ChatGPT, Gender Bias, and the Nuclear Apocalypse Community Center by Johannes C. … phrases containing feminine stereotypes were consistently attributed to females. Just two phrases—“My mom says I need… during PE”—showed mixed responses, being attributed to females about 60% of the time. The phrases with…stereotypically associated with males are more frequently attributed to females than vice versa.” Moreover, GPT-4o got all… The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Puckdropper … Bat'leth" (or whatever it was called). Are Klingon females given the same types of rights as males? Can they… too become Warriors? DS9 has made the role of females in Ferengi society perfectly clear, but not Klingons. Re: The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by kittystitches … Bat'leth" (or whatever it was called). Are Klingon females given the same types of rights as males? Can they… too become Warriors? DS9 has made the role of females in Ferengi society perfectly clear, but not Klingons.[/QUOTE] I… Re: The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Puckdropper So females and males are equal in Klingon Society... Interesting. I didn't bother with a search because (a) I hate wading through several sites to find what I want (b) more fun to post here and get someone else's response. Re: The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani He's talking about Star Trek Deepspace 9. I'm actually an enormous Voyager fan. I am pretty sure that Klingon women aren't allowed on the battlefield as the men are. If allowed on the battlefield, it wouldn't be to fight the men. The best dude to ask around here goes by the username of blud - he claims he speaks Klingon fluently. [url="http… Re: The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Catweazle Oh WOW! Dani's a fan! Just imagine it. Dani does dressup! [img][/img] Sorry, couldn't help that :D Re: The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Oh goodness lol. In any case, I was informed by blud that I was wrong and that Klingon women are allowed equal opportunities aboard starships. Re: The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Puckdropper That pic doesn't look too dissimalar to Dani... lol Re: The role of Females in society... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani One of the sites I linked you to did say that women cannot hold positions on the High Council. Process a text file with certain rules and dump found data to a new file. Programming Software Development by usagi …read the file and compare strings ifstream outFemales("females.txt", ios::in); if(!outFemales) { cout…!" << endl; ofstream outFemales("females.txt",ios::app); // <code that…quot; << endl; ofstream outFemales("females.txt",ios::in|ios::app); // <… Re: Process a text file with certain rules and dump found data to a new file. Programming Software Development by usagi … inUsers.peek() != '\n'); // Doing a check for females.txt ifstream outFemales("females.txt", ios::in); if(!outFemales) { // No … Reopening the file for reading AND writing ofstream outFemales("females.txt",ios::in|ios::app); // TODO/HELP: Compare… Array prob Programming Software Development by Ashenvale …CODE] I want my program to determine how many females and males in the list but whenever I execute….Corona ACT F Total Records Printed: 4 No. of Females: 0 No. of Males : 0[/QUOTE] here's…Records Printed: " + totalRec); System.out.println("No. of Females: " + totalF); System.out.println("No. of Males … Re: Multiple text file search Programming Software Development by FUTURECompEng …= new ArrayList<String>(1); ArrayList<String> Females = new ArrayList<String>(1); Scanner input = new ….add(name); }else if(st[1].equals("F")){ Females.add(name); } // if(Males.equals(namesToLookup)){ // System.out.println… seg fault with head pointer Programming Software Development by jhdobbins … a 10 hour day and randomly calculate how many males, females, a variety of ages, and how many satisfied riders there…; // time function int male, female; // counts number of males and females int happyWithWait; // counts how many satisfied and unsatisfied people there… Multiple file pulls is throwing me Please Help Programming Software Development by radskate360 … Post out to terminal the Total amount of students, #of females, # of males, and total GPA and Average GPA So far… << endl; cout << "Total Number of Females " << totalfemale << endl; cout <<…; "Average GPA for Females is " << averfemale << endl <<… Numpy array 2d plotting Programming Software Development by bol0gna …import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for general plotting femaleDataSets = 0 females = [] lists = [] femaleVectors = 0 femaleSizes = 0 filePath… +=1 lists.append(word) print "Number of females: ", femaleDataSets femaleData = np.zeros((femaleSizes, femaleVectors… Re: Multiple text file search Programming Software Development by FUTURECompEng …Instead of displaying a mix of males and females as I have below. if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(…name); }else if(sex.equals("F")){ Females.add(name); } Along with this I am trying…1907 Samir 2009 Samantha 1989 Searching among the females: Samantha 1991 Rosamond 1911 Sammie 1933 Samatha… Replacing variable name in excel Programming Databases by ami_2 … shorten the variable names to something like Arizona Females Young, Arizona Females Old, and Arizona Females All, also is there a way to… Minor problem with some script... Programming Software Development by Menohac …;[Mary Happy]"; mes "Also, males only with females, and females only with males can be wed. Although there may be… determining certain people program Programming Software Development by nkhosinathie … well as the program has to determine the number of females between 20-30 and their highest grade which is tertiary…=f,highestgrade=3) cout<<"the number of females between 20 and 30 with a tertiary qualification"; else… just in case you wanted to know Programming Software Development by timdog345 …;<endl; out<<"The sum of the females is "<<sumFemaleGPA<<endl; out<…;endl; out<<"The average grade for the females is "<<avgFemale<<endl; } int main… File handling - reading filenames Programming Software Development by bol0gna …between the two. [CODE] import os maleDataSets = 0 femaleDataSets = 0 females = [] males = [] filePath = "Dataset/parameter feature vectors"… = file.find("female") if femaleDataSets == -1: females.append(femaleDataSets) print file else: males.append(...) [/CODE] I'… Re: File handling - reading filenames Programming Software Development by vegaseat Try this ... [code=python]import os maleDataSets = 0 femaleDataSets = 0 females = [] males = [] filePath = "Dataset/parameter feature vectors" for fname … found index = data_str.find("female") if index != -1: females.append(index) print fname else: males.append(...) [/code] Re: File handling - reading filenames Programming Software Development by The_Kernel …).read() index = data_str.find("female") if index != -1: females.append(index) print fname else: print "append the ones…; for fname in os.listdir(filePath): if fname.count('female'): females.append(fname) elif fname.count('male'): males.append(fname)[/code] gender output wrong Programming Software Development by myiwlu10 …. INITIALIZE P1-DTL2-LINE, WS-AVRG-SLRY. MOVE "SINGLE FEMALES" TO P1-COL1. MOVE WS-SNGL-FEML TO P1…. INITIALIZE P1-DTL2-LINE, WS-AVRG-SLRY. MOVE "MARRIED FEMALES" TO P1-COL1. MOVE WS-MRRD-FEML TO P1… develop a prototype system for the Norman Manley Airport Programming by Ashley_30 … level 1 males on each flight • Number of level 1 females on each flight • Number of level 2 males on each… flight • Number of level 2 females on each flight 6. Process the list by generating a… Re: Female Members Community Center Geeks' Lounge by WaltP [QUOTE=Narue;284065]>So, any other females here besides myself and Dani I'm having trouble deciding … despite their irrelevance.[/QUOTE] Or my favorite 4) How many females are in this male-dominated field, and is it time… Re: File handling - reading filenames Programming Software Development by bol0gna …).read() index = data_str.find("female") if index != -1: females.append(index) print fname else: # append the ones that aren… Re: File handling - reading filenames Programming Software Development by woooee …).read() index = data_str.find("female") if index != -1: females.append(index) print fname else: print "append the ones… Re: File handling - reading filenames Programming Software Development by bol0gna …).read() index = data_string.find("female") if index != -1: females.append(index) print fname else: print "male"[/CODE…