It will not add Inventory to the program. It prints out zeroes for the list. Please someone help me make this work


using namespace std;

struct Inventory
    long Inventory_N;
    float Price;
    char Inventory_Name[50];
void menu (ifstream&, ofstream& , Inventory L[], int);
void loadInventory(ifstream&, Inventory L[], int);
void addInventory(ofstream& , Inventory L[], int);
int searchInventory (Inventory L[], int , int );
void printHead(ofstream& fout);
void listInventory (ofstream&, Inventory L[], int);
void saveInventory(ofstream&, Inventory L[], int);

int main()
    int amount;
    cout<<"Welcome to the Inventory Management System (IMS)!"<<endl<<endl;
    cout<<"How many Inventory items is on the file that contains the info on the inventory?";
    string filename;
    Inventory *Info;
    int Num = amount;
    Info = new Inventory[Num]; /// create a new array of the struct into memory ///
   	ifstream input; /// for reading input ///
    ofstream output(filename.c_str()); /// for output file ///
    /// set format ///
    output << fixed << showpoint << left << setprecision(2);
    /// start of main menu ///
    menu(input, output, Info, Num);
    /// close all files ///
    delete Info;
    return 0;
void menu (ifstream& fin, ofstream& fout, Inventory L[], int size)
    int pick = int();
    int number = int();
    int place = int();
    while (pick != 6){           
        cout<<"To access a feature, enter one of the numbers listed below: "<<endl<<endl;
        cout<<"1 - Load the Inventory."<<endl;
        cout<<"2 - Add an Inventory Item."<<endl;
        cout<<"3 - Search the Inventory for an item."<<endl;
        cout<<"4 - List the Inventory items on the screen "<<endl;
        cout<<"5 - Save the Inventory"<<endl;
        cout<<"6 - Exit the IMS"<<endl;
        cout<<"Pick a feacture to access: ";
            case 1://load
                loadInventory(fin, L, size);
                cout << "Press Enter to continue." << endl;
                cin.get(); cin.get(); /// pause until enter key ///
                menu (fin, fout, L, size); /// back to main menu //		
            case 2://add
                addInventory(fout, L, size);
                cout << "Press Enter to continue." << endl;
                cin.get(); cin.get(); /// pause until enter key ///
                menu (fin, fout, L, size); /// back to main menu //		
            case 3://search
                cout << "Enter the inventory number of the item to search: ";
                cin>> number;
                place = searchInventory (L, size, number);
                if (place == -1)
                    cout<<"Searched item not on the list."<<endl;
                cout << "Press Enter to continue." << endl;
                cin.get(); cin.get(); /// pause until enter key ///
                menu (fin, fout, L, size); /// back to main menu //		
            case 4://list
                listInventory (fout, L, size);
                cout << "Press Enter to continue." << endl;
                cin.get(); cin.get(); /// pause until enter key ///
                menu (fin, fout, L, size); /// back to main menu //		
            case 5://save
                saveInventory(fout, L, size);
                cout << "Press Enter to continue." << endl;
                cin.get(); cin.get(); /// pause until enter key ///
                menu (fin, fout, L, size); /// back to main menu //		
            case 6://exit
                cout<<"Thank you...Good Bye!"<<endl;
                cout<<"Invalid entry!"<<endl;
void loadInventory(ifstream& fin, Inventory L[], int size)
    string filename;
    cout<<"Enter the filename that has the inventory stored: "<<endl;
    cin>> filename;;
    if ( {
        cerr << "The file "<<filename<<" is not found.";
        cout<<filename<<" opened successfully "<<endl;               
    /// loop until end of array ///
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < size; i ++){
        fin >> L[i].Inventory_N;
        fin >> L[i].Price;
        fin.get(L[i].Inventory_Name, 50); /// get whole name ///
        fin.ignore (10, '\n'); /// clear all values ///
    /// number of records found ///	
    cout << "The program found " << i << " records." << endl;
void addInventory(ofstream& fout, Inventory L[], int size)
    string filename;, ios::app);
    cout << "Enter inventory number for new data: ";
    long Inventory_N;
    cin>> Inventory_N;
    cout<< endl << "Enter the price for this item: $";
    float Price;
    cout<< endl << "Enter the inventory name for this item: ";
    char Inventory_Name[50];
    cin>> Inventory_Name;
    fout.close( ); 

int searchInventory (Inventory L[], int size, int find)
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if (find == L[i].Inventory_N){
            cout << endl << "The price of the Inventory '" 
            << L[i].Inventory_N << "' is $" << L[i].Price;
            cout << endl << "The inventory name of the Inventory '"
            << L[i].Inventory_N << "' is " << L[i].Inventory_Name;
    return (1);
void printHead(ofstream& fout)
    for (int i = 0; i < 97; i++){ 
        fout << "-"; 
    for (int i = 0; i < 97; i++){ 
        cout << "-"; 
    fout	<< endl;
    fout	<< setw(15)	<< "Inventory_number"<<'\t';
    fout	<< setw(15)	<< "Price"<<'\t';
    fout	<< setw(15)	<< "Inventory_name";
    fout	<< endl;
    for (int j = 0; j < 97; j++){ 
        fout << "-"; 
    cout	<< endl;
    cout	<< endl;
    cout	<< setw(15)	<< "Inventory_number"<<'\t';
    cout	<< "Price"<<'\t';
    cout	<< setw(15)	<< "Inventory_name";
    cout	<< endl;
    for (int j = 0; j < 97; j++){ 
        cout << "-"; 
    cout	<< endl;
void listInventory (ofstream& fout, Inventory L[], int size)
    string filename;
    cout<<"What name would you like the file to be saved as? ";
    cin>> filename;;

    for (int i = 0; i <size; i++){
        fout	<< setw(15)			<< L[i].Inventory_N<<'\t';
        fout	<< "$";
        fout	<< setw(15)			<< L[i].Price<<'\t';
        fout	<< setw(15)			<< L[i].Inventory_Name;
        fout	<< endl;
        cout	<< setw(15)			<< L[i].Inventory_N<<'\t';
        cout	<< "$";
        cout	<< setw(15)			<< L[i].Price<<'\t';
        cout	<< setw(15)			<< L[i].Inventory_Name;
        cout	<< endl;
void saveInventory(ofstream& fout, Inventory L[], int size)
    string filename = string();
    cout<<"What name would you like the file to be saved as? ";
    cin>> filename;;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; i ++){
        fout << L[i].Inventory_N;
        fout << L[i].Price;
        fout << L[i].Inventory_Name;
    cout<< endl << "Inventory is saved. "<<endl;

Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

I would suggest making a very small (<20 lines) example of one piece of your program that is not working. In many cases, by breaking it down like this you will solve your problem on your own :)

why is menu() doing recursive calls in each of those case statements? There is no need for that and those lines should be deleted. The program will return back to the top of that while statement without doing recursion.

Line 113 (return) is not needed either. The loop will just stop when '6' is selected so there is no need for case 6 -- that case will never get executed.

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