirsah07

Hello friends; I am writing in a listview data from an array. It is listed by the checkbox for each data alone. I would like to add by selecting a different TextBox. It's ip address in the TextBox. in the textbox: in the listview : /xxx.asp?name=EMMA&Surname=ALIYEVA&SNumber=00121214512&RDate=2012.07.04 /xxx.asp?name=ANNA&Surname=MARIA&SNumber=00121334512&RDate=2012.07.03 etc. i …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for jeconje

Can anyone help me on how to store checkbox values in my database? I have a site which is a student registration form and I need to store his/her interest/s in my database. Interest/s are my checkboxes which contains sports, music, entertainment and adventure. Please help me! Thanks!

Member Avatar for jeconje
Member Avatar for fcvolunteer

I know there are jquery snippets all over the internet showing how to show/hide <div> text based on whether a checkbox has been checked. Jquery is not a strong point of mine so I've really researched a lot to figure out how to do this. So far I'm able to …

Member Avatar for ome2012
Member Avatar for Matth963

I want to do this: When I press on a checkbox 'Monday', the program displays the List 'lstMonday' When I press on a checkbox 'Tuesday', the program displays the List'lstTuesday' How can I achieve this? I've tried to do it ut can't:( Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for 417linux

What I'm trying to acomplish is to have a list of years in a <form> with a checkbox for each year and let the user select what year applies to the post such as: 2008, 2009, 2012 (they might select 4 out of 5 years, not just one year). Then …

Member Avatar for 417linux
Member Avatar for xjshiya

I have an array of checkbox that is populated with data from mysql database through a query. I can submit the value of the checked checkbox into a table from a database. But I want it to be saved according to the sequence the checkbox was checked by the user. …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Commando123

hello guys, can anyone help me with this plz?? i have a datagrid view that is bound to a database, and the is a checkbox that is also bound to a flg in this database. i want to put some conditions on checking or unchecking this flg. what event do …

Member Avatar for Commando123
Member Avatar for cherry love

how to use checkbox in accessform that will ouput a text on accesstable?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Commando123

hello guys, can anyone help me with this plz?? i have a datagrid view that is bound to a database, and the is a checkbox that is also bound to a flg in this database. i want to put some conditions on checking or unchecking this flg. what event do …

Member Avatar for MArun25039

Hello, The below code is mean to hit or show some data based on checkbox is checked off or not using Javascript. I found a bit of code on a Forum and tried modifying it. I'm trying to see if it's possible show data based on multiple Div Tags. For …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for HydroPlume

I want to make a program that saves the states of about 50 checkboxes, so that I can keep track of the states I have been in. I also want to have four different save and load buttons, so that I can keep track of the states the 3 other …

Member Avatar for HydroPlume
Member Avatar for mehidy

I am getting data from my order table in a html form, with its id under checkbox, now i want to select some id by checkbox & want to get the total quantity from the mysql table in a new html form/page. I hope, i am able to make u …

Member Avatar for dpste
Member Avatar for hubertj

Hi guys...I need some help in matching data from results of checkboxs and radio buttons. My Intentions: There are 3 radio buttons and 8 check boxes. Users can select any one but cannot don't select at all. I separate the calss and categories because for classes, users can only select …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for akgeek

I think I have a relatively simple problem, but forgive me, I'm new at this. I'm trying to take output from a dynamically created checkbox in php to a foreach statement to make a new string that I can use to request an update from mysql. In the foreach loop, …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.