Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri … the right place! No offense to all the shiny new PHP and JS frameworks out there which get discussed ad-nauseum…'re building a small to medium sized web project in PHP: 1. Small Footprint (about 2-3 MBs of core framework… under the Sun unless you're a supersonic Google or Facebook or Microsoft that is! Thank you everyone for being such… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani … today. Here are some really interesting discussions about PHP and, more specifically, Codeigniter, that I've …of mine highlighting my reasons for sticking with PHP all these years]( https://www.daniweb.com/…here's an interesting discussion about suggestions for optimizing php](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/539979/… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri …parts of that Internet. As the PHP creator himself once said, CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that feels the least like … end, it is just feeble wrappers on top of core PHP objects like `$_SESSION`, `$_POST`, etc. With a framework like … more "near" to the spirit of core PHP than with something like Laravel or Symfony. Thanks for the… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani Have you played around at all with jQuery 4 yet? Facebook PHP SDK v5 errors on posting into facebook page Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 Hi Guys I want to post on my facebook page by using Facebook PHP SDK v5. Here are my codes but after running, I… Facebook PHP SDK v5 How to get a session from access_token? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 … who knows how to get a session from access_token? In Facebook PHP SDK v5 I can get access_token, but I don't… get a session so as to retrieve feeds. According to Facebook PHP SDK v5 and Graph API v 2.4 documentation([Click… Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 … below are the page feeds with its comments returned by facebook PHP sdk and Graph API. What I want here is to… Re: Facebook PHP SDK v5 errors on posting into facebook page Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 …(); require_once("Facebook/autoload.php"); use Facebook\Facebook; use Facebook\FacebookRequest; use Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphNode; use Facebook\Helpers\FacebookRedirectLoginHelper; use Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException; use Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException… Facebook Graph API - pull user liked data Programming Web Development by dominic.ceraso.9 … if($_id && $_access_token ) { require 'facebook/facebook.php'; $facebook = new Facebook($facebookConfig); $facebook->setAccessToken($_access_token); $facebook_user_id = $facebook->getUser(); } // if( $facebook_user_id ) { // try { // $request… Re: Facebook PHP SDK v5 errors on posting into facebook page Programming Web Development by cereal … the documentation to apply the correct permissions: * https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/v2.4 Read it carefully, especially the… Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by pritaeas if(in_array($name,$feedsPerName)) should be if(isset($feedsPerName[$name])) I hate the trial and error, but am nowhere near a computer running PHP atm. Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 I get this error `Fatal error: Cannot use isset() on the result of a function call (you can use "null !== func()" instead) in F:\Webserver\htdocs\feedreader\creader.php on line 57` Facebook SDK login and logout question Programming Web Development by klemme … have used it. Quite simple right, but using facebook php sdk - I am not able to do such …href="app_style.css"/>'; require("facebook.php"); ?> <!-- Facebook anbefal/send script JS SDK--> <…="app_style.css"/>'; require("facebook.php"); ?> <!-- Facebook anbefal/send script JS SDK--> <… Facebook (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this Programming Web Development by dado.d …;"; } } This is config.php PHP Code: include_once("inc/facebook.php"); //include facebook SDK ######### edit details ########## $appId = '604912379583740'; //Facebook App ID $appSecret = '<APP… Facebook Connect integration Programming Web Development by Sahilsahni …;); include_once CONNECT_APPLICATION_PATH . 'facebook-client/facebook.php'; include_once CONNECT_APPLICATION_PATH . 'lib/fbconnect.php'; include_once CONNECT_APPLICATION_PATH . 'lib/core.php'; include_once CONNECT_APPLICATION_PATH . 'lib/user.php'; include_once CONNECT_APPLICATION_PATH . 'lib/display.php'; /* * FB… facebook api for boosting post Programming Web Development by Rajeswari_1 is there any one works with facebook PHP SDK to boosting post?we are testing the marketing api … Php problem coding error Programming Web Development by Silenta Am trying to get a php script working. I have done a few reviews and corrected… likely to be opening and closing quotes. Php file is here <?php require_once 'includes/facebook.php'; blurb...... ?> // Array Structure: "Quotes&… the front and the end of this section of the php. I tried putting <? ?> in at the ends … Re: Facebook PHP SDK v5 errors on posting into facebook page Programming Web Development by cereal Ok, you have to fix two things here: **A)** add `publish_pages` to the scope: $permissions = ['publish_actions', 'manage_pages', 'email', 'publish_pages']; **B)** the third argument for `$fb->post()` must be the page access token, not the user access token which is set previously. So: $pageTokens = $fb->get('/me/accounts?… Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 Is it real there is no expert here? Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by pritaeas You apparently have an array with comments. Just loop them and increment a counter for every user you find in that particular feed. Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 > You apparently have an array with comments. Just loop them and increment a counter for every user you find in that particular feed. Ok thank you but can you show me interms of codes? Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by pritaeas I am unsure why get_stream() returns JSON, it would be easier to return the array instead. So change that first: return $request["data"]; Then show me exactly how the returned array looks by using: print_r($this->get_stream(array("session"=>$session,"idfeed"=>($request["data"][$index]->… Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 > I am unsure why get_stream() returns JSON, it would be easier to return the array instead. So change that first: >return $request["data"]; >Then show me exactly how the returned array looks by using: >print_r($this->get_stream(array("session"=>$session,"idfeed"=>($request["data"]>… Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by pritaeas In your foreach you can now do something like this: if (in_array($name, $feedsPerName)) $feedsPerName[$name]++; else $feedsPerName[$name] = 1; Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 After changing my code into this one private function get_stream($data) { $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray(); if(isset($request["data&… Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by pritaeas You are not using what I posted. Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 Ooh! I'm sory but I get confused when you say `$feedsPerName`. is it right to put into this way? private function get_stream($data) { $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()-&… Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by pritaeas > Ooh! I'm sory but I get confused when you say $feedsPerName. It is a new array to hold the number of replies per user, so I don't know why you didn't just try what I posted. Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by Hilal2009 *It is a new array to hold the number of replies per user, so I don't know why you didn't just try what I posted.* Please can you show me how to construct this `$feedsPerName` from my codes below private function get_stream($data) { $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET",&… Re: Facebook PHP SDK, how to get number of feed's comments per person? Programming Web Development by pritaeas Add it after line 8.