The following on the attachment below are the page feeds with its comments returned by facebook PHP sdk and Graph API.
What I want here is to get number of comments per user on each feed.

Here are the codes

$helper=new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper($url);
                    $request=(new FacebookRequest($session,"GET","/357971644373038/feed"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();                                        
                    for($index=0; $index<$counter; $index++)
                        echo $request["data"][$index]->id."<br>";
                        echo $request["data"][$index]->message."<br><br>";
                        echo $this->get_stream(array("session"=>$session,"idfeed"=>($request["data"][$index]->id)))."<br><br>";
//                  print_r($request);
                    echo "<a title=".$helper->getLoginUrl($permision)." href='".$helper->getLoginUrl($permision)."'>Login here</a>";
            catch(Exception $ex) 


        private function get_stream($data)
            $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();
                foreach($request["data"] as $result)
                    return json_encode($request["data"]);
//                return json_encode($request["data"]);

Please I need your help guys....

Is it real there is no expert here?

You apparently have an array with comments. Just loop them and increment a counter for every user you find in that particular feed.

You apparently have an array with comments. Just loop them and increment a counter for every user you find in that particular feed.

Ok thank you but can you show me interms of codes?

I am unsure why get_stream() returns JSON, it would be easier to return the array instead. So change that first:

return $request["data"];

Then show me exactly how the returned array looks by using:


I am unsure why get_stream() returns JSON, it would be easier to return the array instead. So change that first:

return $request["data"];
Then show me exactly how the returned array looks by using:


I have changed the codes like this below

private function get_stream($data)
            $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();
                foreach($request["data"] as $key=>$result)
//                echo(var_dump($name));


Here below on the attachment is the results that I get

In your foreach you can now do something like this:

if (in_array($name, $feedsPerName))
    $feedsPerName[$name] = 1;

After changing my code into this one

private function get_stream($data)
            $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();
                foreach($request["data"] as $key=>$result)
                    echo $name[$key]."<br>";                    

I get the following results, see the attachment.

The next attachment just after using print_r()

You are not using what I posted.

Ooh! I'm sory but I get confused when you say $feedsPerName.
is it right to put into this way?

private function get_stream($data)
            $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();
                foreach($request["data"] as $key=>$result)

But I get kind of errors, see the attachment

Ooh! I'm sory but I get confused when you say $feedsPerName.

It is a new array to hold the number of replies per user, so I don't know why you didn't just try what I posted.

It is a new array to hold the number of replies per user, so I don't know why you didn't just try what I posted.

Please can you show me how to construct this $feedsPerName from my codes below

private function get_stream($data)
            $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();
                foreach($request["data"] as $key=>$result)

Add it after line 8.

Just something like this ?

private function get_stream($data)
            $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();
                foreach($request["data"] as $key=>$result)

Yes, but you can move line 17 after line 18, so it is outside of the foreach loop.

            $request=(new FacebookRequest($data["session"],"GET","/".$data["idfeed"]."/comments"))->execute()->getGraphObject()->asArray();
                foreach($request["data"] as $key=>$result)

After running it I get the following, see the attachment

That error on line 62 is equivalent to line 13 on the codes above

Line 7 should be:

$name = $result->from->name;

Line 7 should be:

$name = $result->from->name;

I get the same results after changing the codes


should be


I hate the trial and error, but am nowhere near a computer running PHP atm.

I get this error

Fatal error: Cannot use isset() on the result of a function call (you can use "null !== func()" instead) in F:\Webserver\htdocs\feedreader\creader.php on line 57

Show your code.

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