164 Topics

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Member Avatar for Viped

Hi how I can read md5 hash from textfile and compare it with other md5 hash. I know that MessageDigest.isEqual() is right method for me but how to get the hahs from file without changing it. I can read it to String but if I use getBytes() method it obviously …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for Viped

Hi, my codes if statement returns false for some reason. I tried different variation yesterday and today morning and nothing works. Could someone look my code. I got File file users.txt where the usernames are stored. public static void checkUser(String userName, char[] passWord) { FileInputStream fIn; DataInputStream dInput = null; …

Member Avatar for Viped
Member Avatar for anu013

Hi guys... I need some help from you all.. **Actual Scenario is :** This is Module to Update today's price of products and these TextBoxes below is created in loop with <input type="text" id="<?="rate2".$i?>" name="<?="rate2".$i?>" size="5" /> ($i is increment variable of loop) also I already got abc rate (Standard …

Member Avatar for anu013
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007

I am working with CSVfile program. I have already calculate something from it. Name,Age,Sex,Pincode,Disease 1. aaa,4,M,35265,flu 2. bbb,4,M,35652,Gastric 3. eee,6,F,35265,Brain 4. sss,7,M,32564,flu I have made program for calculating no. of age,sex and pincode as attached in the code. In this i have calculated that age=4 comes how many times and …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for daringone

Hello, My first post here. I have a problem that I'm sure is simple to solve but haven't yet managed to find a solution, hopefully one of you can help me. :-) I have a list of int arrays which I have filled with numbers. List<int[]> Numbers = new List<int[]>(); …

Member Avatar for Michael27
Member Avatar for azgold

Im having a issue with comparing dates below is the code. it shows all rows even dates that have passed todays date. The Date field is set as date in sql. <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","myusername","mypassword"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("mydatabase", $con); $todays_date = date("Y-m-d"); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Octet

I am attempting to create a script which checks to see if the user has a warning level of less than 3. Basicaly, I want to automatically deny any account which has a Warning Level (stored in the Database) of 3 or more from logging in but whenever I attempt …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for arathy nair

Hi all, I actually need to use a sorted map.So i tried using Tree Map.But the problem is that This works well with sort key having values upto 9. With more than 10 items I see abrupt results with sort key arranged in the order = 1, 10, 11,12,--------17, 2, …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for asadarun

Hi, I need a perl function that will check the following in a file, modify if only the first two columns match , and if not found in the file, insert the values. The file is like below **lookup.txt** InstanceName1::DomainName1::Server1 InstanceName1::DomainName2::Server2 InstanceName2::DomainName3::Server3 InstanceName2::DomainName4::Server3 ... ... The perl function needs to …

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Member Avatar for mistersalty

Hi, I'm kind of new to VB and I'm trying to make myself a little game to help me get into the swing of VB (I know some java). Basically what I'm trying to do is this, I have 20 statements in a Select Case (right now they're just labels …

Member Avatar for mistersalty
Member Avatar for Youg

Hi, working on a piece of code which loads in two images, one is a scrambled version of the other, compares them and then attempts to make a new image from the scrambled version. So far I've got it making a new image, comparing and unscrambling most of it, just …

Member Avatar for c++bob1234

#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<string> #define INT_MAX 100000 #define INT_MIN 0 using namespace std; class Automobile { public: Automobile(); void read(); bool is_cheaper_than(??????) const; bool better_mileage_than(???????) const; bool better_finanace_than(??????) const; void print() const; private: string name; float price; float mileage; float finance; }; Automobile::Automobile() { name=" "; price=INT_MIN; mileage=INT_MAX; } …

Member Avatar for Saith
Member Avatar for oldSoftDev

I am reading from a file and creating two lists, then sorting them after sorting I am trying to compare each elements number of occurances in a list but printing them with that number for example if a list is something like {1,2,3,3,3,5,5,5,6} then I want to print a report …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for muthukumar46

i have to receive a mail when compare 2 xml files difference i have 2 xml file 1 st xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Books> <Book bookId="100" name="Asp.Net" price = "230" /> <Book bookId="101" name="C#" price = "200" /> <Book bookId="102" name="Silverlight" price = "300" /> <Book bookId="103" name="MFC …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for TarkiB

Hi there, I've been learning C lately, and in one of the exercises I've encountered a bit of a frustrating issue. The exercise is to accept a string of characters that are answers to a multiple choice quiz, and then compare them to the correct answers which are in another …

Member Avatar for TarkiB
Member Avatar for Prisms

I am trying to compare a string from my text file to a user input i was wondering how I would do this I have tried the == operator but that seems to be getting me no where. I am currently trying to use the .compare() but it doesn't seem …

Member Avatar for Prisms
Member Avatar for PureHashIsh

I am trying to write a function that compares two text files (test1.txt and test2.txt) word by word, the function is supposed to print "files are equal", "files differ: word %d" (if word 13 then past 12 words were equal), and "EOF on [filename]" (the files were equal word by …

Member Avatar for PureHashIsh
Member Avatar for dsmith12

I want the program to compare what the user puts in and then compare that string to something in an array and see if it is a match. Here is code for things already put into array [CODE]private static void createExistingUserData(Scientist[] scientist){ scientist[0] = new Scientist("user1", "password1"); scientist[0].setDob("02/02/1995"); scientist[0].setSsn("612-45-7070"); scientist[0].setApplicantName("Peter …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for imc++

Hey guys. I ma new to c++ and need a little help. My teacher gave us an assignment in which we have to take input from the user as to how many integers are to be entered. the program then compares the first integer with the rest, then it compares …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Prisms

Hey guys I'm doing a fun little program that will use the character roster from league of legends. Basically I am going to have all the champion data like health, attack power, and type (early, mid or late game) stored and then compare the characters and depending on what the …

Member Avatar for Prisms
Member Avatar for angryKitten

Hi, I'm trying to learn some Java for fun and got a question about comparing integers. If I wish to compare int a to int b and check for equality that's pretty straightforward and easy, but if I want a method to return equal for different values I get a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for winnar

Hey guys! I wrote a small program, which works. Unfortunately, when things get too complicated, it breaks down. The objective is to list the occurrences of vowels in a given word, such that for (word = yellow) and index spits out (e = 1, o = 1) The code KIND …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for maddocspace

I have written this short code [CODE] import os import os.path import string import shutil import difflib Path = 'C:/RESULT/BATCH/SimpleInputParser/' SecPoint = [] FullList = [] newFile = [] for fileName in os.listdir(Path): if fileName.endswith(".inp"): f=open(Path + fileName, 'r') files = f.readlines() f.close() fp_clean = open(Path + "tempClean.inp", "w") fp_newFile …

Member Avatar for maddocspace
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

I need to know how to create methods to compare two sets of singly linked lists. The only problem is that I can't put a linkedlist inside the method parameters. Please help [CODE]import java.util.*; public class SLinkedList { protected Node head; // head node of the list protected Node tail; …

Member Avatar for Gsterminator
Member Avatar for Matkoo

Hello, guys. I made a program to compare numbers, Example input: [QUOTE] 1 3 10 845157 2 1101101 16 5AE12 [/QUOTE] It transfers numbers from different number system to decimal, then it compares them, but it is not so fast as i need, maybe just a little advice needed, I …

Member Avatar for ajai.solinfi

Hi ALL, Can any one suggest me on below requirements with less memory and cpu time. I have used below code and seems it is not efficient for huge files. fgrep -v -f file2 file1 >file3 This will output file3 containing all lines from file1 that are not in file2. …

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Member Avatar for andywyndom

I am wondering if anyone wants to try and better this code sample. Here is the request: Given a range of dates (start, end) return all rows that cross that range where the rows contain a start and end date. This appears to work. I just wonder if anyone else …

Member Avatar for andywyndom
Member Avatar for Azmah

I'm looking at starting a forum. I'm unsure on which forum package to choose. I would appreciate your views. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for NickPatton

I'm working on a program that takes 5 integers from input and then prints out the smallest and second smallest of those integers. The program correctly outputs the smallest number but the program often outputs the second smallest number incorrectly because of ordering. For example, if I enter 33, -6, …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for Shady Baddarni

how can i compare 2 string for bull hit game in python. i wrote the program itself. how can i find how many hits and bulls i have. [CODE]import string import random import re m = input (' Please input the long of the string you want to guess :') …


The End.