Re: Best Cloud Accounting Software? Programming Software Development by pyeri … by various vendors which take care of several modules like Inventory, HR and Payroll, Costing, etc. apart from just financial accounting… Inventory System Programming Software Development by ukfreak …? I dont have any idea on an inventory system...please help!!!! Objective Create an inventory system that allows records of company inputs… online control over items. Aim To simplify the process of inventory management. Target Lower Company Cost Save Time Management Control Task… inventory Programming Software Development by bigbadbag33 … student in java programming and I have to make an inventory application. I was able to compile my class but I… Inventory system Programming Software Development by Hakeemiredia I need and interface sample for supermarket inventory that work with access data base. I am sorry i am new to vb and i got assignemnt which i have to complet real out Re: Inventory system Programming Software Development by AndreRet There are tons of samples available if you search for "Inventory sample in vb6" on google. Once you have the sample code, ask a question if you have any errors etc on the code. Please show some effort before we can assist.:) inventory system Programming Software Development by hackerjackie hi..I want to ask the specific command button and forms commonly used in the property custodian inventory??thanks inventory Programming Software Development by amaicahglyne.decastro I need a programme for my mom's business inventory. I tried to download Dev-C and Visual Basic so I could make one, but after downloading it, the software would not open completely in the computer. Re: inventory Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill …. Have a look at things like inventory Programming Software Development by Niveatha hai.... i am doing inventory project. if sell a product it should afffect the stock. so i need a coding to retrieve the stock quantity and i have to change the value according to sales then i have to update the values into the stock table and also if no stock i need a message is to be shown Inventory System Programming Software Development by krishom.ray Dear Senior, I want to make a small application for inventory Management for my store keeper into he will enter stockout/… Re: Inventory System Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Please have a look at [this]( first. Pay special attention to \#5. I suggest you start by googling **sample table structure for inventory database**. Inventory 4 Programming Software Development by masonketcham …} public Inventory4(int maximum_number_of_supplies) { // create the inventory object that will hold the office supply information ProductInventory2 …private final JLabel totalValueLabel = new JLabel(" Inventory Total: "); ^ symbol: class JLabel … Inventory part 5 Programming Software Development by cmymazda …main(String[] args) { FeatDVD dvd= null; Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); dvd = new FeatDVD(0, "Bad… the current dvd GUI(Inventory inventory) { super(" DVD Inventory Program"); this.inventory = inventory; nCurrentDVDnum = 0; … Inventory part 6 Programming Software Development by cmymazda … public static void main(String[] args) { FeatDVD dvd; Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); dvd = new FeatDVD(0, "Bad Boys"…public int getNcount() { return nCount; } // method adds DVD to inventory public void add(DVD dvd) { dvds[nCount] = dvd; ++nCount… Inventory Program Part5 Problems Programming Software Development by javauser215 … - 1; k++) { if(inventory[k].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1].getName()) > 0) { Product5 temp = inventory[k]; inventory[k] = inventory[k+1]; inventory[k+1] = temp… Inventory C++ Problem Help Pleasseee!!!!! Programming Software Development by drakeanoid …iomanip> #include<fstream> using namespace std; struct Inventory { long Inventory_N; float Price; char Inventory_Name[50]; }; void …;endl; break; } } } void loadInventory(ifstream& fin, Inventory L[], int size) { string filename; cout<<"Enter… Inventory program part 2 Programming Software Development by spopivich … ) { //create product array for baby items inventory[]products = new inventory[5]; // baby item inventory inventory p1 = new inventory(101, "Diapers", 20, 7.0… Re: Inventory program part 2 Programming Software Development by spopivich … //create product array for baby items inventory[]inventory = new inventory[5]; // baby item inventory inventory p1 = new inventory(101, "Diapers", 20,…", 20, 4.0); inventory[0] = p1; inventory[1] = p2; inventory[2] = p3; inventory[3] = p4; inventory[4] = p5; double total… Re: Inventory part 5 Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Also, please use the search feature in this forum for "inventory program" and see what help you can gleam from those threads. We have helped a few people with this exact assignment series recently and there are many posts. Inventory 6 error: NumberFormatException Programming Software Development by hmarie88 … i++) { tot += inventory[i].getInventoryValue(); } return …inventory[k].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1].getName()) > 0) { Product temp = inventory[k]; inventory[k] = inventory[k+1]; inventory Re: Inventory 6 error: NumberFormatException Programming Software Development by hmarie88 …(inventory[k].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1].getName()) > 0) { Product temp = inventory[k]; inventory[k] = inventory[k+1]; inventory[k…ProductInventory2; File theFile = new File("C:\\data\\inventory.dat"); try { FileInputStream fileIn = new … Inventory Part 6 Programming Software Development by masonketcham … = ProductInventory2.deleteProduct(index); // display the previous item in the inventory index = index - 1; if (index < 0)… } public int loadInventory2FromFile() { // save the old inventory just in case Inventory2 oldProductInventory2 = ProductInventory2; // refernce … Inventory Java Program Help Programming Software Development by javauser215 …double getCalculateInventoryValue() // Method to calculate the value of the inventory { return (double) itemPrice * invStock; } public int…System.out.println("Restock Fee: " + (inventory[i].getInvStock() * inventory[i].getItemPrice()) * 0.05); System.out.println();… Inventory Program... again Programming Software Development by Gueito …Crappy VHS collection\n"); Movie vhs = null; Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); vhs = new Movie(1, "The Grinch&…centerPanel; private JPanel buttonPanel; // constructor for the GUI InventoryGUI(Inventory inventory) { super ("My Crappy VHS Collection"); Vhslogo… Re: Inventory program part 2 Programming Software Development by spopivich … made changes and now I get Total value of entire Inventory is: $0.00 Exception in thread "main" java….lang.ClassCastException: inventory cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable at java.util… Inventory Program Part 3 Programming Software Development by masonketcham … Locale location: class inventoryTest C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Inventory Part 3\ error: cannot find… return (unitsInStock * unitPrice); } } // end class inventory public class DVD extends inventory { private String supplier; private float restockfee; DVD() {… Inventory program part 5 help Programming Software Development by dkdeleon68 inventory[k].getItemName().compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1].getItemName()) > 0) { temp[0] = inventory[k]; inventory[k] = inventory[k+1]; inventory… }//end for loop return inventory; } public String toString()… Re: Inventory program part 5 help Programming Software Development by dkdeleon68 inventory[k].getItemName().compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1].getItemName()) > 0) { temp[0] = inventory[k]; inventory[k] = inventory[k+1]; inventory…}//end for loop return inventory; } public String toString()… Re: Inventory program part 5 help Programming Software Development by dkdeleon68 inventory[k].getItemName().compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1].getItemName()) > 0) { temp[0] = inventory[k]; inventory[k] = inventory[k+1]; inventory…}//end for loop return inventory; } public String toString()…