Re: c2440 error?? Programming Software Development by Salem …)=new int *[size]; > *(Flights+i)=flightNo; //this is the error place … one is correct. > my problem is that Flights[a][b][c]=flightNo, this is the error So… write it like that then [ICODE]Flights[x][y][z] = flightNo;[/ICODE] You're not…need a 3rd level of allocation, namely [ICODE]Flights[x][y] = new int[numZeds];[/ICODE] please help .. calling method from another class Programming Software Development by sk8ergirl … from the specified flights. * * @param flights the flights in this schedule */ public FlightSchedule(Flight[] flights) { = flights; } public Flight[] getFlights() { return flights; } private int countFlightsByNumber… VB array homework help please Programming Software Development by BillyMagnum … MyBase.Load Dim flights () as schedule Redim flights (4) flights(0).number = 117 flights(0).origin = "Tucson" flights(0).destination = …"Dallas" flights(0).depatrure … Re: VB array homework help please Programming Software Development by y2_sub … MyBase.Load Dim flights () as schedule Redim flights (4) flights(0).number = 117 flights(0).origin = "Tucson" flights(0).destination =… "Dallas" flights(0).depatrure… how to insert an object (that holds a vector) into another object Programming Software Development by 007tron …(int num){ // } /*copy constructor * * */ FlightsTL:: FlightsTL (const FlightsTL& rhs){ Flights = rhs.Flights; } /*destructor * * */ FlightsTL:: ~FlightsTL(){ } /*Equals operator * * */ FlightsTL& FlightsTL::operator… Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by mbouster …to include this in the following class: [CODE] /*Class Flights*/ class Flights{ public: Flights(){} string flight_code; string departure; string destination; FlightOperators FOperator;…int dd); void getFlights(); void searchFlights(); void updateFlights(); }; void Flights::addFlights(string FC, string Dp,string Ds, int s,int… Airline Flight Tracker program Programming Software Development by marina_ch …string time; }; void listFlights(flightInfo flights[], int count); void newFlight(); void … newFlight); } { void listFlights(flightInfo, flights[]); } { void searchFlights(flightInfo, flights[], int flightnumber); } // In the… Re: VB array homework help please Programming Software Development by BillyMagnum …)[/CODE] wouldn't the following be better ?? [CODE]dim flights(4) as schedule[/CODE] I suppose schedule is another class ,…it first on each array element before assigning values [CODE]flights(0)=new schedule()[/CODE] Where do you intend to display… of any of the coding with the array....? dim flights(4) as schedule seems like it would be better. Re: VB array homework help please Programming Software Development by y2_sub …]Dim I as integer For I = 0 to flights.length -1 ‘ repeat four times Me.ComboFlightNumbers.Items.Add… need will be 1 , hence [CODE]TextBox1.Text=flights(ComboFlightNumbers.SelectedIndex).origin[/CODE] You will also have to …allow other form members to access it [CODE]Dim flights (4) as schedule Private Sub frmFlights_Load(ByVal sender As… bin trees Programming Software Development by jhdobbins …lt; "What city would you like to see departing flights from? "; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(city, 30…} else { cout << "There are currently no open flights." << endl; break; } } } void binaryTree::retrieveCity(… Re: Rand and srand function Programming Software Development by mbouster …"<<endl; } /*end Class Flights*/ /**********************************************************************************************************************************/ I create another function to create instances…;Larnaca" ,"London", 326, 27122010); Flights CY327 ("CY327", "London" … Re: sort by clicking on column headers Programming Web Development by Bulldawg … $order3 = 'ftime'; $order4 = 'date'; break; case 2: $order = 'block'; $order2 = 'flights'; $order3 = 'ftime'; $order4 = 'date'; break; case 3: $order = 'ftime'; $order2… } $query = "SELECT firstname, lastname, pilotid1, pilotid2, COUNT(flight_time) AS flights, SUM(block_time) AS block, SUM(flight_time) AS ftime, MAX(date_of_flight… Can Anyone find the error here? Programming Software Development by 007tron …(int num){ // } /*copy constructor * * */ FlightsTL:: FlightsTL (const FlightsTL& rhs){ Flights = rhs.Flights; } /*destructor * * */ FlightsTL:: ~FlightsTL(){ } /*Equals operator * * */ FlightsTL& FlightsTL::operator… Re: how to insert an object (that holds a vector) into another object Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … of writing a Fuction like this [code=cplusplus] /* * print all Flights */ string Airport:: PrintFlights(){ getScheduel(); } [/code] then calling that PrintFlights… a call to that function for each Flight in the Flights vector: [code=cplusplus] string Airport:: PrintFlights() { for (int i… Re: Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by mbouster …;1430118]You can include an object of class Date into Flights just like any other data types. Your initialization of the… I am going to initialize the data class inside flights? [CODE] Flights *FL=new Flights[150];// use this to create 150 oblects of… Re: Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by chikkupa Your Flights class is already capable of handling the Date class use following declaration Flights FL[150]; Flights[0].departuredate.setDate; or Flights *FL=new Flights[150]; (Flights+0)->departuredate.setDate; Re: Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by mbouster … the Date class use following declaration Flights FL[150]; Flights[0].departuredate.setDate; or Flights *FL=new Flights[150]; (Flights+0)->departuredate.setDate;[/QUOTE… Re: Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by mbouster … the same class? if, yes Follow the following outline: Class Flights { public: Flights *FL; ....... ....... void function() // use a non constructor function for… this { FL=new Flights[150]; ........ } ........ };[/QUOTE] I need to use Date class and … help in figuring this out please Programming Software Development by 007tron …); } void Airport::addFlight(const Flight& Flight){ Flights.push_back(Flight); FlightsNum++; } /*add Flight * */ …return "Nothing to show no Flights" ; } for(find = Flights.begin(); find != Flights.end(); find++){ str+=(*find).toString(); … Re: Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by chikkupa Do you want to use the object of 'Flights' inside the same class? if, yes Follow the following outline: Class Flights { public: Flights *FL; ....... ....... void function() // use a non constructor function for this { FL=new Flights[150]; ........ } ........ }; Re: Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by alexchen First use code tags. [CODE]Class Flights { public: Flights *FL; ....... ....... void function() // use a non constructor function for this { FL=new Flights[150]; ........ } ........ }; [/CODE] Re: Airline Flight Tracker program Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … foo()`). Your functions should be as so: void listFlights(flightInfo flights[], int count) { /*...*/ } void insertFlight(flightInfo[], newFlight) { /*...*/ …the start of the code) as so: void listFlights(flightInfo flights[], int count = 100); void newFlight(); void flightNumber(); … Help for Air Lines Reservition System Programming Software Development by qamar2006 ….[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#000000]II. Access Flights’ Information.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#000000]III.… Flight No.).[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]�� Show all flights in a specific Route (by Route No.).[/COLOR…binary file[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]named [B]FLIGHTS.bin.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]--------------------------------------------------[/COLOR][/LEFT] … sort by clicking on column headers Programming Web Development by Bulldawg …;SELECT firstname, lastname, pilotid1, pilotid2, COUNT(flight_time) AS flights, SUM(block_time) AS block, SUM(flight_time) AS ftime, …members.pilotid1 = pireps.pilotid2 GROUP BY pilotid1 ORDER BY flights DESC, block DESC, ftime DESC, date DESC";…elseif($row['block']>99.9 && $row['flights']>39){ echo $var1; }elseif($row['block']>… Re: how to insert an object (that holds a vector) into another object Programming Software Development by 007tron … for airport trying to make it accept a set of flights at the end Airport a("syd",0.30… of writing a Fuction like this [code=cplusplus] /* * print all Flights */ string Airport:: PrintFlights(){ getScheduel(); } [/code] then calling that PrintFlights() in… Relational Algebra Help Ps : Programming Databases by 147 …Relational Algebra to express the following queries on the schema FLIGHTS (DepartureCity, ArrivalCity). A pair of cities a, b …relation is always antireflexive: that is, there are no flights from a city to itself. a) Cities from which …one flight. c) Cities from which there are direct flights to exactly three cities. d) Cities from which there… Pls help regarding C# / AJAX dynamic control creation Programming Web Development by cafekko … //load document XmlNodeList xnl = xd.SelectSingleNode("Flights").ChildNodes; int RadioBtnCount = 0; //select … checkBoxes.Add(checkedbags); }//Results found for our departure flights. } if (dfc[i].InnerText == flightcode2 &… Re: Airline Flight Tracker program Programming Software Development by marina_ch … of the flight to add? "; getline(cin, flights[0].airline); index++ listFlights(flights[], index); line 3: index ++ I get an error… Re: Class Inside a class Programming Software Development by chiwawa10 You can include an object of class Date into Flights just like any other data types. Your initialization of the Flight classes are correct. HELP..only 1 error ! Programming Software Development by fadia … cout << "Q1. Should I reconfirm my flights, hotel or car reservations?"<<endl; cout <…;< "If the airline changed or cancelled your flights, the airline must assist you."<<endl; …endl; cout << "of delivery for the flights that you have chosen."<<endl; cout &…