7 Topics

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Member Avatar for Auroch

Hello everybody! I'm trying to count the number of occurrences of each word in a text file. Problem situation requires to realize menu using "switch" statement (If file exist or not). There are following errors in my program ("case b" and "default" is not working): **[C++ Error] 03_int.cpp(61): E2126 Case …

Member Avatar for Auroch
Member Avatar for Auroch

Hello funs2code! I have the following problem. I need to count the number of occurrences of a concrete word in a text file. I've tried to count the number of occurrences of each word at first. The following code has no errors but it isn't working! When I type in …

Member Avatar for Auroch
Member Avatar for agrbinoo.albaker

Write a complete C++ program that reads the attached file (values.txt) to find and print the following: a. The average value of the numbers in the file. b. The maximum and minimum value c. The count of negative and positive values (ignore zero) #include <iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

1. For all the accounts that have authority="admin", set permision to modify all of the files (attribute changes is datatype YES/NO),,, so basically a user can set yes or no depends on his will. 3. For each directory, print out his name, in which directory it is located, and how …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for ezkonekgal

hello. I need some help on our implementation on lines of code program. here's the algorithm we have: 1. The LOC program will start by asking for the filename of the program to be counted. 2. Browse for the filename of the program to be used. 3. The contents of …

Member Avatar for emoon11
Member Avatar for Viped

Hi all, I need to do my own version of phpMyAdmin for my php class. I encountered problem when trying modify existing data on database. I don't know what would be best way to modify whole table's data when I don't know exact amount of rows or columns. At this …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi Guys, How's your day? I would like to ask, since I'm a beginner in vb .net, I can't figure this out. Here's the scenario: I have a folder with lots of folders inside and inside those folders are .tif files. I want to create a program that will rename …

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The End.