File Exists Programming Web Development by winbala5 Hi all, How to check file exists in remote server. I am try to check in http path whether image is avaliable or not but not able to get.Please help me. I need to check this path image is avaliable or not? Re: File Exists Programming Web Development by broj1 Try with [curl]( and see [this article]( if it helps. Ajax javascript test if image file exists Programming Web Development by strangeplant … no problem there - only in testing if the file exists so the array can be collapsed before going into …{ if(req.readyState == 4) { if(req.status == 200) { // image exists nB=false; } else { // image doesn't exist nB=true; } } } … Need help checking if a file exists Programming Software Development by yup790 …text trying to find the file in the same directory as the source file. The string gets passed …into the constructer and a file object is made but the file isn't found. The print …("in new class"); //checks if file exists File f = new File(humanphrase); if(f.isFile()){ System.out.println("… Turbo C++ Check if file exists and read/write to file Programming Software Development by kks21199 …} } else if(!datfile.good()) { cout<<"Old data file not found or corrupted"<<endl<<…And i also have no way to check if the file exists or not. I am running turbo c++ with dos …two lines. I first want to see if it exists and if it does then read it and then store… Re: Need help checking if a file exists Programming Software Development by radhakrishna.p if you are looking for if the file exists or not go with the following method available in the File Class check it with if (f.exists()) let me know whether this is your requirement or not happy coding How to check if a file exists using ofstream Programming Software Development by sarah.mathieson.7 …to write a program that creates a new file every time I use the application. Right … check if application001.txt exists, and if it doesn't, create that file then write to it,…, then I would like to write to file application002.txt or application003.txt etc... I … how to use ofstream to check if a file exists, I can only find ifstream examples. Any… Check if file exists on URL Programming Software Development by hmartinez … problem is that I am trying to check if the file exists before downloading it. I was thinking that if the… file doesn't exist, then I would receive a CURLcode with … receiving CURLE_OK. Is there a way to check if the file exists with curl? If not, which is the best way to… Re: How to check if a file exists using ofstream Programming Software Development by phorce …boolean: Something like so: bool checkExists(string file) { ifstream file_to_check (file.c_str()); if(file_to_check.is_open()) return true; …, char *argv[]) { string file = "file.txt"; if(checkExists(file)) { cout << "The file exists, sorry"; exit(0);… if file exists Programming Web Development by kevin wood … trying to get an image file to display in an email, the file is stored on the server …but it will not send the file with the email. i have been working on…so i have incorporated an array to get the file extension, the email is sent with all the…the images i want to get from the if file exists function will no show. here is the code… Re: if file exists Programming Web Development by blocblue … file_exists command?? If so, have you tried putting a relative file path in, instead of the absolute path? Beyond that, I…, with the relative path passed in again. Just because a file exists, it doesn't mean it is readable. Best, R. Re: if file exists Programming Web Development by kevin wood i may be clutching at straws but could it be i have put the if file exists function. i will move this so it is inside the message variable and see if that changes the outcome. Re: if file exists Programming Web Development by kevin wood … need the absolute path with them. so for the if file exists section if i use relative paths there that would work… Re: if file exists Programming Web Development by blocblue …'re right, the absolute links would be required. For the file exists, the relative links would suffice, or use the $_SERVER function… Check a file exists on a website Programming Software Development by No Pain No Gain …database all at once. If I change the file extension to .txt the code below downloads …the database as a text file but saves it as a mdb. Dim strURL…how can I check that the file exists on my site? If the file doesn't exist, i.e. … an update1.mdb that is really a text file that starts: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "… ifstream, checking a file exists Programming Software Development by s1994 … I'm trying to check for the existence of a file, and I hear this is possible with ifstream's .good… example I found on the web: std::ifstream my_file("file.txt"); Adding this to my main. Rather than using… like to use the .good() method to evaluate if the file exists. thanks Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in Programming Web Development by SKANK!!!!! please help meWarning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in..xxxxx/register.php. yeah yeah what is wrong here … the person who registering chooses.... AND copy the index.php file from the directory xxxxx into the new "username"… check if file exists,using turbo cpp 3.0 Programming Software Development by anu07 Hi,can anyone tell me how to check if a file exists,I am using turbo c++ 3.0 Thank you for your time. File transfer from one pc to another pc Programming Software Development by khei007 … System.IO.File.Exists(FileToCopy) = False Then System.IO.File.Copy(FileToCopy, NewCopy, False) MsgBox("File Uploaded Successfully") MsgBox("File Copied"… File exists or not? Programming Software Development by dinilkarun … dialog box where user selects a .txt file from the local drive. The selected file along with the folder path is displayed… application should throw an error. How to check wheteher that file name exists in the local drive or not???. If it does… not exists then a message box with error message should be shown … Re: File exists or not? Programming Software Development by OutOfReach First, import the os module: [code=Python]import os[/code] Then check if the path exists: [code=Python] if os.path.exists(MY_PATH_HERE): #Do something... else: #Throw an error [/code] Re: File exists or not? Programming Software Development by woooee And os.path.isfile(name) will work for a file. Note that name is the full name, so include the full path. Re: Need help checking if a file exists Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill > .exists down't work .exists does work. It's been in the Java API forever, … most likely problem is that Java is looking for the file in a different directory. Follow bguild's excellent advice and… f.getAbsolutePath() to see where Java is looking for your file. Re: Need help checking if a file exists Programming Software Development by yup790 .exists down't work The commented code doesn't work Would it work to write a copy of the exists method in the class Re: how to check if file exists ? Programming Software Development by moroccanplaya thanks for the help guys i have sorted out by checking if is able to be read if not and is not = to NULL then print file exists or else ask for another file name Re: checking if text file exists Programming Software Development by SpiritualMadMan here's a few links: [url][/url] [url][/url] Re: checking if text file exists Programming Software Development by Netcode [CODE]' Return True if a file exists Function FileExists(FileName As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' get the attributes and ensure that it isn't a directory FileExists = (GetAttr(FileName) And vbDirectory) = 0 ErrorHandler: ' if an error occurs, this function returns False End Function [/CODE] Re: Check If File Exists, If Not Create Blank Doc - Windows Programming Software Development by ravenous Is this a question? The code that you have will indeed check if the file exists or not. To write to a file, you'd need a `std::ofstream`, but that's the only difference. Re: Check If File Exists, If Not Create Blank Doc - Windows Programming Software Development by tinstaafl … the System namespace and the IO class, which includes the File class. Here's an example which works in VS2010: #include…::IO; int main(array<System::String ^> ^args) { if(File::Exists("C:\\1.xml")) Console::WriteLine("Yes"… File.Delete('imagepath'); works fine on local server but not on live server Programming Software Development by shki_80 … (File.Exists(fileNamefordel + ".jpg")) { File.Delete(fileNamefordel + ".jpg"); } if (File.Exists(fileNamefordel + ".jpeg")) { File.Delete(fileNamefordel + ".jpeg"); } if (File.Exists