108 Topics

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Member Avatar for adam.com

dear all i have a dll with COM METHOD functions i want to call.i know the prototype and parameters of each fun. and also return type can anyone help me in calling these functions in details please because i am a beginner in this part. i use vs2010 thanks in …

Member Avatar for CrazyProgrammer

Hi, sorry I have been trying to get my head around the simple concept of dll files what they are used for and please don't give me the answer that it is a dynamic link library that blah blah please not that answer that doesn't really tell me much :( …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

Dear knowledgeable ones. I started on a project to be able to use a smart card and a smart card reader in order to limit access to a program. I had some sample code written in Visual Basic, and wanted to translate this to Delphi instead, something I think I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for GaidinDaishan

I am just starting MS Visual Studio 2005. My laptop has a 64 bit Intel microprocessor and the OS installed is 64 bit Windows 7. I created a DLL in VC++ 2005 using a Export Definitions File (.def) and then created an application on VB to test it. The entire …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for wapcrimers

Hi Everybody. Recently, i was trying to execute FLASH editor, but as i clicked on executable application file to install it, it shows an error that "FLASH VIDEO EXTENSION.DLL file is missing". I downloaded this file from SNIP but it didn't work and commenting about version. So, if anybody knows …

Member Avatar for contusvideo
Member Avatar for stavros141

Ok so I have this project in ming for along time now. Basically I have created a console app that works as a calculator by using mathfunctions from a DLL I also have created. Now the problem is I want to make it so that people can create their own …

Member Avatar for stavros141
Member Avatar for WolfShield

I am thinking of learning C++ (I already know Python and Java), and a friend of mine is thinking of learning C# (already knows some Java and JavaScript). I know there is a long debated "C++ or C#" ordeal out there, so I am not asking about that! :) (I've …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for stylemonger

Hi - I've been at this for hours, so... say hello to my first post. I'd like to allow my many cpp files to call on a function from DLL funcs I've brought in using LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress/etc, but, when I include the header file into the multiple cpp's, I get the …

Member Avatar for stylemonger
Member Avatar for taylby

Hi, I have a small problem with a DLL. The code for the solution is split into several projects which are then compiled and deployed to a web server. When the project is within Visual Studio I used a Linked file to get the contents of an app.Config file (XML) …

Member Avatar for taylby
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

I have created a C++ Win32 Dll. I have created a .def File which contains the names of the functions in Win32.Dll As: 1Win32.cpp includes a class library file named gs.tlb It has functions named sum, strupper 1win32.def as LIBRARY "1WIN32" EXPORTS sum strupper When i try to register the …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

I have a managed class library developed in C#. Now i need to create a win 32 dll wrapper around it. So in my Win 32 DLL i need to import that class library and call the starting point functions from it. I am new on this. I was able …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for neilelph

I am trying to use an exported function from a C++ dll with the below signature, from within my C# program. [CODE=C]extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BOOL S_USB_Memsize(unsigned char *buffer)[/CODE] In my C# code , I am declaring the use of this function with: [CODE=C][DllImport("RSTUSBIF.dll",CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern int S_USB_Memsize(IntPtr …

Member Avatar for neilelph
Member Avatar for Tech B

This is a facial recognition system. Supports one face so far. This is an example ported from C++ to python. To see the original and to obtain the dll used visit [URL="http://www.kyb.mpg.de/bs/people/kienzle/facedemo/facedemo.htm"]this site.[/URL] I do not take credit of the dll, only the ported python code. The comments in the …

Member Avatar for Tstrv
Member Avatar for toadzky

I am trying to modify and recompile a dll file. I disassembled it so I have the C# code. I also have the .resources file that is a Pack URI. I want my version to have it's own resources file, but I need parts from the original. How can I …

Member Avatar for toadzky
Member Avatar for mette-mari

Hi all, I have been reading up on creating a C# application that can take plugin and understand the principals of that. However all the examples read have it so that when the DLL is called it creates its own form with controls on it. What I would like to …

Member Avatar for mette-mari
Member Avatar for paolodinhqd

hi guys, i have problem loading my dll from '\bin' if i put my lib in '\bin', it works fine (meaning "\bin\mylib.dll") but if in a subdir, it fails to function normally (meaning "\bin\subdir\mylib.dll") pls hellp.....

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nalasimbha

Hello, I have a dll that I wrote and a driver program to call that dll. Both the programs were written in VC++ 2008 express edition. The program takes in 2 strings as a command line argument and passes it to the dll which prints the 2 strings in the …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kapilsolanki84

using dev c++ as compiler,bt coding the program in c.suppose i hv created 1 program in console application ,compiled it,run it, it works fine,on compiling & running it,. it produces the various supported assosciated with it. like makefile.win,gmon.out,project.exe,project.dev,main.o,main.c,now on seeing these files in notepad 1 can easily determined that program …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for thaisf

Does anyone know of a tool, or any solution (preferably free), to automatically generate editable assembly dependency graphs (such as Visio diagrams)? I have found similar threads online, but the several tools recommended (.Net Reflector Graph add-in, Dependency Visualizer, GraphViz, etc) generate only image files (PNG, JPG, SVG, etc). The …

Member Avatar for mab maryam
Member Avatar for erum

i need consultancy about the third party component pd shop (shopping cart) this component has certain limitation .for example if u have item1 and add it to cart with certain configuration like size is 1 and color is blue but when u added same item with different configuration like red …

Member Avatar for Carmenchi

I have a notebook Lenovo Z61m, OS window XP. I'm trying to disconnect the HP all in one printer 2355 series without success. A window appears reading Error 1606 "could not access network location 0. i'm buying a new printer and want to eliminate the previous one HP. Please help!

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for inam2001

I want to use AxInterop.zkemkeeper.dll into c# project and I try to register AxInterop.zkemkeeper.dll but this error generates "dll was loaded but the dllregisterserver entry point was not found", how can i register this dll, please help me in urgent. Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for hassan12345
Member Avatar for neoraghav

Hi, i have created dll and lib files using vc++ 6.0.. how can i use this files in my program.... i want to know how to link the lib and dll file in which ever program i want using vc++ 6.0 please help..... thank you....

Member Avatar for neoraghav
Member Avatar for MoriEdan

Hi all i'm trying to make a plugin supported windows MDI application but my brain has stopped! i can't build algorithm! First of all my program will read dll's from plugin directory which is located at the same directory of my MDI parent application, i don't know what will i …

Member Avatar for MoriEdan
Member Avatar for Tweed

First of all I know this has been asked several times before but I cannot get mine to work. Anyway, on the developer computer I have created a Class Library that contains COM classes. I have also created an Excel 2003 Addin that references the .tlb file that is created …

Member Avatar for Resnymph

Hello, I am trying to write a GUI in Visual C# which controls a C++ DLL, specifically getting hold of C++ objects and editing them via the C# propertygrid controls. - The first part of the question is 'is this actually possible'? I know I can use wrapper functions to …

Member Avatar for Tech B

I am trying to access some functions with in a dll I downloaded. I know I need to use ctypes, but all the examples and tutorials use windll.kernel or windll.user32 respectively. How would I go about calling a function with in xyz.dll? EDIT: Never mind, with a bit more digging …

Member Avatar for Member 785599
Member Avatar for MarkBrend

Hi, I am writting a dll and want to return a result back to the calling code. I have tried putting:- public string oSQL2XStreamBridge( string Name) public class string oMyDll both of which it does not like... the code below errors because there is a return statment and it says …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for twc2102

I am using Visual C++ 2010 and created a CLR EXE debug project and wrote a function, which I am able to call from main in my program. If I take the exact same code and put it in a dll, then I get a compile error from the line …

Member Avatar for twc2102
Member Avatar for icewolf

Hello. I'm trying to find out how to make it so only certain applications I have given authorisation to can use a C DLL I have created so that when I release it with a .Net application it cannot be used by others. I found out how to check what …

Member Avatar for Bluefox815

The End.