fstream pointer in vector of struct Community Center Say Hello! by sankar2000 …;error.log",std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); fo_error.filepointer = &fs_error; vect_fileoutputs.push_back(fo_error); } static bool write_to_outputfile(…s]\n",content,outputfile); std::fstream* fs_write; fs_write = fo.filepointer; *fo.filepointer << content; // NOT WORKING ... seg fault write = … Re: fstream pointer in vector of struct Community Center Say Hello! by Schol-R-LEA …content,outputfile); std::fstream* fs_write; fs_write = fo.filepointer; *fo.filepointer << content; write = true; break;…std::fstream* fs_temp; fs_temp = file_output.filepointer; fs_temp->close(); printf("Closed… read bmp c Programming Software Development by superjj …x_2k.bmp"; //Bestandsnaam// if ((filepointer = fopen(INfile, mode)) == NULL…quot;,BitmapInfoHeader.palette1,BitmapInfoHeader.palette2); } fclose(filepointer); // sluit het bestand // }; … Problems reading a Binary File more than 2.0 GB with VC++ Programming Software Development by Georges5 … offset incase it exceeds 2^3 -1 fseek32( filepointer , positie , SEEK_SET ); //Note that filepointer is pointer to the Large Binary file initialized… class contructor int result = fread(&tmpDbl, sizeof(double), 1, filepointer); if ( result != 1 ) { cout<<"at address: "… Ajax request using PHP forwarding Programming Web Development by otengkwaku … ($val); $curlHandle = curl_init($val); $filePointer = fopen($tmpFile, "w"); curl_setopt($curlHandle…, CURLOPT_FILE, $filePointer); curl_exec($curlHandle); curl_close($curlHandle); fclose($filePointer); $linesArr = file($tmpFile); foreach($… Visit counter using checkboxes and submit button Programming Web Development by genwes …= $_POST['maxprice']; $filename = "propertieslist.txt"; $filepointer = fopen($filename,"r"); // open for read $myarray… = explode(",",$text); return $intoarray[ $commaToLookFor]; } if (!($filepointer = fopen($filename,"r"))) { exit; } ?> <… Re: Visit counter using checkboxes and submit button Programming Web Development by genwes …searchPrice = $_POST['maxprice']; $filename = "propertieslist.txt"; $filepointer = fopen($filename,"r"); // open for read $myarray = …;$visit <br><br>"; } } fclose ($filepointer); function getvalue ($text, $commaToLookFor) { $intoarray = explode(","… File Pointer in C Programming Software Development by seeppms … the code and run it for the first time the filepointer works fine and logs are written into log files. But… Re: Problems reading a Binary File more than 2.0 GB with VC++ Programming Software Development by ddanbe fseek32( filepointer , positie , SEEK_SET ) What is the value of positie or is it a typo? Re: Problems reading a Binary File more than 2.0 GB with VC++ Programming Software Development by Georges5 [QUOTE=ddanbe;807005]fseek32( filepointer , positie , SEEK_SET ) What is the value of positie or is it a typo?[/QUOTE] Thank you for replying. positie is actually the position calculated above the fseek32, its just a mistyping. position is the address of the data in the binary file. Setting up serial port\ hyperterminal problem Programming Software Development by schaffino … //mov eax to ebx so it can be store in filepointer later or eax,eax //check fopen has returned a value… ebx call deCrypt /*write*/ mov eax, DWORD PTR(fileptr) //mov filepointer to eax push ecx //push ecx(nowdecrypt loop counter) to… Check boxes and arrays Programming Web Development by ethio … file with an array. [CODE]$filename = "comments.txt"; $filepointer = fopen($filename,"r"); $myarray = file ($filename); for ($mycount…); $mycount++ ) { $aline = $myarray[$mycount]; print $aline ." \n"; } fclose ($filepointer); If (if else statement-checks search terms) print $value print… Main arguments (options structure) Programming Software Development by hust921 … same size!!"); return 1; } FILE *fpIN; // Filepointer to input file FILE *fpOUT; // Filepointer to output file if (argv[1] != NULL &… C++: ifstream file pointer not getting reset Programming Software Development by samarth … the following here 1)open a file. 2) Print the filepointer positon . I get 0 3)Read the file in a… What is difference between file descriptor and file pointer Programming Software Development by varsha0702 Can any body tell me the difference between file descriptor and filepointer in C on linux? and when to use what? Re: What is difference between file descriptor and file pointer Programming Software Development by Salem The descriptor is what is returned by open() and passed to close(), read(), write() etc. It is what identifies the open file. The filepointer is the location within the file where the next read/write operation will take place. You can modify it by using say lseek(). can we read folders using C program? Programming Software Development by tejapedada … files. we can read each and every character. ch =fgetc(filepointer); but i want to know how to read folders. for… VC++ newline character Programming Software Development by vicky_menonsky I am trying to write in a file using VC++. my program is to read the entries from the listview and write them in a text file. however i am unable to give newline after each column in listview is written , thus entire listview contents get written in a straight line . plz tell me how to set filepointer to a newline. Simple Debugger Project Programming Software Development by quartaela … all the lines character by character with "c=fgetc(filepointer)". for example if the code is; <br>… add,read and sort..a names.. Programming Software Development by gg_bata guys Im a newbie here I really need your help for our project...pls help me..heres the problem..Write a C program that add a names into a file then read the names in a file and sort it alphabetically..(FILEPOINTER). Re: A little help with times and structures. Programming Software Development by schaffino … 07896463747, JOSHUA, BAXTER ,3, 0 ,0,1 [CODE]{ FILE *filepointer; int y; filepointer = fopen("customer", "r"); fread ( &…;customer_details, sizeof ( CUSTOMERS),1,filepointer); while (!(feof (filepointer))) { printf("%s, %s, %s ,%d, %d ,%d,%d… Re: Reading large text file Programming Software Development by cs378 …); fflush(stdin); } charBuf = '\0'; mySend(&mailbox_consumer, &charBuf); fclose(filePointer); exit(0); } else { if ((child_2 = fork()) < 0) { printf…') { myReceive(&mailbox_consumer, &charBuf); //Check its owns mailbox fprintf(filePointer, "%c", charBuf); } exit(0); } else { if (… Re: program in java to transfer files from one server to another Programming Software Development by trisha mehta … = fileSendState; sendFile(opFileList[filePointer].toString()); state = fileFinishedState; filePointer++; } else if (message…} private void createAndSendHeader() { File opFile = opFileList[filePointer]; String header = "&" + opFile.… Re: Having problem to search a string and display some info related to string Programming Software Development by devnar …=c] fprintf(filePointer, "%s", empInfoTemp); fprintf(filePointer, "%d\n", empNo); fprintf(filePointer, "%s", nameTemp); fprintf(filePointer, "%s… Re: PHP estate agency course work Programming Web Development by blocblue …['price']) ? $_POST['price'] : '100.000'; $filename = "properties.txt"; $filepointer = fopen($filename,"r"); // open to read file $myarray…; count($myarray); $mycount++ ) { $aline = $myarray[$mycount]; $fields = explode(',', $aline); } fclose ($filepointer); [/CODE] [B]4. Check whether the price of the current… Re: Copy HTML contents into a new html file and save it in the server Programming Web Development by veedeoo …cached include 'pageToBeCached.php'; ## prepare for writing the cache file $filePointer = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); ## grab the output buffer and …write it in cachefile fwrite($filePointer, ob_get_contents()); ## close the file fclose($filePointer); ## Send the output to the browser… Re: Copy HTML contents into a new html file and save it in the server Programming Web Development by veedeoo …($this->content); ## prepare for writing the cache file $filePointer = fopen($this->loc."/".$this->file, '… buffer and write it in cachefile fwrite($filePointer, ob_get_contents()); ## close the file fclose($filePointer); ## Send the output to the browser… Re: Creating a hard copy Programming Web Development by veedeoo …(); include_once('contentPage.php'); ## prepare for writing the cache file $filePointer = fopen('hardCopy.html', 'w'); ## grab the output buffer …and write it in cachefile fwrite($filePointer, ob_get_contents()); ## close the file fclose($filePointer); ## Send the output to the browser… Re: error C2375: 'my_strdup' : redefinition; different linkage Programming Software Development by arunprabhakar …for already open file f - pointer to filepointer to store file ID ****************************************************************************/ { char *… file. params: f - pointer to filepointer to invalidate globals: g_tex_name; ****************************************************************************/ { … Re: how to release memory when open a file Programming Software Development by GökhanBarış when you use fopen you assign a file pointer for a file. you can use free(FilePointer); , after using fclose(FilePointer); but as far as i know fclose is reseting pointing address of pointer, so you don't have to use...