Congress Comes to Aid of Cell Phone Subscribers Community Center by Brian.oco … cell phone contract can relate. It turns out that Congress relates, too. Last week, Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D…Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (and a former member of Congress): "Wireless consumers in America enjoy the most … Cell phone carriers may not like it, but Congress-watchers say the bill has an excellent chance of… Re: Congress Comes to Aid of Cell Phone Subscribers Community Center by cutepinkbunnies … put a leash on these predators. Great Article! Grigor: That congress that doesn't do anything... [url]…] This one hasn't been as productive as the 109th Congress due to their Republican head-hunting and individual political ambitions… Congress is selling out the internet Community Center by rixius …to an Ipod? These activities will be hurt if Congress passes a radical law that gives giant corporations more… providers like AT&T and Verizon are lobbying Congress hard to gut Network Neutrality, the Internet's First…seige--can you sign this petition letting your member of Congress know you support preserving Network Neutrality? Click here: [… Re: Congress Comes to Aid of Cell Phone Subscribers Community Center by Grigor You mean congress is actually going to do something useful? Bailout Blues: Congress Is Selling Us a $700 Billion Bill of (No) Goods Hardware and Software macOS by Brian.oco …a final $350 billion is on the table, unless Congress resolves to take it back. The president has the …The plan, which still needs approval from both houses of Congress, would give the administration broad power to use taxpayers' …markets, open tomorrow. But this whole thing stinks. And Congress, which had a huge role in getting us into this… Library of Congress Digitizes 60,000 Old Books Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … mass book-digitization project of the U.S. Library of Congress (LOC), the world’s largest library. You can read and… can be scanned per week. In addition, the Library of Congress is producing a report on best practices for dealing with… Dopey Congress gets Internet legislation wrong. Again… Community Center by happygeek … Were An Idiot, and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." Thankfully DOPA is not law… Re: Congress is selling out the internet Community Center by jwenting moveon is an ultraleft organisation that would have the government install active censorship of your internet activity not dissimilar to what the government of countries like Cuba and North Korea do. That, combined with the communist, anti-business, ranting tone of your post says enough about the validity of it. Re: Congress is selling out the internet Community Center by MIGSoft I think it doesn't really matter, whether it is the right or the left. Either way you look at it, the net neutrality is in jeopardy. Re: Congress is selling out the internet Community Center by alc6379 Personally, I look at it like this-- you're already paying for your Internet connection. Why should there be anything else to be concerned with after that? If the ISPs don't feel like they're getting a fair shake out of their agreements with certain websites, they need to renegotiate their deals with the website. Bottom line: The "Net" … Re: Congress is selling out the internet Community Center by Drowzee This is also something that has been reported on by NPR. Call 'em ultraleft if you want, but you'll be wrong. The arguments posed by the telecomms are rather flimsy, in my view. And given the lack of knowledge/deliberate misunderstanding that has been displayed by the house and senate over technology issues, does have a point. There … Re: Congress is selling out the internet Community Center by jwenting Well said Alex. We're not a communist society in which Big Brother determines by decree what we can think and do. Giving the government ever more and more power over the activities of people and companies brings that scenario ever closer though. It also opens up a massive can of worms. It would allow for people to sue ISPs if they think their … Re: Congress is selling out the internet Community Center by alc6379 [QUOTE=jwenting]Especially in a littigationhappy society like the current USA that's a major concern.[/QUOTE] You'd be surprised how seriously this threat is taken. Most large companies, even if they've done nothing wrong, have entire divisions of people devoted to settling lawsuits, be it a small-claims suit, or a class-action one. People … Hassles with Time Community Center by kc0arf …winter months, it encourages more inside / sleep time. With Congress considering these bills, think of the following: * How …but will not know the new standard enforced by Congress? Considering that most programs have been written since …standardized time scheme. Now, with some ink from Congress, think of all the IT processes that need to… Re: Dopey Congress gets Internet legislation wrong. Again… Community Center by musemaker [COLOR=royalblue]"Pedophiles and predators exist outside of the Internet, indeed many exist outside of the school itself so perhaps we should ban the sidewalk, the park, the cell phone, the coffee shop or anywhere that such people are to be found."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1][/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]Of course the possibilities are endless… Re: Dopey Congress gets Internet legislation wrong. Again… Community Center by PoppyViolet I am sometimes called a bored housewife, although I dispute that seeing as I run my own business from home as well as look after two under 10 year old kids. I don't have time to get bored! I do have time to consider the safety of my children though, all day long. I do not let them use the Internet unsupervised, they are too young and there is too … Broadband Should Be as Available as Telephone, FCC Says Community Center by slfisher …a new report from the Federal Communications Commission to Congress. The [URL="… of 2009, also known as the stimulus package, Congress appropriated $7.2 billion for broadband grants, loans,… by bringing it to areas without it. "Congress recognized that this funding initiative, though substantial, was … Eric Schmidt, asks AdSense Publishers to support net neutrality! Digital Media Digital Marketing by pulse …Google asking the support to AdSense Publishers to contact their congress representative against the new bill which will allow phone …a deal with the carriers. Please call your representative in Congress at 202-224-3121. For more information on the …. — If you are unsure of who represents you in Congress, you can look them up by zip code at [url… Department for Homeland Insecurity Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …URL] has found itself having to admit to Congress that it has been subject to the odd one… have involved unclassified networks. DHS officials have promised Congress that they will try harder though, which is … upon this astonishing security situation that is unfolding before Congress, DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff says "secure documents… VC Activity for Tech Firms Drying Up? Hardware and Software by Brian.oco …; One potential hang-up comes, as usual, from Washington, where Congress can't get its act together and approve the continuation… R&D efforts in the past 10 years. With Congress squabbling over the future of the tax (Obama is against…-Rome-is-burning behavior we've come to expect from Congress. But make no mistake, the lack of the tax credit… Combo box search with pagination Programming Web Development by Dmennite …;SELECT `id`,`lastname`,`firstname`,`name`,`waddress`,`wphone`,`state2`,`district3` FROM congress WHERE state2='$state' ORDER BY district3 ASC LIMIT $start_from, 20…); /* For the pagination */ $rs_result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(Name) FROM congress WHERE state2='$state'") or die (mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($rs_result… pls check mainLoop() pseudocode for errors Programming Software Development by aeinstein … a library records monthly book withdrawls, capturing the Library of Congress Number, Author and Title, for each month (sorted by the… Library of Congress Number for each withdrawl). The initial problem required the merger… pls check flowchart for errors/inefficiencies Programming Software Development by aeinstein … a library records monthly book withdrawls, capturing the Library of Congress Number, Author and Title, for each month (sorted by the… Library of Congress Number for each withdrawl). The initial problem required the merger… Conservatives Call for Bush & Cheney's Impeachment - Now! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by The Dude … has collected unto himself with the help of the Republican Congress over the last 6 years. He points out that Bush…]He opened a recent article saying[/u][/URL]: [quote]Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the… Re: Department of Education Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dave Sinkula … more effective programs and policies. [*]The contest between Congress and state legislatures to demonstrate who cares more about …education would be over, allowing members of Congress to focus on areas and problems for which they… of education is present at the local level, Congress simply does not have the ability to improve learning… Google Draws Ire of Privacy Advocates -- Part I Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … that Google might have some ‘splainin to do, especially if Congress gets its way. In the process, its proposed merger/buyout… -- and why Google might have made a powerful enemy in Congress that could cut the Google/Doublick connection short. What Does the Economic Crisis Mean for the Tech Sector? Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 … my optimism is that the current bill expected to pass Congress includes strong oversight provisions. The last time we went through… he's right, but until the Bail Out bill passes Congress and we have US presidential elections in November, it's… Paulsen Facing Fire; Tech Sector Needs to Buckle Down Hardware and Software by Brian.oco … financial strength." Help for tech workers could come from Congress in the form of tax rebates. Says Computerworld, "Economic… job market. Analysts and consultants said it's possible that Congress could approve tax incentives designed to encourage U.S. companies… China claims spam crown Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek …/entry2427.html"]cyber warfare stakes[/URL] as well. US Congress has warned that China now has the capability to launch…[/URL]anywhere in the world and at any time. The Congress report goes as far as to claim that the Chinese… Google on the Rise; Merrill's Boy King Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … Bank of America was on its knees in front of Congress, begging for $20 billion TARP bailout money. As Tech Ticker… bank, how inspired can we be when the President and Congress want $1 trillion more to bail out the economy. In…