50 Topics

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Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a WPF C# program where I attempt to delete certain characters from a text box at TextChanged event. Say, for instance, the dollar sign. Here is the code I use. [CODE] private void txtData_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { string data = txtData.Text; foreach( char c in txtData.Text.ToCharArray() ) …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for alenD

Hi I am trying to write a stored procedure which will execute a query and if resultset is not empty results will be inserted into a table passed as the second parameter to the procedure. Below is what I wrote but I am having error with declaring the cursor, any …

Member Avatar for Oliverpc

Hi there, I'am asked for a HW write a code: * read some data of unknown number of students with their grades of 4 courses from a file * calculate the gpa, honor/warning status, and course average for each course, * write them into an output file (for testing I …

Member Avatar for Oliverpc
Member Avatar for SMITA6076

[CODE]/*********************************************************************************** * * File: Customer.java * * Author: Austin Smith * * Date: 04/04/2011 * * Description: The Customer class handles all client information * such as name and address. * **********************************************************************************/ public class Customer { /*** Defaults/Constants ***/ public static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "ERROR: Invalid Name"; public static …

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Member Avatar for leeggodfrey

Hello All, I have a very simple search cursor that is selecting from a table a list of names in order to query a database. It was working fine until I encountered a name with an apostraphe in it. O'Brien for instance. The search cursor is very basic. [CODE] inCur …

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Member Avatar for Vega_Knight

Hi, i want to get current position of cursor on the form. there are label to show the coordinates of cursor position. anyone can help me. i don't have idea for this. thanks Best regards.

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Member Avatar for azharrumani09

USE [DIAMDBF] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[STOCKREPORT] Script Date: 01/21/2011 11:32:40 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[JEWELLSTOCKREPORT] @SELDBNM SYSNAME, @FILENO1 nvarchar(7), @FROMCODE nvarchar(20), @TOCODE nvarchar(20), @START nvarchar(12), @LAST nvarchar(12), @DATE1 nvarchar(12), @DATE2 nvarchar(12), @DATEFORMAT varchar(12), @GROUPCODE char(10), @FROMLOT nvarchar(10), @TOLOT nvarchar(10) AS Declare @execstring …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for JohnnyPhantom

Hey Everyone! I'm stuck and could use a hand ^-^ I have a Toshiba Portege M200 thats giving me a head ache :P I just got the machine, it was working great but was used, and I wanted to erase everything on it and start fresh. I preformed the steps …

Member Avatar for W1ND0W5
Member Avatar for theoQ

While perusing Facebook, my avast anti-virus blocked a Win32 Alureon virus. Firefox crashed then computer went to blue screen with some words at top (don't remember what it said). No control. Disconnected power. Turned computer back on, computer starts, shows bios screen with F2 and F12 only, then goes to …

Member Avatar for poorchap

(MOUSE CURSOR) Hello I'm wondering is it possible to set a condition if the mouse cursor's position changes or moves to a certain point , then it will execute a code like drag drop. Doing it on a windows form application

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Member Avatar for Gekitatsu

In short, I've created a program that when a user left clicks it will create a dot at that location (cursor position). After doing some debugging (reviewing coords printed) it doesn't appear to be a coord problem (not sure though), but a perspective problem (may be displaying improperly). The problem …

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Member Avatar for nssltd

You know you'd think it be the easiest thing in the WORLD to change the cursor, after all its just an image but yet again i'm having problems.I am making a web browser project I have the standard cursor( . cur file ) and when the application is navigating i …

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Member Avatar for eswaramoorthy

Hi, I need to show the loading status(wait status) in cursor for all actions. If i perform some action([B]Login[/B]), then go to the backend and perform some process and it will return some value. Here this whole process will be taken some times. Now that time i want to show …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for kdcorp87

i have some gif image which i converted to .cursor file and trying o use in my winfrom like that [CODE] Cursor c ; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { c = new Cursor("cursors\\newcursor.cur"); panel1.Cursor = c; }[/CODE] but i getting error that cursor …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Hi, is there a way how to (in transact sql) catch output from stored procedure which returns set (2 and more) of tables and move through it ??? thanks!

Member Avatar for kundalini

I am using the robot class to move the cursor across the screen. Is it possible for my java program to detect a change in cursor shape or color as the cursor moves across an open window where the non-java program controlling that window is the source of the change …

Member Avatar for Katie.

Hi there, Well my computers broken. i have Windows xp. So i start it up and everything looks normal, it goes onto the windows loading screen and the loading bar moves as normal but then gets a bit jerky near the end and then after that, it just goes to …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for Graphix

I am currently working on a small script that allows people to insert BB-codes to edit their text. They are able to click a button (for example underline) and then the bb-code will appear at the end of the textfield-value. How can i retrieve the current position of the cursor …

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Member Avatar for Alex_

Hey guys. I want to read from a file created by me from a specific position. But i don't know how to move the file cursor. [code=ptasm] TITLE ep1 .MODEL SMALL .STACK 10h .DATA text DB '1234567Start:7890.end',13,10 text_length equ $-text dir db 'D:\myfile.dat',00h buff db 17 dup('$') f_handle dw 1 …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for m_shanak

hi every body. i have a stored procedure with a select statment that looped by a cursor . this is the code [CODE] DECLARE res cursor READ_ONLY for (SELECT DISTINCT GroupNo FROM ppu_MajorPlan WHERE (PlanYear =(SELECT majorPlanYear FROM ppu_Student WHERE (StudentNo = @StudentNo))) AND (MajorNo =(SELECT MajorNo FROM ppu_Student WHERE …

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The End.