'We'll Know We Have AGI When >50% of the GDP is Generated by AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … (Artificial Superintelligence)? ## When AI appears to be improving exponentially, the difference between ≥ and > is trivial. **By the time we know… Eero plus vs NextDNS Hardware and Software by Puterwiz82 I been using Eero+ but recently switched to NextDNS. I selected several blocklists. Which is better to use, Eero+ or NextDNS? I know there’s a price difference. I don’t need parental controls. Re: Eero plus vs NextDNS Hardware and Software by rproffitt Why either? https://www.reddit.com/r/eero/comments/tv39ig/eero_secure_vs_nextdns/ kicks it around and I can't see why to use either. Re: Eero plus vs NextDNS Hardware and Software by rproffitt HTTPS and DNS? Why not use the Brave browser then? Too much to type about that here so read how to set up at https://www.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/ucx1jp/most_secure_dns/ Then again, why aren't you using a VPN and calling it a day? Re: Eero plus vs NextDNS Hardware and Software by rproffitt Network level? My answer would be a VPN. DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by Dani I think that I understand the difference between: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback_fn); and: window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { ... }); However, as a jQuery user, what is the difference between DOMContentLoaded and the jQuery ready fn? Re: DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by pritaeas > However, as a jQuery user, what is the difference between DOMContentLoaded and the jQuery ready fn? No difference really, although some sources state that the ready function might fire "a little" later (because it is wrapper code). Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani … spent a lot of time researching.* There's a big difference between asking an industry expert for their personal opinion based… a no-no in your books? There's a big difference between using AI as a *tool*, and just copying and… Re: augmented reality development services Digital Media by ANton_16 I have been deeply involved in tech projects, and I have learned that the right tools can make a significant difference. This platform () offers unique augmented reality development services that have a blend of advanced features and simplicity. Their innovative approach to merging technology and creativity is something I find recommendable. Re: Htaccess Problem Url Friendly Programming Web Development by Adolfo_1 I apologize because I am unclear. Difference between readlex and read_lex is my mistake Your htaccess example … Re: DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by toneewa jQuery's ready() works asynchronously, even if the DOM is already ready, which keeps your code running consistently. jQuery simulates the non-existent DOMContentLoaded event on obsolete browsers like Internet Explorer, using deferred execution, that fires later than the real event in other browsers, making sure it doesn't run too early. … Re: DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by jkon Of course I agree with toneewa and pritaeas but because it is an intresting topic I thought to share some thoughts to it. Given the fact that I load jQuery (in one minified file that contains also every JavaScript that this part of the app requires) I load it dynamically after DOMContentLoaded or onLoad in older browsers. e.g.: var … Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by mickeydoodle I've just acquired a Dell laptop, it seems to hate Linux! Touch pad doesn't work properly, Wireless won't connect and it's sooo slow! Works fine with Windows! Difference between require_once(), require(), include() ! Programming Web Development by dhananjay-dots Difference between require() and require_once(): require() includes and evaluates a specific … will not get the "function re-declared" error. Difference between require() and include() is that require() produces a FATAL… also include_once() which is the same as include(), but the difference between them is the same as the… "difference patching" help Programming Software Development by ctlajoie "difference patching" is my word for the method used by … Difference between Runnable interface & Thread class? Programming Software Development by ramjeev Difference between Runnable interface & Thread class?Which one to use, though both seems to be same? As per my knowledge,runnable can be implemented in such a case that already it has some hierarchy -Thanks in advance difference b/w L1,L2 and L3 cache? Hardware and Software Hardware by shithindas difference b/w L1,L2 and L3 cache? Are there any other cache m/y in cpu.?which cache is more important. Pls answer these questions... Thanks in advance.. Difference Between dopost() and doGet()? Programming Web Development by mani2 Difference Between dopost() and doGet()? Difference between prototype model and spiral model? Programming Computer Science by silvercats Difference between prototype model and spiral model? difference between setdialogitemtext and update data Programming Software Development by sathya88 difference between setdialogitemtext and update data??? in mFC VC++ application; both way we changing item values.. in some app one working another not working.. ex modal dialog update data not working.. any body explain??? Re: Difference between Normal Image Insert and insert as Bulk BLOB Programming Web Development by LastMitch >Difference between Normal Image Insert and insert as Bulk BLOB The correct solution is here: http://www.roseindia.net/answers/viewqa/SQL/27861-Difference-between-Normal-Insert-and-BLOB-insert.html Re: Difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_assoc Programming Web Development by P0lT10n Difference: [icode]mysql_fetch_assoc()[/icode] will always assing a non-secuencial key (… Re: Difference between asp & asp.net Programming Web Development by jayeshpawar Difference between ASP and ASP.NET ASP.NET: ASP.Net web … Re: Difference Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Reverend Jim Try [google](https://www.google.ca/search?q=What+is+basic+difference+between+Windown+Vista+and+Windows8&oq=What+is+basic+difference+between+Windown+Vista+and+Windows8&aqs=chrome..69i57.4346j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=What+is+difference+between+Windows+Vista+and+Windows+8) Re: Difference Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by )BIG"B"Affleck … than a fancy wrapper over Internet Explorer. The only real difference is that the icons across the top give you instant… to the World Wide Web. [b]So what's the difference between Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer? [/b] [b] [*]Windows Explorer… Re: Difference Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 There is no "memory difference" between those two things. The only difference is semantically, as in, the first creates a variable… Difference Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by poundy What is the difference between MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer????? Because when I install msn messenger I get message saying that MSN explorer could course them too to conflict......... Re: Difference Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by TallCool1 [QUOTE=poundy]What is the difference between MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer? ...when I install msn … difference Programming Software Development by k2k would anyone explain the difference among "public static int " and "public final int " and "public static final int" ? thanks Re: difference Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ > would anyone explain the difference among "public static int " and > "public final int " and "public static final int" ? Make an attempt at answering that and we would provide corrections if needed. Giving out answers to queries without an effort is against the forum rules.