infix Programming Software Development by Gaiety … push_tree(); BST_t *pop_tree(); int is_stk_tree_empty(); BST_t * infixtree(char* infix); struct stack_exp { int data[MAX]; int top; }; struct …op=0; break; } return op; } BST_t * infixtree(char* infix) { char *i,*p; char n1; BST_t *temp,*r,*l,*root… Re: infix Programming Software Development by dkalita …; char n1; BST_t *temp,*r,*l,*root,*t; i = &infix[0]; while(*i) { // skip spaces while(*i == ' ' || *i == '\t' &… Re: infix Programming Software Development by Gaiety …; char n1; BST_t *temp,*r,*l,*root,*t; i = &infix[0]; while(*i) { // skip spaces while(*i == ' ' || *i == '\t' &… "Infix-Postfix & Postfix-Infix" codes problem Programming Software Development by SHENGTON …float result; /* convert from infix to postfix main function */ convertToinfix(postfix, infix); /* display the infix equivalent */ infix[strlen(postfix)-2] = …'\0'; printResult(postfix, infix /*, result*/); return EXIT_SUCCESS;… infix to postfix problem Programming Software Development by DelilahDemented …;infix[i]!='^'&&infix[i]!='*'&&infix[i]!='/'&&infix[i]!='+'&&infix[i]!='-') postfix[j++]=infix[i]; else if(infix[i]=='(') { elem=infix infix to postfix conversion Programming Software Development by Süspeñce …Z'||infix[i]>='z'||infix[i]>='9') { postfix[pi]=infix[i]; pi++; } if(infix[i]=='+' ||infix[i]=='-'||infix[i]=='*'||infix[i]=='/') { if(P.isEmpty() || infix[i…-1]=='(') { P.push(infix[i]); } else if… infix to postfix conversion Programming Software Development by sara khan …;='Z') { postfix[pi]=infix[i]; pi++; } if(infix[i]=='+' ||infix[i]=='-'||infix[i]=='*'||infix[i]=='/') { if(P.isEmpty() || infix[i-1]=='(') { P.push(infix[i]); } else if… Re: "Infix-Postfix & Postfix-Infix" codes problem Programming Software Development by SHENGTON Thanks for replying Sir. I already fixed the Infix to Postfix conversion. But the Postfix to Infix still doesn't solve. Hope you can help me with this. [B]This is the Postfix Expression:[/B] A B + C E F - / + [B]This should be the result Infix Expression :[/B] A + B + C / (E - F) Thanks and God bless. :) infix to postfix conversion Programming Software Development by abrarsyed infix[i])||isdigit(infix[i])) { postfix[j++]=infix[i++]; } else if(infix[i]=='(') { stack[++top]=infix[i++]; } else if(infix…--]; } stack[++top]=infix[i++]; } } … Re: infix to postfix conversion Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA infix[i]) || isdigit(infix[i])) { postfix[j++] = infix[i++]; } else if(infix[i] == '(') { stack[++top] = infix[i++]; } else if(infix…[top--]; } stack[++top] = infix[i++]; } } while(top>… Infix to Postfix Conversion Programming Software Development by RounaqJJW …((popped=Pop())!='(') { postfix[j++]=popped; } } else if(infix[i]=='^'||infix[i]=='/'||infix[i]=='*'||infix[i]=='+'||infix[i]=='-') { elem=infix[i]; pre=precedence(elem); ele=Topelem(); prep… infix calculator, ascii problems Programming Software Development by highonbikes …. anyone see something I don't? double InFixCalculator::evaluate(string infix) { stack<char> opStack; stack<double> … test = 0; for (unsigned int x = 0 ; x < infix.length() ; x++) { switch(infix[x]) { case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case… Infix, Postfix and Prefix not working Programming Software Development by gbenro.selere …Comparable> (); private static String toPostfix(String infix){ StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(infix); String symbol, postfix = "";…return postfix; } private static String toPrefix(String infix){ StringTokenizer pre = new StringTokenizer(infix); String symbol1 , prefix= "";… infix to postfix math Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE …("\nPostfix expression: %s",postfix); } void infix_to_postfix(char infix[],char postfix[]) { stack s; char x,token; int i,j…init(&s); j=0; for(i=0;infix[i]!='\0';i++) { token=infix[i]; if(isalnum(token)) postfix[j++]=token;… Re: Infix, Postfix and Prefix not working Programming Software Development by gbenro.selere …> (); private static String toPostfix(String infix){ StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(infix); String symbol, postfix = "";…return postfix; } private static String toPrefix(String infix){ StringTokenizer pre = new StringTokenizer(infix); String symbol1 , prefix= "";… infix to postfix and evaluating postfix...using booleans Programming Software Development by lianaconda … Thanks! [code] int evaluate(const string& infix, string& postfix, bool& result) …// Evaluates a boolean expression // Precondition: infix is an infix boolean expression consisting of // the symbols T…allowed for readability. // Postcondition: If infix is a syntactically valid infix boolean // expression, postfix is set… infix to postfix reading from Text File Programming Software Development by Wayniepooo … endl; string getcontent; ifstream openfile ("infix.txt"); if(openfile.is_open()) { while(!…string postfix(string exp) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Converts infix to postfix expression { char token; char … Re: infix to postfix Programming Software Development by ssbb …','2','3','4','5'): if(opt == '1'): what = input('\nEnter Infix String: ') print ('Postfix String: ', ip(what)) if(opt == '2'):…\user\Downloads\", line 180, in menu print ('Infix String: ', pi(what)) File "C:\Users\user\Downloads… Re: infix to postfix math Programming Software Development by Anu_5 My question is why shall we go for maths after converting. If you simply want result go for normal procedure while for showing the infix or prefix you do as you have done. @deceptikon Your procedure is right but why we need so much ? infix to postfix to answer pls help!! Programming Software Development by mhil_joy …some problem about my program which is the infix to postfix then getting the answer.. I …cprintf("\2"); delay(90); } clrscr(); //infix/postfix...// gotoxy(13,4);textcolor(YELLOW);cprintf(" \… gotoxy(20,10);textcolor(MAGENTA);cprintf("\nEnter Infix:"); //printf("Postfix"); scanf("… Infix to prefix problem Programming Software Development by gaurav_13191 …=a; str3=b; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the expression in infix form:"); gets(str1); str3=strrev(str1); puts(str3); initstack…;p); //initialising stack elements str1=convert(&p,str3); //converting infix to prefix while(*str1!='\0') { printf("%c",*str1… infix to post and pre fix.......HELP! Programming Computer Science by CloudZELL91 …quot; MENU: "); printf("1.Infix to Prefix "); printf("2.Infix to Postfix"); printf(" 3.Exit… void input(char str) { printf("Enter the Infix String:"); scanf("%s",str); } /*To Covert…;s1); printf("%c",elem); } } } } /*To Convert Infix To Postfix*/ void intopost(STK s1,char str1[],char post… infix to postfix from text file Programming Software Development by koya.emer … = inFile.readLine(); } inFile.close(); infix(); } private void infix(){ String formula = temp.elementAt(counter-1… char ch; boolean flag=true; temp_elem=infix.elements(); while(temp_elem.hasMoreElements()){ ch=temp_elem.… Re: infix to postfix reading from Text File Programming Software Development by rubberman Have you read this? Infix to Postfix Programming Software Development by verruckt24 …seen several posters asking for help on programs converting an Infix expression to a Postfix one. I have written a… on [URL=""]this text[/URL]. Lastly I …this program one that converts a [I]simple[/I] Infix expression. Thats because I haven't written it to … infix expression tree Programming Software Development by Gaiety … push_tree(); BST_t *pop_tree(); int is_stk_tree_empty(); BST_t * infixtree(char* infix); struct stack_exp { int data[MAX]; int top; }; struct …op=0; break; } return op; } BST_t * infixtree(char* infix) { char *i,*p; char n1; BST_t *temp,*r,*l,*root… Infix to Postfix (HELP NEEDED) Programming Software Development by MoooCow …in; // int SIZE = input.length(); // } public String toPostfix(String infix) { String expression; String postfix = " "; Stack operatorStack = …new Stack(); StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(infix); while (s.hasMoreTokens()) { expression = s.nextToken(); if (… infix to postfix Programming Software Development by ssbb …54 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python32\infix to postfix", line 69, in <module> …main() File "C:\Python32\infix to postfix", line 62, in main print(" =&…gt; {}".format(postfix_eval(expr))) File "C:\Python32\infix to postfix", line 42, in postfix_eval stack = Stack() … infix to postfix syntax for inputting to a deque Programming Software Development by Roger_2 … turn into tokens. StringTokenizer infixString = new StringTokenizer(infix, "+-/*()", true); while(infixString.hasMoreTokens() …: //on left prefix notation //above infix notation //on right postfix notation // … Re: infix to postfix to answer pls help!! Programming Software Development by iamthwee I very much doubt you have the infix->postfix working.