jasper Programming Software Development by jyotibborade How do I edit jasper report at runtime? means i have to edit previously created jasper report properties like page height,width,show and hide some fields Re: jasper Programming Software Development by stultuske edit? your jasper report needs to be compiled before you can use it, so actually edit the report at runtime: not possible. you can use conditions, though. Jasper Reports in Netbeans. Programming Software Development by ttchiwandire …. One tool I have researched about is Jasper reports. Talking of Jasper reports, there are quite some things attached … Now, the difficulty I'm facing is to develop jasper reports using ireport designer and hibernate datasource in netbeans. …with the walk through to develop ready to use jasper reports in a java web application. Your responses are… Jasper is just a stepping stone to Valhalla for Microsoft Xbox 360 gamers Hardware and Software by happygeek … a 65nm GPU[/URL] for the next Xbox 360, codename Jasper and due in August. The most recent updates to the… size of the CPU die to 65nm. Which is where Jasper comes in, with its 65nm GPU to replace the current… Jasper Report Programming Software Development by DeepaKannan Hi, I want to generate Jasper Report.I'm using the following jar as 1)classes12 ….jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport(JasperCompileManager.java:144) at com.zylog.jasper.Sample.main(Sample.java:18) NESTED BY : Jasper Report Programming Software Development by Majestics I am using jasper report (ireport for designing). I want help regarding to set [B]relative path[/B] of the [B]images and jar[/B] files for report... As the jasper report pick up the [B]absolute path[/B] so it create problem when the drive is changed or even pc is changed... Kindly please help me solving this problem. I m making desktop application. Re: JASPER REPORT...class not found exception Programming Software Development by rpbarbati The document has no pages is an indication that your data source did not return any data. If you are using a database and SQL, check your SQL statement outside of jasper reports. If it doesn't return any rows, that is your issue. To change the behavior of jasper reports when the data source comes back empty, see the report settings. Jasper Report (format numeric) problem Programming Software Development by Kusno … ORDER BY ID BEGINNINGBALANCE is numeric field type in MySQL. Jasper Report / iReport recognizes this field as String, when I change… Re: Jasper Report (format numeric) problem Programming Software Development by Kusno [QUOTE=javaAddict;587822]What is your code? Do you use: resultSet.getString(); or resultSet.getDouble(); ? Perhaps you can do this: double d = Double.parseDouble( resultSet.getString(3) );[/QUOTE] Hi.. the code is for Jasper Report not in Java GUI. Thanks, Cause-NO.. Jasper error Cannot cast from JasperReport to String Programming Software Development by Fionageo Hello I am working with Jasper iReports, I call a method inside of one subreport created … Re: Jasper error Cannot cast from JasperReport to String Programming Software Development by Fionageo … you ______________________________________________________ [QUOTE=Fionageo;826994]Hello I am working with Jasper iReports, I call a method inside of one subreport created… jasper exception? Programming Web Development by NeelimaB i am getting an exception "org.apache.jasper.JasperException" with root cause "java.lang.NullPointerException" why does this exception come? jasper report problem Programming Software Development by jayaj hi all! pls solve my problem i am using jasperviewer with netbeans , everything is working fine, but when i exit the jasper report my entire project gets exited. Plz tell me the solution. Thanks. Jasper Report with Netbeans Programming Software Development by vasunttfshimoga Hi, I want to connect the jasper report with netbeans...........If any know please reply..............thanks in advance. JASPER REPORT...class not found exception Programming Software Development by vishal18 Hello to All, I want to use basic jasper report utility.... But facing error as mentioned below, please help … Re: JASPER REPORT...class not found exception Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Make sure you have the Jasper report jars on your class path. Re: JASPER REPORT...class not found exception Programming Software Development by Ezzaral I have no idea. I have not used Jasper Reports. You'll need to consult the documentation for that. Re: JASPER REPORT...class not found exception Programming Software Development by rpbarbati Also, regarding your use of the Jasper Report Compiler, the compiler is used to compile the .JRXML … Re: JASPER REPORT...class not found exception Programming Software Development by vishal18 Thanks RP.. But its too late now.... :) Now I have better hand on Jasper Reports... thanks again for reply.... Jasper Report Programming Software Development by archnashah Hi, I am trying to create a pie report using jasper iReport which need link to drill down report for each … org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to load class for JSP Programming Web Development by sendilkumar06 … prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to load class for JSP org.apache…(JasperLoader.java:66) org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.load(JspCompilationContext.java:597) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.getServlet(JspServletWrapper.java:141… Struts+Jsp+Tomcat exception = org.apache.jasper rootcause = NullPointerException Programming Web Development by jackisback13 … () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception in JSP: /index.jsp:15 12: <body…) org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(index_jsp.java:67) org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:98) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet… Re: Struts+Jsp+Tomcat exception = org.apache.jasper rootcause = NullPointerException Programming Web Development by javaAddict …. It tells you exactly where the error is: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception in JSP: [B]/index.jsp:15[/B] [U… Sub-reports, lists, table datasets not showing using php-jasper library. Programming Web Development by ngonix … subreports, lists and table datasets in the main report using jasper reports since i want to include two separate sql queries… i want to see, but when i use the php-jasper library in my php script to call the .jrxml file… have put. If anyone could tell me how the php-jasper library works or a solution to my problem, i would… Re: Sub-reports, lists, table datasets not showing using php-jasper library. Programming Web Development by LastMitch … i want to see, but when i use the php-jasper library in my php script to call the .jrxml file…. I assume you are using this: https://github.com/tsuyu/jasper-report-php-integration Is Jasper the Xbox 360 Red Rings of Death antidote? Hardware and Software by happygeek … like the Xbox 360 has been upgraded with the new Jasper motherboard. The new Xbox 360 has been spotted in the….com/content/view/21017/532/"]myself included[/URL]. The Jasper mobo's were spotted in Arcade versions of the Xbox… Calling a .jasper file from a JSP. Programming Web Development by jhonilson … a report with IREPORT 3.7 . I have now a .jasper file. I would want to be able to execute (show… reporte*/ File reportFile = new File(application.getRealPath("reportes//prueba1.jasper")); /* No enviamos parĂ¡metros porque nuestro reporte no los… Re: Sub-reports, lists, table datasets not showing using php-jasper library. Programming Web Development by ngonix Well i am using the php-jasper library. But the problem is showing sub-reports in pdf using the library. Please help.... jasper server report using single select promt Programming Software Development by snehalata86 Hi all, I am new to JasperServer.I have been trying hard to create a simple jasper report using single value prompt.But it is giving error when I run it. Please can anyone give me steps to create a jasperserver report using single value prompt??? Please help me How to show Row count on Jasper Report Programming Software Development by vishal18 Hi everyone, I'm using jasper reports & i want to display total number of record/rows on jreport. please help me. thanks in advance !!!