Native Code works with Console App but not with mvc webapp Programming Software Development by necrovore … a PDF to image converstion. I found ghostscriptsharp which is a c# wrapper written for …webapplication is one project (webappLive) ghostscriptsharp is also a seperate project (GhostscriptSharp) - this has all the DLLImport… one project will consume the GhostscriptSharp (GHInterface) - just calls the GhostscriptSharp Any help suggestions will be … Re: Native Code works with Console App but not with mvc webapp Programming Software Development by pritaeas > After I integrated it into the webapp It just would not work. What exactly does that mean? It doesn't do anything, you get exceptions, what doesn't work? Re: Native Code works with Console App but not with mvc webapp Programming Software Development by necrovore I meant the ghostscript functionality. It gave me a ghostscript conversion exception. thats all the information it throws.