184 Topics

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Member Avatar for jimmiller96

Hi all, Fairly new at SQL, and running into the following problem. I am trying to create a query to count the number of unique fields in a column and display, but can't seem to get it right. For example, each day there are x number of entries from y …

Member Avatar for Brillig
Member Avatar for toshiro101

Write an application that reads a line of text from the keyboard and prints a table indicating the number of occurrences of each letter of the alphabet in the text. For example, the phrase To be, or not to be: that is the question: contains one "a," two "b's," no …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mhowes

I have a query that i can pull when the last time a location was counted for accuracy: SELECT a.scannable_id, MAX(a.count_date) FROM adhocs a WHERE a.scannable_id like 'P-0-A1A10%' GROUP BY a.scannable_id; It returns: scannable_id MAX(a.count_date) P-0-A1A10 2010-06-15 17:28:00 P-0-A1A100 2010-07-13 13:20:00 P-0-A1A102 2010-07-18 11:00:00 P-0-A1A106 2010-09-08 18:10:00 P-0-A1A108 2010-08-17 12:56:00 …

Member Avatar for ajay_p5

Hi This may seem pity stupid but I am somehow stuck in this: I have got a file containing years like this : 1913 1913 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1955 1955 now this is just a part of a file containing almost 50000 years. What I want to do …

Member Avatar for ajay_p5
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have the following code to search my database, I would like to display the # of results found and display it in the line of code below that reads "Search Results:" - so it would look something like this... Search Results: 10 matches found. And 10 would be the …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for webguy6

Hi all, I've been learning PHP and SQL slowly over the past couple of weeks for a project (so please be gentle!). I have a database, MEMBERS, as follows: [CODE] ID | Name | Job Title | Current Employer | State | Manager 1 | Joe Smith | Sample Title …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for mpc123

Sorry very very new to php , obviously my code below is wrong. What should the code be? [code=php]$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM TEST Where Name LIKE 'Smith%'") or die(mysql_error()); // Print out result while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "There are ". $row['COUNT(Surname)'] ."; }[/code] Thanks If anyone can help

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for kadams

I need to count characters from a file. But I get an error error C2660: 'getchar' : function does not take 1 arguments. Im new to C please bare with me. Thanks for your help. #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int …

Member Avatar for kadams
Member Avatar for firoz3321

Sir, i'm new here searched the forums and web. I'm a beginner and dont know C very well. The Question actually is this: [QUOTE]Write a C function called DistinctWords that counts the distinct words in its input string and prints them in the descending order of number of its occurrence. …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for niall_heavey

Hi all, I'm trying to set up code that will allow me to do the following: Read in a csv file, In columns 3 and 5 there is similar information, I want to count how many times each unique entry is in either of these columns. For example: col 3: …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Virangya

Hello, I wrote a query to find the products names by the name entered and to count now many records are outputted. $query="SELECT COUNT(product_id) AS tot,product_id,product_name FROM tblproduct WHERE product_name LIKE '%$pname%'"; $query="SELECT COUNT(*) AS tot,product_id,product_name FROM tblproduct WHERE product_name LIKE '%$pname%'"; I tried both way. but always it returns …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for riskiana

Hi, can u help me? i've got problems. this is my table: No Status Date/Time Aging 1 registerd 2010-06-21 11:44:51 0 hours 2 in progress 2010-06-24 12:39:12 40 hours 3 closed 2010-06-24 12:40:18 40 hours(total aging) how to get aging if time count only at 08.00 until 21.00 and only …

Member Avatar for bobbymoir

I have a news website in PHP & MySQL. All News items are generated from the database with a php file (../shownews.php?newsid=39393). Here my problem is that i want to put MOST POPULAR NEWS ITEM and i can't figure out how to do so as its dynamically generated. Someone please …

Member Avatar for bobbymoir
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

This is a MySQL PHP question... how to count no of fields in a perticular database and in a perticular table?? I have three columns in a table :id , name , info I have to print the unique persons.. how could I?? How to code it in php?? Can …

Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I have a folder in witch i have a sub-folders and in each sub-folder i have text files(.txt). I want to count that text files and want to print the result on the page. Can someone code it out???

Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar
Member Avatar for Mikhailvs

i am writing a program to find all integers that have 5 perfect squares within 30 of them... here is what i have so far: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int range[60];//since "within 30" means to more and 30 less void integer(int testInteger) //testInteger is the integer to use to …

Member Avatar for Mikhailvs
Member Avatar for farhanafzal

Write a C program to enter the elements of three one dimensional array A (size 5), B (size 10) and C (size 5) as an input from the keyboard. The program will find and print: • The maximum element of array A entered as an input. • The minimum element …

Member Avatar for farhanafzal
Member Avatar for sana zafar

Hi I am attempting to write a code that will input the name of a file and output the number of times each letter appears in the file, and it is case-insensitive.For example : a|A : 5 b|B : 3 c|C : 0 d|D : 7 e|E : 0 so …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for pistol-pete

This is a conceptual question to help with a program I am developing. It takes two lists from a file and compares them in parallel to see if they are anagrams. My question is how do I store these strings in a one dimensional array mapped to ASCII codes. I …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for kjock002

[CODE] # PURPOSE: to calculate the sum of the first (n) counting numbers # # INPUT(S): the number (n) which will be the last number added to the sum # # OUTPUT(S): the sum of the first (n) counting numbers # # EXAMPLES: input: 4 ; output: 10 # input: …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for junezy4

I need the coding for the following question in C: Read from a file (.txt file) and count the number of times the word "a", "is", "the", "and", "that", and "this" occurs.

Member Avatar for targ2002
Member Avatar for Ryujin

Greetings! I'm trying to make [URL="http://faculty.kutztown.edu/rjensen/charcoun.htm"]this tool[/URL] for some fellow librarians who answer questions via text messaging. As you see beneath that page's text box, the catch is that the PC-to-SMS client treats the forward slash as [I]two[/I] characters. I'd like if possible for the JavaScript character counter to recognize …

Member Avatar for Ryujin
Member Avatar for diafol

Anybody know how to do the following: id (PK/autoincrement) file_id (FK/int) - same file id pops up loads of times statement (varchar) - just some text from the file status (tinyint 0/1/2) - depending on the statement = 0 or 1 or 2 into a single record for each file_id, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for needpythonhelp

let's say i have a list of things, like: [bread, cookies, cake, chocolate, bread] how can I make loop that will, in each iteration, create a variable with the name of the item in the list? basically, i want to be able to count the times each item appears in …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for fugnut

Hello all, I have a project in which I need to open an external file which contains to columns of numbers ie: 1000 1000 1111 500 1500 1000 2000 900 2222 2000 2500 2000 3000 1500 3333 2000 3500 2000 4000 600 4444 2500 4500 2000 5000 2500 5500 2222 …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for jasystweb

I'm not quite sure how to do this join: Table1: Products -------------------------- Prod_ID | Prod_Name | etc Table2: Images --------------------------- IMG_ID | Prod Name | Prod_ID | [CODE] Select Prod_ID, Count(i_Prod_ID) from tblImages right join tblProducts on tblProducts.Prod_ID = tblImage.i_Prod_ID [/CODE] Does not produce what I need..... The desired end …

Member Avatar for jasystweb
Member Avatar for sifar786

hi, i m trying to run a query on an MSAccess table, but it does not give me any count but only 0. There are 3 null values which i should be getting but it does not give me the result. This query works perfectly in MSSql Server 2008. the …

Member Avatar for bobbymoir

i have some problems with mysql database query and its as below : Tables : i) departments id department description ii) farmers id name sex address age category remarks iii) scientists id departmentid name remarks iv) scientistvisits id scientistid farmerid datevisited purpose remarks Here, i want the query of number …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for RThomasM

Hey there, so I am new to this forum and to C++ it is my first year in computer science and I am having some problems with this assignment, which is easy enough but I have hit a hitch and would appreciate if someone could point me in the right …

Member Avatar for RThomasM
Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

Here's a function that manually converts an integer to any base between 2 and 36, the parameter list is: [CODE]void toBase( int value, // Integer value to convert char *target, // Pointer to a large enough buffer int base, // Base (from 2 to 36) int fixedDigitCount // The minimum …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

The End.