Employee Retention Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Nicolett Hi. Maybe a slightly off topic question... But I have a question for you. A friend of mine started a startup IT company. He's having some financial difficulties. Who can tell me how to find out if he is eligible for an employee retention credit? Re: Employee Retention Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Salem Well you can either: STFW with https://duckduckgo.com/?q=employee+retention+credit Wait for your sock-puppet to show up with their "recommendation". Credit Voucher System With Expiry Periods Programming Databases by PommyTom …helpful! Synopsis: Capture the value of the current 'credit' of a user. Similar to that of a…'free' vouchers are given each month. 3 tables : User Credit Transactions (date, expiry_date, amount) Messages Sent (date, amount/…EXPIRED - AND - Sum(DR) Over all time Total Credit: [CODE]Select SUM(Amount) as TotalCredits FROM msg_credittranslog_type … Identifying type of credit card Programming Software Development by Jenniferting … So, this here is the code thats identify either a credit card valid or not by applying the Luhn's Algorithm… identify the type of credit card after the user has inputted the credit card number. The type of credit card can be identified… by using the example from above like every credit card number for Visa starts with a 4. I suppose… Credit Card Validation Programming Software Development by kiail …(string[] args) { long number; Console.Write("Enter credit card number: "); number = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine…isValid(number)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is a valid credit card", number); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}… Re: credit card validate Programming Web Development by chrisbliss18 …be subject to an audit by the credit card companies, you do not want to store… any credit card info on your server. There are … payment system for your customers since all the credit card security is handled by the payment gateway.…are not storing any of the purchaser's credit card information and provide a SSL connection for… Re: credit card validate Programming Web Development by aarya [QUOTE=chrisbliss18]Visa has implemented new rules on handling credit cards. Unless you want your server and all your …a secure payment system for your customers since all the credit card security is handled by the payment gateway. The …that you are not storing any of the purchaser's credit card information and provide a SSL connection for the … Re: Credit Card Validation Programming Software Development by hericles How long are the credit card numbers you are using? In your getPrefix method you are dividing the credit card number by 100000000000000 (16 digits) so credit card numbers with 15 or less digits never pass your check of is p > 4. The number I tested was 15 digits and p = 0.37144. Re: Credit Card Validation Programming Software Development by kiail …(isValid(number)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is a valid credit card", number); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}… static string getNumber(long number) { Console.Write("Enter credit card number: "); number = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine());… Re: Credit Card Validation Programming Software Development by kiail …number)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is a valid credit card", number); } else { Console.WriteLine("{… string getNumber(long number) { { Console.Write("Enter credit card number: "); number = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine());… Re: Credit card validation Programming Web Development by ryy705 …However, the tutorial doesn't really validate the credit card. I could just follow the algorithm and …make up my own credit card number. How can I verify that its… an authentic credit card number and it belongs to the …form(how can I match name on the credit card and the name saved in the database)?… credit card numbber Programming Software Development by wids101 …); } void valid(){ cout << "The credit card number is VALID !"; } void invalid(){ cout …<< "The credit card number is INVALID !"; } int main(){ …; ct; cout << "Enter the Credit card Number :"; cin >> ccn;… Re: Credit card validation Programming Web Development by VENKAT.RAM hi... its venkat here. i'm unable to create a CREDIT CARD VALIDATOR in an asp.net web application which i … i.e. detail steps to add the .dll file of CREDIT CARD VALIDATOR to my web application on asp.net. 2…. steps and code to create the CREDIT CARD VALIDATOR then n there in the application itself. please… Re: Credit card validation Programming Web Development by Wraithmanilian …]hi... its venkat here. i'm unable to create a CREDIT CARD VALIDATOR in an asp.net web application which i… i.e. detail steps to add the .dll file of CREDIT CARD VALIDATOR to my web application on asp.net. 2…. steps and code to create the CREDIT CARD VALIDATOR then n there in the application itself. please… credit card validate Programming Web Development by aarya … i need the site such taht he can pay through credit card visa ext. how i have to proceed . how to… validate the credit card information. i need this in php. can anyone give… Re: credit card validate Programming Web Development by aarya …) server and get process/ i have doubt after entering the credit card ifo and got varified by payapall all his article…. my doubt is very simple after submiting the article the credit car should vaildate then after payemnt all the article should… Re: credit card validate Programming Web Development by aarya …) server and get process/ i have doubt after entering the credit card ifo and got varified by payapall all his article…. my doubt is very simple after submiting the article the credit car should vaildate then after payemnt all the article should… Credit card validation Programming Web Development by ryy705 Hello, Is there a way to verify the validity of a credit card when user submits in his/her credit card number? Many thanks in advance. Credit Card Acceptence Programming Web Development by sacarias40 Hello, it has come time for me to be able to accept a credit card/multiple credit cards on a website. I ask you guys to guide me in the correct direction to doing this. I do not want to use pay pal or a payment gateway. Thank you, much regard! credit card validation with date, cvv?? Programming Web Development by Aamit Hi, i am trying to validate credit card. I want to validate credit card 1> name on card 2> card number 3> card type (visa,mastercard... etc) 4> cvv 5> expiry date I seared on google but most of links gives information to validate card according to number. How to do this? any sample link how to do this? or script ? Credit Card Gen Programming Software Development by daviddan2010 … of things either. i just researched the anatomy of a credit card a little. This program will generate sudo random… credit card numbers for Master, Discover, American Express, and Visa cards. … credit card payment?? Programming Web Development by IWDesigns … right place, ive been offered to write somethin to allow credit card payments on a website, but ive never worked with… but i think theres a lot more to it for credit cards?? if anyone has any experience in this field some… Re: credit card numbber Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … not use the ct variable anywhere. You read in the credit card type from the user, but then you never do… credit card parallel payment Programming Web Development by renukapriya I am php developer, my site have many sellers sell their item. When buyer going to purchase their item then buyer pay the amount to all multi seller using credit card details via paypal , i need the php script to implement the credit card parallel payment via paypal . help me.. Re: Credit Tenants after 30 days Programming Web Development by Hegneous …;<th> Payee'.'</th><th> Credit'.'</tr>'; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<tr… die(mysql_error()); $rw = mysql_fetch_array($res); $total = $rw['credit']+ 3000; echo '<th>'.$rw['credit'].'</th></tr>'.'<… Re: credit card transaction Digital Media Digital Marketing by shovels … worthwile, just that I have been informed that to process credit card numbers on your own site you have to have… to have an audit as the PSP is processing the credit card number for you. With Protx you still need a… Re: credit card validation Programming Web Development by pushkar_it … you well there is lot of way to validate CC(Credit Card) Here i m giving full solution example for the….net using vb.net.in this,i want to use credit card for the payment of reservation of tickets .tell me… Re: Credit card validation Programming Web Development by Ole Raptor … name to number i cant think of anything except a credit card processing system. but you can validate the name on… Re: Credit cards - how many of you carry yours around? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Alex Edwards [QUOTE=~s.o.s~;722485]> Don't be shy! Share some information for my Survey! %_% OK, here is an interesting fact for your survey; I don't have a credit card. :-)[/QUOTE] Gah >_< Looks like the polls need to include an "I don't own a Credit Card" option >_< Re: credit card validation with date, cvv?? Programming Web Development by Aamit Hi, can you explain it to me. How verified these details with paypal but [COLOR="Red"]not the payment transfer...[/COLOR] Only credit card verification with above inputs??