Re: Goto Programming Software Development by ArkM goto [url][/url] ;)... Re: GOTO command Programming Software Development by 9868 goto makes the code unreadable and hard to debug. The only place where goto is advisable is coming out of a nested loop. Re: Goto Statement Not Working Programming Web Development by drjohn goto is a throw-back to the 1960s and is generally … Re: GoTo Programming Software Development by jwenting There is no goto in Java and for a very good reason. You should … same method. The same goes for C as well. Though goto is available there its use should be (and is by… a function call make a critical difference. For that reason goto is a reserved word in Java but its use will… Re: Goto Programming Software Development by Narue … Most of the time, people who use goto are too lazy to consider all of the …choose the best solution. They fall back on goto, but because they're lazy, they don…has nothing to do with the actual use of goto, but rather an incomplete understanding of the how…when by those who make the most noise about goto being "evil". However, with that … GoTo Programming Software Development by freesoft_2000 … something in java that is similar to the C language goto statement. This is what i have in a function [code… around. Usually in the C language i would use the goto statement. I can't use a labeled break here as… Goto Programming Software Development by TheBeast32 Hi, I was reading something that said goto was bad. Why is it a bad practice to use it? Re: Goto Programming Software Development by twomers [URL=""]goto[/URL] goto syntax help Programming Software Development by gallantmon1 …be a simple error or something wrong with my goto syntax, I posted it here, hoping to … second time I'm trying something with the goto syntax I made the rest of the code…amp; a[4]=='c' && a[5]=='t')goto byte; //else if(a[0]=='#' && a[…[x]==10){continue; x=1;} x=1; } goto ins: fprintf(output,"%c%c%c\t\t&… Re: goto syntax help Programming Software Development by Aia …label */ ins: /* then call the goto */ goto ins;[/CODE] Substitute every [COLOR="Red"]goto <label>:[/COLOR] that you… [COLOR="Green"]<label>:[/COLOR] or goto <label>[COLOR="Green"];[/COLOR] depending …work, but because there's so many jumps with goto I am not inclined to find out why it … Re: goto syntax help Programming Software Development by gallantmon1 You need the proper input file to make it work, but thanks for what you said. I can't believe I made such an obvious mistake in using the goto statement Re: Goto statements: When are they useful? Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …j < M; ++j) { //.. if ( something was found ) goto end_of_loops; }; }; end_of_loops: // ... }; This is not too bad, because…if ( some error detected ) { result = (some error code); goto cleanup; }; // .. more code, with more "return points&… Goto trouble Programming Software Development by Kris_3 … strange noises coming from the door?"<<endl; goto firsttp; } else cout<<"-Well I may be… to the door) but it still gets to the first goto it finds and sends me back to the beggining. How… Re: Goto trouble Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … now is the only thing that using goto gives you. The idea of the goto is to allow you to jump around… few occasions, I have encountered code that was full of goto statements, and I really needed to understand the code. The… are only a few specific cases where a well-placed goto is beneficial and clearer than the alternatives, but they are… Re: goto basic question Programming Software Development by reza.adinata … tag ([icode]error:[/icode] in your case) then [icode]goto error;[/icode] moves execution directly to that location. Nothing prevents… the if statement. There are limited instances where [icode]goto[/icode] can not be replaced by some other logic. …It is best to avoid [icode]goto[/icode] in general until you come across one of these… Re: Goto trouble Programming Software Development by sepp2k > So I just started using the Goto command Perfect time to stop. > …door) but it still gets to the first goto it finds and sends me back to the beggining… That's because the goto isn't part of the else-block. It…noises coming from the door?"<<endl; goto firsttp; As you see, everything other than "… Re: goto control structure in the works for php 5.3 Programming Web Development by almostbob …] [B]goto[/B] The goto operator can be used to jump …The above example will output: Bar [/quote] where goto goes to a label would be useful for conditional branching… case, just [code=php]case foo: { goto foocase; } break case bar: { goto barcase; } break //rest of switch statement foocase… goto statement does not work on DevC compiler, what will I use instead ? Programming Software Development by burcin erek error message is seen on the goto statement. did I miss library ? this is a part of …; c; //assume error checking etc start: if(a > 6) goto a; else if(b < 2) goto b; goto 5; l1: goto start; goto basic question Programming Software Development by reza.adinata …newbie in C, and a bit curious with this "goto" statement. For instance, I create a simple code … int main () { int a; a = 1+1; if (a!=2) { goto error; } error: printf("error is here\n"); return…) for each part? why does it keeps going to goto, although the condition is not satisfied for the above code… Re: goto control structure in the works for php 5.3 Programming Web Development by cwarn23 … repeat<br>"; if ($gotostart<3) { goto start; } echo "This is in the loop after repeat…process the loop once without repeating the loop then will goto the start. After that the script will go through …is in the loop before repeat<br>"; goto start; echo "This is in the loop after … Re: goto statement does not work on DevC compiler, what will I use instead ? Programming Software Development by sundip Why are you using goto. It is not a good programming practice to use goto. You are also not using the proper "goto label". Like [CODE]goto a;[/CODE] and you are not declaring any label with identifier 'a'. Re: goto basic question Programming Software Development by L7Sqr … tag ([icode]error:[/icode] in your case) then [icode]goto error;[/icode] moves execution directly to that location. Nothing prevents… the if statement. There are limited instances where [icode]goto[/icode] can not be replaced by some other logic. …It is best to avoid [icode]goto[/icode] in general until you come across one of these… GOTO statement Programming Software Development by lonely_girl … statement to exit my program after goto statement but i dont know where to…if (ch=='.') getch(); if (ch=='p') goto repeat;[/CODE] also tell me if its rite …lt;=0) { printf("\nEnter correct date"); goto repeat; } else if (cm>=13 || bm&…{ printf("\nDont exceed the date limit"); goto repeat; } else if (cm<bm &… Re: GOTO command Programming Software Development by yellowSnow … provide a code snippet on where you think the [B]goto[/B] should be used, you may get responses that satisfy… none) and your only choice was to use a [B]goto[/B]. Most languages these days (decent ones) provide adequate constructs…, "modern" languages usually provide a "psuedo" goto (e.g. Java with break and a label) for these… Re: goto statement does not work on DevC compiler, what will I use instead ? Programming Software Development by Narue [B]>error message is seen on the goto statement. did I miss library ?[/B] goto is a part of the core language, not a library feature. If you're getting an error, you used it wrong. Looking at your code, you clearly don't understand the concept of goto, so I'd suggest going rereading your book/tutorial/reference. Re: goto statement does not work on DevC compiler, what will I use instead ? Programming Software Development by Narue …; int main() { int i = 0; loop: if (++i > 10) goto end; std::cout<< i <<'\n…'; goto loop; end: return 0; } [/code] Though manually building loops like … C++. Presumably you're only doing it to learn how goto works. Re: goto basic question Programming Software Development by Narue … is still executed[/QUOTE] The goto statement didn't execute. It only seems that way because …; int main() { int a; a = 1+1; /* if (a!=2) { goto error; } */ error: printf("error is here\n"); return… Re: goto basic question Programming Software Development by Narue …condition?[/QUOTE] In the case of error paths and goto, it's usually done like this: [code] …!(x >= 0 && x < 10)) goto error; printf("%d squared is %d\n", x… error: /* Define a separate execution path for the goto */ printf("Invalid input\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }… Goto and Backtracking Programming Software Development by ai3dunks … 8 Queens program that uses backtracking and the goto function. Right now, I'm just trying …to print this 100100100 010010010 001001001 Here is my goto Code #include "stdafx.h" #include …c[i]=1; c[i+1]=0; } } goto print; backtrack: goto testA; print: for(int i=0; i<n… Re: Goto trouble Programming Software Development by L7Sqr … strange noises coming from the door?"<<endl; goto firsttp; when you most likely wanted to use if ((sof… strange noises coming from the door?"<<endl; goto firsttp; }