JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by silvercats How to draw a convexthull and a polygon around the hand in this tutorial. I found this tutorial in JavaCV how to detect a hand gesture. But it doesn't show how to draw the convexhull or a polygon around the palm. Can someone tell me how to do that in this example? Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by silvercats > QThat example has all the code and extensive explanations. What exactly do you need that's not in the code or the explanations? It doesn't show how to Draw a Convexhull. It shows how to calculae it but there is no demonstration on how to draw it on the image. Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by silvercats there is no method in Graphics2d to draw a Convexhull. It is a JavaCV thing Point in Polyhedron Programming Software Development by fatalaccidents … a convex hull from the points with the scipy.spatial.ConvexHull module. What I'm trying to do is then find… Re: Convex Hull problem Programming Software Development by Flixter … the same as the first one. vector<Point> ConvexHull(vector<Point> P) { int n = P.size(), k…)); allPoints.push_back(Point(41, 29)); vector<Point> convexHullPoints = ConvexHull(allPoints); PrintPoints(convexHullPoints); cout << "The area of… Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by Hiroshe Just draw it on the `Graphics2D` in `draw()`? Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill That example has all the code and extensive explanations. What exactly do you need that's not in the code or the explanations? Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by silvercats > Just draw it on the Graphics2D in draw()? That is what I want to know how Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by silvercats I want to get the output like on this image. Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by Hiroshe If you don't knwo how to draw on a Graphics2D, then read the [documentation]( Re: JavaCV drawing problem Programming Software Development by Hiroshe Correct. AFAIK, You'll need to get the geometry of it and draw it onto the Graphics2D. Re: Point in Polyhedron Programming Software Development by Gribouillis It seems to me that this question is solvable by linear programming. The function `scipy.optimize.linprog()` should work with convenient parameters. Re: Point in Polyhedron Programming Software Development by Gribouillis Here is the basic idea #!/usr/bin/env python # -*-coding: utf8-*- '''doc ''' from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import linprog def main(): point = np.array([0… Re: Point in Polyhedron Programming Software Development by Gribouillis `linprog()` needs scipy version >= 0.15.0. In ubuntu, I had to remove package scipy and reinstall scipy with the pip command (as of march 2015). Re: Point in Polyhedron Programming Software Development by snippsat >because my anaconda distribution doesn't seem to have linprog (?) You can use `pip install` or `conda install`(Scripts folder) to get new stuff into Anaconda. For this is best to use `conda install scikit-learn`,then you get all new packages that scikit-learn need. Look like this when run `conda install scikit-learn`. The following …