Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner … worked again normally. Now if John Smith puts on the submission, I receive things again ! Here's what… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani You only need to use htmlspecialchars() if the text appears on a website or an HTML email. I’m not sure if you need it if you’re sending plaintext emails. Re: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by Harini sri … the values ![Screenshot_from_2024-05-02_12-11-43.png]( ![Screenshot_from_2024-05-02_12-08-52.png… Re: The Application of Greedy Algorithm in Computer Monitoring Software Hardware and Software by Dani > Maybe the tag system changed but in the past I could create a new tag if there wasn't one. Only non-newbie members can do that. Please visit our [tagging guidelines]( Re: Do you participate in any other communities? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Super familiar with Sitepoint :) Their forums used to be a big competitor to DaniWeb back in the day. Why did you inject a random spammy link into the middle of your post? :( Re: Do backlinks to disallowed URLs help the domain overall? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … appear just as URLs, as explained [here](… Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa The question was inspired from seeing [news]( and [videos]( on Chat with RTX. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa …. There was a link to a [python api]( That was just an…, and processing their own requests. Require a LLM download from DaniWeb. Remoting and communication routing to other machines that do have… DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa I'm curious on people's thoughts of using DaniWeb's content to train an A.I. model, …It can be an optional feature, like "Ask DaniWeb AI". When a user asks a question, the… DaniWeb AI will auto answer your question if it's…and 2.29 million posts, we could make DaniWeb a place to get all your answers. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Currently, when you ask a question on DaniWeb, as you type in the title and message, we perform … Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa I have yet to try it or find it's limitations. Trying to free up some space. Those were the minimum requirements, plus 16GB of RAM and ~100GB free space. I also don't know how large a dataset for DaniWeb would be. Will know more later. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa … smaller, and quicker than expected to parse the pages of DaniWeb in full. Estimated time: 3 days 3 hours 17 minutes… Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …(docs[0]) ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( <img src="images\image1… {response}") ``` **Output:** ![image2.png]( ## Conclusion YouTube videos are a … Summarizing YouTube Video Transcriptions Using Distil Whisper and LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … print(stream) ``` **Output:** ![Image_1]( We are only interested in the…1) print(response) ``` **Output:** ![image3]( ## Conclusion Summarizing YouTube video transcriptions is… Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, query) ``` **Output:** ![image2.png]( The above output shows the agent…sqlite3_uri, query) ``` **Output:** ![image4.png]( The script below returns the final… Retrieval Augmented Generation with Hugging Face Models in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …quot;: question})) ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( The next step is to …gt;")[1]) ``` **Output:** ![image2.png]( ## Conclusion Creating a RAG application… 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Johannes C. …the fields of finance and controlling. ![manoj.jpg]( **Manoj**, serving as a **…mentoring emerging professionals along the way. ![sandeep.jpg]( **Sandeep** is an expert for **… '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … human-AI collaboration.** ![header-agi-talks-adr.jpg]( In the newest interview of our… Alexander De Ridder ## ![profile-alexander-de-ridder.jpg]( With a robust background that spans… 'Prepare for the Earliest Possible AGI Deployment Scenario' Community Center by Johannes C. …– says Jen Rosiere Reynolds.** ![header-agi-talks1.png]( As part of our new **AGI…age. ## About Jen Rosiere Reynolds ## ![jrr-portrait.jpg]( Jen Rosiere Reynolds focuses on digital… Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … example, [Johannes just published](…, and [Usman just published](… interviewees like [Steve Wozniak](… Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani That looks interesting. It’s not relevant to us because we would need an expensive GTX video card, Windows computer, and there’s no API … but it looks intriguing :) Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Pardon my cluelessness here. A $300 video card can efficiently perform complex AI tasks against DaniWeb’s entire database in real time? Missed the link to the Python API. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa It indeed seems to be working. The interface is all done in the browser, on your localhost,, and I stripped it down to just the message box. Just have to gather more data, and it seems good. Took ~50 minutes to get installed. The dataset can be a simple text file with a space between each topic thread. This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani …telling me that I'm the reason that DaniWeb traffic has tanked over the years. And …I thought was in the best interests of DaniWeb long term. There have been many times …. Cre8asite Forums went out of business. is hanging on by a loose thread. Yes…* I'm doing what I think is in DaniWeb's best interests. Always. There are just some… Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by jkon … also believe that you are responsible for the decline of DaniWeb .... BUUUT that was many years ago. We all foreseen the… revive if are useful and have a sufficient user base. DaniWeb as it is now has the second one. And in… Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Reverend Jim … that all of the pleasure I've gotten out of Daniweb, the challenges, the insights, the friendships since I joined in… Re: How is Website Framework detected Programming Web Development by Dani You can use a website like [Built With]( if you want to quickly see what frameworks a website … can see that we use jQuery and Bootstrap here at DaniWeb. That being said, this is only going to tell you… Re: Backlink Indexing issue Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … If all that checks out, you can go to and set up a free account and see if Ahrefs…. Something else to check out is DaniWeb’s SEO backlink checker at To use the tool, enter… Re: Determine if email address is used by scammer Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Puterwiz82 Thank you. It seems based on the email on Friday, they got mad I reposted it to spam. The same supposed police department has contacted previously. I attached the recent emails. ![IMG_3185.jpeg]( Re: Chrome generates AI content Community Center by rproffitt…