deserialize issue casting Programming Software Development by jlivvers …and have an intersting problem. The project attempts to deserialize a type 'Client' into a new 'Client'.… { BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter(); mainClient = (Client)bin.Deserialize(stream); } [/CODE] this throws the error "Unable to… Deserialize Issue Programming Software Development by venet …'m getting an error when trying to deserialize my XML file. The error message is…obs = (List<Objects>)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Dispose(); return obs; } … deserialize JASon object in C# Programming Web Development by anisha.silva … i am getting from a API access. how do i deserialize the jason object in C# so that I can get… the papameter values. JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); bookshare bs = js.Deserialize<bookshare>(response); string a = bs.version; when i… Re: deserialize JASon object in C# Programming Web Development by anisha.silva … the code as: JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); bookshare bs = js.Deserialize<bookshare>(response); string a = bs.version; appreciate a… Deserialize Array From Database Programming Software Development by sbanks_charles … field data of my 2 Dimensional Array, how do I deserialize? Once again, I tried to resarch this so would appreciate… deserialize json result in Programming Software Development by Learner010 … . So , i don't have any idea to deserialize the JSON result. would you please explain how can i… Re: How to deserialize binary stream Programming Software Development by Lerner … these: const string record::serialize(); void record::deserialize(char *); to these: const string serialize(); void deserialize(char *); Why aren't you using… STL strings throughout? You can deserialize() by parsing as reading in as I suggested or by… Serialize/Deserialize list of objects Programming Software Development by Azurit …> called shapes which I want to Serialize/Deserialize. I think I got the Serialization right: [CODE…)) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); shapes = (IBGSDraw)bf.Deserialize(input); } } }[/CODE] There is some problemt with line … Re: Help on Deserialize error Programming Software Development by renzlo …methodCallMessage) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream, HeaderHandler handler, Boolean fCheck, …at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream) at MagnaToolsLib.CodeBookLibrary.Tools.ImportExportCodeBook… Re: How to deserialize binary stream Programming Software Development by thekevin07 … *,fstream &); const string record::serialize(); double cost; void record::deserialize(char *); private: char * name; int idx; int partNo; int quantity… <<'|'<< idx; return out.str(); } void record::deserialize(char * s) { stringstream in; in.getline(s,strlen(s),'|'); cout… Re: Serialize/Deserialize list of objects Programming Software Development by code78 …)) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); MyProject = (clsProject) bf.Deserialize(input); } } catch (IOException) { //Error } How to deserialize binary stream Programming Software Development by thekevin07 … my question is how do i read that data in, deserialize it, extract it and assign each of the values into… Help on Deserialize error Programming Software Development by renzlo … = New Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter Me.Question = DirectCast(formatter.Deserialize(FileStream), UI.Tools.QuestionCollections) Return Me.Question End Using End… Rest webservice cannot deserialize date Programming Software Development by samantha2015 … library Am getting this error : Can not deserialize instance of java.util.Date out of START_OBJECT token If… File Sharing System Programming Software Development by StrikerX11 …self.BUF) if not objString: break data=deserialize(objString) #print data tAnalyzeData=threading.Thread(target…string...''' return marshal.dumps(obj) def deserialize(objString): '''Deserialize an object string...''' return marshal.loads(… Gets all information in listView into a binary file/String variables/textBox in VC++ Programming Software Development by chrisliando …->Nodes->Clear(); SerializableTreeView^ temp = (SerializableTreeView^ )formatter->Deserialize(stream); if (temp != nullptr) { //copy the nodes from the…(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { //Begin of Deserialize String ^path = "TreeNode.nod"; if (File::Exists… Order processing of Google Checkout Callback problem Programming Web Development by bhoomikajodhani …quot;: NewOrderNotification N1 = (NewOrderNotification)EncodeHelper.Deserialize(RequestXml, typeof(NewOrderNotification)); serialnum = N1.…ChargebackAmountNotification N6 = (ChargebackAmountNotification)EncodeHelper.Deserialize(RequestXml, typeof(ChargebackAmountNotification)); // A… DeSerializing Data. Programming Software Development by triumphost …) Serialize(Destination, VectorContainer[I]); } template<typename T> void DeSerialize(unsigned char* &Destination, const T& Source, size_t Size…/430518/shared-memory-objects-across-dlls How should I Deserialize it? I tried: DeSerialize(ListOfFonts, Data[7], sizeof(FontChar)); return &… Re: File Sharing System Programming Software Development by StrikerX11 …send(serialize([msg])) def serverToClientHandler(self): while True: data=deserialize(self.tcpClient.recv(self.BUF)) if not data: break… clientHandler(self, clientSocket): rcvd=clientSocket.recv(self.BUF) data=deserialize(rcvd) if isinstance(data, tuple): if data[0]=="/… Re: File Sharing System Programming Software Development by StrikerX11 …send(serialize([msg])) def serverToClientHandler(self): while True: data=deserialize(self.tcpClient.recv(self.BUF)) if not data: break… clientHandler(self, clientSocket): rcvd=clientSocket.recv(self.BUF) data=deserialize(rcvd) if isinstance(data, tuple): if data[0]=="/… Xml serializable problem Programming Software Development by naorye …to use Xml Serialization in order to serialize and deserialize an object for a webservice and for a …()); AddForniture(new Table()); } } [/ICODE] When serialize and deserialize object Bathroom, the problems are: 1. When… (Closet, Table or Chair). How can I serialize/deserialize the inheritance properly so I can solve this problem?… How to send a System.IO.Stream casted to object using HTTP in WCF? Programming Software Development by sachintha81 …) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); object ret = null; try { ret = bf.Deserialize(dataToDeserialize); } catch (Exception) { } return ret; } } } [/CODE] Now, this works fine… Re: DeSerializing Data. Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … the serialization such that you can use the same serialize/deserialize code for many purposes, such as saving/loading in files…-serializers and output-serializers. - Standard function (or mechanism) to serialize/deserialize an object (primitive or custom class) which can be overloaded… c# client-server class cast error. Programming Software Development by alex.dimofte.5 … `Student` type which I serialize on the server side and deserialize on client side. The serialization and deserialization are as follows…. 1.BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter(); 2.Student s1 = (Student)bin.Deserialize(receive.BaseStream); 3.Console.WriteLine(s1.ToString()); and i get… Problem deserializing objects from multiple classes Programming Software Development by skier17 … tag in the other class. When i try to deserialize the xml file into local object, i only managed… to deserialize the tags for the outer class but failed on…( @"C:\MultiSchema\akiyo_did.xml" ); didlObject = (DIDL)s.Deserialize( r ); r.Close(); } Sample of xml to be deserialized: … Server error in application Programming Web Development by GAYATRISweet …, String persistedState) +14 System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString) +242 System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.System.Web.UI.IStateFormatter.Deserialize…(String serializedState) +4 System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter formatter, String… java client cpp server socket program Programming Software Development by karthik.c … when im gettin them in c++,im not able to deserialize it properly as i tried for binary serialization since c… which supports serialization but was not sure whether it will deserialize a java object. so what if my approach for dis… cud throw a light on this topic on how to deserialize a java object in c++ if its possible if its… Encrypt a serializable class to a file in one step Programming Software Development by zachattack05 …, 0, protectedMemory.Length); MemStream.Position = 0; LocalSettings LoadedSettings = (LocalSettings)BinaryDataFormatter.Deserialize(MemStream); FStream.Close(); return LoadedSettings; } catch (Exception Exc) { MessageBox.Show… Deserializing in a different assembly Programming Software Development by Enrique Nivasch …different assembly. When the second assembly attempts to deserialize the object I get back the following error:…Change the binding bf.Binder = new BindChanger(); // deserialize ds = (DataStructure)bf.Deserialize(fs); fs.Close(); // Announce success Console.WriteLine(&… Serializaiton Exception Programming Software Development by NewOrder … b = new BinaryFormatter(); serializeMeh = (ClassMoveToSerialize)b.Deserialize(f); f.Close(); }[/CODE] i have another …DeSierializeNow();// when another move is made, this method should deserialize all the moves WasntSerialized = false; } toSerialize.DataToSerialize…