221 Topics

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Member Avatar for gurupts

Is there any chance, a div call a particular css and its class. when i include two css on my html header both are have some same class.In case i have css1 .h1 text-align:center;color:red; and css2 .h1 text-align:left;color:blue;.Now i need to call cssl from a div with h1 class in …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for freakthemighty

I'm building a CMS in PHP and this is my first attempt to use ajax to do something cool. It's making my queryies problematic, however. I'm writing in this forum because my PHP forms worked fine before I did the following: On my index page, I have a header with …

Member Avatar for freakthemighty
Member Avatar for jckb188

Hello! I am trying to figure out how to dynamically generate div ids, and then use onclick in correspondence with an image to pull up the correct div. I have been stumbling on this for two weeks and don't know where to turn at this point. Below is the current …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for brad.d.mcleod

Okay, I'm trying to do something, and I have no idea what's going on. Without having to spend a long time learning *another* programming language, all I want to do is target a div with a link from another div. http://www.vinceswebservices.com/bmcleod/main.html Okay, what I want is to click the Menu …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Hi! I am making a simple box and inner box. The outer box is white and the inner box is purple. The inner box width is static (95%, i understand this is not necessarily static, but in the context of the height you'll understand) but the height is set to …

Member Avatar for PhilEaton
Member Avatar for jeff.erskine.1

Hi, I just volunteered to help a non-profit out with their webdesign. I know the bare minimum. We added information to one of the pages and now the borders won't line up. I think it is something with the DIV. www.thegardenofhope.org Here is what we have: <div class="wrapper"> <div class="header"> …

Member Avatar for jeff.erskine.1
Member Avatar for jcl1290

I want to let the users of my page (they dont have to be registrated) to register a food plate that they ate at my restaurant. It should have a picture and a review, now that should go to a database and appear randomly but daily at homepage. can anybody …

Member Avatar for jcl1290
Member Avatar for MArun25039

Hello, The below code is mean to hit or show some data based on checkbox is checked off or not using Javascript. I found a bit of code on a Forum and tried modifying it. I'm trying to see if it's possible show data based on multiple Div Tags. For …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for tinabina22

I am having trouble vaildating my web-design. I am trying to change over from a table based design to a div base. Problem is I started out with tables so I now have a combination of both and sure how to fix it. I have pasted my code here: Please …

Member Avatar for diceadmin
Member Avatar for jrmeasures

I am new to Assembly language and I'm getting a problem with the DIV operation. This should output the quotient and remainder if a 1-digit number is divided to a 1-digit number. What is wrong with my code? .MODEL SMALL .STACK 64 .DATA MSGA DB 13,10,"Input first number: ","$" MSGB …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for ampo

Hello. I managed to place few DIVs, one below another in container DIV. The container DIV has fixed height (about the height of 2 inner DIVs). The problem is that the inner DIVs are drawn, in one "column", down and out of the container. How can I make them start …

Member Avatar for Fernando_Gomez
Member Avatar for Sanchixx

how can i make this div unresizable in a smaller screen size: #space3 { display:inline margin:auto; font-family:Arial; text-align : left; font-size:16px; width:490px; background-color:#f2f2f2; border-bottom:0px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-left:20px; border-style:solid; border-width: 1px; border-top:1px; border-right:0px; right:345px; position:absolute; } #space3 a { -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; font-family:Arial; text-align …

Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hello, my website looks perfectly fine on my iPad (which I created it on) however some of the divs such as for comments overlap other divs. I'm not sure why that is. Also, once you login, the header of the website gets cut off. I think this is due to …

Member Avatar for ushajase
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I'm looking for a short jQuery snippet to count how many divs I can have horizontally in my browser window. Basically, I'm using a fluid layout, like this: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="content"> <div class="foo" /> <div class="foo" /> Wrapper is 100% width, and foo about 250px wide. What's the simplest …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I'm creating a website and currently working on the banner for it which is all contained within the 'logo' div that has a 900px width and 150px height. For some reason the 'menu' div is not being positioned within the 'logo' div despite being contained in it within the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Patiodude
Member Avatar for Neetumishra

Hi, I am trying to change background image of my div but its not picking up style of background image that I am setting from javascript. So can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance. Here is my code: <HTML> <script language="JavaScript"> NUMBER_OF_IMAGES = 3; ImageNames = new Object(); ImageNames.length …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for easterbunny

Hi, I got a problem. I'm new to $ and i want to make a div to be displayed 3 seconds after the page loaded but i want it displayed on the desktop( behind the webpage). I made the part where the div slides from the right-bottom corner but i …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for sara5454

this is my code (html) i dont know how can i open the page in div , i try with iframe but is failed :/ plz help me! <html> <head> <title>Template</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> </head> <body> <div class="PageBackgroundGradient"></div> <div class="Main"> <div class="Sheet"> <div class="Sheet-tl"></div> …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi everyone, I have been trying to write a php script to display a div and its contents depening on a result from mysql. Inside the div is a basic input form etc, nothing special, some error & validation checking. What I would like to do is, to only display …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nyuszi

im making a program which uses binarys so convert decimal numbers, characters, strings to binary numbers and work with them. but i got stucked because i want to divide Bin with Bin. something like this: 11010110110000 / 10011 = 01001110110000 so the new number will the 1001110110000 / 10011... until …

Member Avatar for stanley87

Hi,guys.Is that anyway to make sure the table inside a div is auto resize and 100% same as the width and height of the parent div when we resize the windows size by using css and html only?i am using height 100% and weight 100% for the table and the …

Member Avatar for designershiv
Member Avatar for cassied

Hiya! I'm working on converting an HTML document (AmCharts Pie) to all JavaScript for work, and I ran into a bit of a bump. (NOTE: I'm not a Javascript programmer) Okie - my question is this: Is there a JavaScript equivalent to the HTML Div tag? Here's a piece of …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for realworldmedia

Ok so i have been searching but this specific part i cant get, how do i echoinformation from my sql database with php into my div so i keep the same formating <div class="wrapper pad_bot3"> <figure class="left marg_right1"><img src="images/page1_img4.jpg" alt=""></figure> <p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">Chateau Lingfield</strong></p> <p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">3 baths, 6 beds, …

Member Avatar for realworldmedia
Member Avatar for walid86

Hi, i'm creating a site which uses achors to change between slides... When i click it, another header moves out of place.. but i am not sure why... any help would be great! www.pixaweb.com.au/emr When you go down to painting tips with the paper behind it, if you click a …

Member Avatar for singh1720
Member Avatar for jelly46

Hello This is brilliant and good to work with, there is one issue i have if someone can help please. I have used example 4 baucase it visually does exactly what i need, however there is one little problem i cant solve. I copied the div and now have 2 …

Member Avatar for jelly46
Member Avatar for arihantphp

Hey all ! I am wondering if there is any way by which we can take an input from a user using a html form and write it to a file inside a specific div tag in a specific file. for ex: I enter a Name in a form the …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I'm centering my container div this way. #container{ position: absolute; left: 50%; margin:0 auto; height:100%; width:1024px; margin-left: -512px; text-align:left; } The div centers in the window, however when the user resizes the window to smaller than 1024 the window starts showing the center of the page. How can i make …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for rapidwein

**Bold Text Here** The included file is a code to make a quiz using javascript and radio buttons . When you finally submit , it shoudl print the question numbers for the correct answer in green and the wrong answers in red . But the code is not working properly. …

Member Avatar for rapidwein
Member Avatar for navp

Hey guys, so I am trying to do an animation rollover image for this gallery and I did make one of the design but the image is absolute and the positioning changes when I change the screen size. Is there a way I can fix that? I know about enclosing …

Member Avatar for elbeato

The End.