Convention for choosing between returns Programming Software Development by hughesadam_87 … stuff VS if x: do stuff Is there a preferred convention in this case? Thanks. Re: Declare function with calling convention Programming Software Development by prakashjoshi010 __cdecl is calling convention. which is default calling convention for c & c++. others are: __cdecl __stdcall __fastcall ... I want to mention calling convention in function declaration. Re: Declare function with calling convention Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula [QUOTE=prakashjoshi010;1146791]__cdecl is calling convention. which is default calling convention for c & c++. others are: __cdecl __stdcall __fastcall ... I …want to mention calling convention in function declaration.[/QUOTE] Such things are not standard C… Truly Understanding Calling Convention Programming Software Development by QuesoTaco … understand. From what I know so far besides the calling convention is that there is a block in the stack that… kind of code dealing with x86 based on the calling convention, because I have encountered some complicated looking code in which… Re: Which coding convention do you use? Programming Software Development by Ravalon I use whatever convention is selected for the project. :) 9 times out of 10, there's already a substantial code base and proper form dictates that any new code should be consistent with the old code. For new projects I define a convention based on the needs of the project, but the Microsoft recommendations are a good start. Re: Truly Understanding Calling Convention Programming Software Development by iret ….net/projects/yasm/manual/html/manual.html#objfmt-win64-calling-convention"]YASM User Manual: x64 Stack, Register, and Function Parameter… Re: default calling convention of function Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 Is it really that hard to google "[URL=""]calling convention[/URL]"? The first three links gives all the info you are looking for. Which coding convention do you use? Programming Software Development by cyberjoe Hi to all! I would like to ask you which coding convention do you use? Regards, Re: Which coding convention do you use? Programming Software Development by ses5909 [QUOTE=cyberjoe;297833]Hi to all! I would like to ask you which coding convention do you use? Regards,[/QUOTE] do you mean naming conventions? I follow Microsoft's coding standards... [url][/url] Naming Convention Programming Software Development by metdos Is there any naming convention for C++ which is widely used and accepted? Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by mrnutty Just don't use Hungarian. I use Camel naming convention like so , float PlayerLife Naming Convention Programming Software Development by blur_guava Hello, I am unsure of a certain naming convention. Take for instance, I have a file that is called HelloPeople, and I would like to have a dll file. How should I name the dll file: HelloPeopleLib or HelloPeople.Lib? Thanks. Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by ddanbe Name your dll as you want, as long as you follow the file naming rules. The only naming convention I know of in C# is that all interfaces files start with the capital letter I. I tend to start all my constants with a small letter c, but that is a personal choice and it is not a rule that is carved in stone. Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by blur_guava … as you follow the file naming rules. The only naming convention I know of in C# is that all interfaces files… Declare function with calling convention Programming Software Development by prakashjoshi010 Hi, I would like to declare function with calling convention. But getting following errors on CentOS 4.7 with GCC … default calling convention of function Programming Software Development by kkevinnnn What is the default calling convention of function used in C unless you define it implicitely? And write the different types of function calling conventions that the c99 standard dialect support? Jquery naming convention Programming Web Development by cartergarth What is the naming convention for jquery? [url][/url] says [CODE][B]funcName/jQuery.js[/B] [/CODE] while... [url][/url] says [CODE][B]jQuery.funcName.js[/B][/CODE] Thanks. Re: Convention for choosing between returns Programming Software Development by TrustyTony Second one is easier, the form without True is definately better in my opinion. The first condition with only returns I would actually use ternary condition: def test(val): return a if val > 10 else b else-less if I would usually use with condition that have not much connection to logic after if, if there is two balanced … Re: Convention for choosing between returns Programming Software Development by sneekula This will do stuff if x is **not** zero, False, None or empty if x: do stuff Re: Cosmetic form controls naming convention? Programming Software Development by ddanbe … has his own "brand". Once you adapt a convention it is best you stick to it, certainly if you… Re: Cosmetic form controls naming convention? Programming Software Development by deceptikon … name type is verbose compared to something like a Hungarian convention, but the former is easier to remember (not to mention… How Visitors Bureaus Use Twitter Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … New York-based tourism firm, said it looked at the convention and visitors bureaus representing the nation’s 50 largest metropolitan… Chicagoland Regional Tourism Development Office 5231 3. BaltimoreMD Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association 4784 4. VisitPhilly Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing… Re: Which coding convention do you use? Programming Software Development by jbennet i use my own style Re: Which coding convention do you use? Programming Software Development by jbennet the main converntions i use are in relation to commenting and tabbing selection and iteration statemenets Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by twomers No. Everyone thinks the one they use is the best. Do something that makes sense. Nobody will complain too much so long as it's sensible. Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by twomers I go for a grazing cammel double playerLifeForce; Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by Nick Evan [QUOTE=twomers;941221]I go for a grazing cammel double playerLifeForce;[/QUOTE] I choose the Hungarian grazing Homer Simpson : [icode]bool iDuff = true;[/icode] Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by ddanbe An interface is a part of the C# language and has nothing to do with how you name your files. But IMHO would it not be better to write some books first and after that, consider building a library? But if you really want to know, start with this: [url][/url] Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by blur_guava [QUOTE=ddanbe;1044864]An interface is a part of the C# language and has nothing to do with how you name your files. But IMHO would it not be better to write some books first and after that, consider building a library? But if you really want to know, start with this: [url][/url][/QUOTE]… Re: Naming Convention Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek a quick google search brought me to [URL=""]this[/URL] and [URL=""]this[/URL]. Naming conventions are entirely down to personal preference, but by adhering to recognised standards, it makes your code easier for …