Possible Stylesheet errors Community Center Meta DaniWeb by EnderX … came onto the site, and after a few minutes, the coffeehouse messed up. The normal banners weren't working; all possible… like a 16point or 18point size. It only affected the coffeehouse; other branches of the forum looked normal. The situation was… Developing Online with Cloud9 IDE Programming Web Development by jeffcogswell … connection, and if you're stuck at a big-chain coffeehouse that limits your speed, or even blocks remote desktop protocols… Re: reversing long integers,, newbie,, pls. help Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>hey,, i'm joyce, newbie Welcome to DeniWeb. Please go to the CoffeeHouse and tell us about yourself. As for your problem if it were me I would convert the integer to a character string then just print the string backwards. You can use sprintf() to make the conversion. Re: Reputation in the Coffee House Community Center Meta DaniWeb by jbennet Good point dani. Can we please make the grey rep once something then? even if its only like 1 or else people who help newbies who might post only once get penilized p.s does rep from the lounges and watercooler still count? thats hardly technical and if were gonna not count the coffeehouse, surely we shouldnt count that? Re: Front End Programming Web Development by kvprajapati ….aspx[/url] 3. (FAQ) [url]http://channel9.msdn.com/forums/Coffeehouse/253800-Expressions-vs-Adobe-proscons-MS-Staff-Welcome/[/url] Re: C# to Native Code Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon I have not heard anything about that, [here](http://channel9.msdn.com/Forums/Coffeehouse/whats-stopping-C-being-made-as-a-nativeunmanaged-language) is a related article. >When will this compiler be available? If there is one in the works it will probably be several years down the road. Re: Possible Stylesheet errors Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Try clearing out your cache of temporary internet files. For some reason the CSS isn't loading for you in those specific forums. (Each category has its own CSS) Re: Possible Stylesheet errors Community Center Meta DaniWeb by EnderX Thanks, that fixed it. Any clues what I might have done to cause that? Re: Possible Stylesheet errors Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani The stylesheet in the affected categories might not have downloaded properly, and then they were cached on your system, so the broken stylesheets kept being used over and over again. Re: Developing Online with Cloud9 IDE Programming Web Development by jwenting it's buggy and solid at the same time? Doesn't compute. Personally, I'd never use any "cloud" products for sensitive data unless there's a signed (on paper) and legally binding contract with the service provider about the security of that data and their inability to access and sell it. Re: Developing Online with Cloud9 IDE Programming Web Development by jeffcogswell re - buggy vs solid I just mean solid design, but buggy code because it's still in beta. Whatever. No big deal. re - cloud What I'm really talking about is a type of hosting where your servers can grow dynamically. Originally, that's all the term meant. As you already know, in the past, when you would rent server space, if you rented a virtual …