Extracting YouTube Channel Statistics in Python Using YouTube Data API Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … ensures we focus on titles written in English or similar languages. ``` # Filter videos with Latin text only latin_titles = [title for title… Re: I want to learn ethical hacking Programming Computer Science by Finacus Learning ethical hacking requires an understanding of cybersecurity principles, network protocols, and programming languages ​​such as Python. Online courses, books, and hands-on exercises are valuable resources, and joining communities and forums can provide support and guidance from experienced experts in the field. Text to Speech Conversion Using Hugging Face Transformers Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …necessary libraries, creating basic examples, experimenting with different accents and languages, adjusting speech speed, and ultimately, combining these elements into …EN_INDIA'], output_path, speed=speed) ``` ## Trying Different Languages We can also generate speech in different languages. All languages are listed on [Hugging Face MeloTTS… Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … through a growth spurt and there were lots of new languages seemingly being invented every week. It was no longer making… each language, and our catch-all forum for non-popular languages was proving not-so-useful because it was just grouping… Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … was initially implemented because there were lots of new programming languages and technologies popping up, and it just didn't make… Re: remove first h3 tag and br tags in text Programming Web Development by simhakidsden To remove the first <h3> tag and <br> tags from text, you can use regular expressions in programming languages like Python or JavaScript. Re: Which programming language is best Ludo game development? Programming Game Development by m2host I will choose Python or JavaScript Re: Languages are system softwares or application software? Programming Software Development by Incognitus … be system or application, low level languages are sure system software, higher level languages can be application but not all. C/c… i think the better answer is that languages are system software, their compilers all languages compiler are developed using system software i… Re: Languages are system softwares or application software? Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA …are the translators - compilers and interpreters - which implement the languages. The answer is, 'yes'. Whether they are system …is a pretty much meaningless act. As for what languages the translators are written in, well, as WaltP …. Many translators use some sort of of special-purpose languages for creating the lexical analyzer (e.g., flex)… Re: Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 My native languages are **French** (born in Québec, French-… Then, I can sort of understand many of the languages (written or spoken) that are similar to those that…there are the others that are so close to languages that I know that you could say I … I would love to step out of the European languages a bit, and I've considered learning some Arabic … Re: Languages are system softwares or application software? Programming Software Development by deceptikon > Q1. Languagess are system software or application software? Neither. Languages aren't software at all, they're abstractions designed to … set of machine instructions. > Q2. In which software the languages are written? for example in which software the c++ language… Re: Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mattster English, German, French, and good spanish. Get this, one of the guys at uni speaks **16 languages!!!** He's a languages student though... Re: Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Lucaci Andrew … been told, is impossible to learn. Both languages come from the same group of languages, some migrators from the Ural Mountains (wiki… Languages for mobile Applications Programming Computer Science by lordinateur … area? Does the wikipedia entry below, list most of the languages you would need to know to build your own app… Languages for Mobile Applications 2 Programming Software Development by lordinateur Does the wikipedia entry below, list most of the languages you would need to know to build your own app for the iphone OS, Symbian, BlackBerry and Android? And will I just have to learn them or can I use a company other than Medl Mobile? [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_development[/url] Languages are system softwares or application software? Programming Software Development by sameerge Hi I need the answers one of my two questions which were asked by our teacher in class room. Q1. Languagess are system software or application software? Q2. In which software the languages are written? for example in which software the c++ language is written? plz give your answer with reference or example; best regards sameer Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> What languages do you guys **speak**? I speak: English, Farsi, Arabic, Pashto, and I am learning Spanish in school (I am in Spanish II as a freshman). What do you guys speak? Re: Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Lardmeister I speak 16 languages, but in most of them only just a few words. Re: Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BitBlt VB, SQL, COBOL, C, C++, Java, Adabas/Natural, IDEAL, FORTRAN, Smalltalk, Actor, ObjectVision, 360 Assembler... Oh, wait...HUMAN languages? <dang> Maybe that's been my problem all these years...it's really hard to pick up chicks in COBOL... Re: Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Nutster … guess I am generally unilingual. Now as far a programming languages.... I do have the ability/habit of picking up the… Re: Languages of Daniweb Community Center Geeks' Lounge by TnTinMN … have a Germanic surname). I just wish I could absorb languages like I do the accents of others speaking non-native… Languages needed to create a wix wysiwyg Programming Web Development by icite Greetings earthlings, I am a learning programming. My main languages are php & javascript. I was wondering if javascript(maybe … Re: Languages needed to create a wix wysiwyg Programming Web Development by diafol If you want to create your own WYSIWYG editor, you need javascript. No need for server-side languages. However creating your own WYSIWYG editor or layout editor **is not** a beginner's project. More like intermediate level (or even advanced - if developing tight OOP code). Re: Languages Programming Web Development by Sorcerism … as a ".lng" files that sits in my /languages directory having identifiable file names (en, fr, it, etc...) and… the language in, say, the variable $lang: [code]include_once("languages/$lang.lng.php");[/code] and then call the array… Re: languages advice Programming Databases by smantscheff … a natural language, nor is any other programming language. Natural languages have built-in redundancies which help avoid disambiguities. By using… Formal Languages - Quick and Dirty Programming Computer Science by AuburnMathTutor … concludes the introductory part of the tutorial on formal languages. By now, the reader should know very generally …what symbols, alphabets, strings, and languages are, as well as a few of the most… similarly welcome. The next installment will deal with regular languages, regular expressions, and finite automata. It will likely… Re: Inno setup: languages section Programming Software Development by FlamingClaw … ;AND YOU CAN SELECT ONE OF THE LANGUAGES THAT ARE LISTED ;BY THE WAY,THE …quot; Name: "basque"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Basque.isl" Name: "brazilianportuguese"; MessagesFile:…quot; Name: "spanish"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Spanish.isl" [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"… Re: Formal Languages - Quick and Dirty Programming Computer Science by AuburnMathTutor …addenda to An Introduction to Alphabets, Strings, and Formal Languages. I think it is wise to give a few …(prefix, postfix, substring) of r. Next, we will discuss languages. In what follows, let L, R, S, and T …reference should be consulted, including set theoretic material. Remember, languages are just special kinds of sets, and strings are just… Re: Difference between high and low level programming languages Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 > What is the difference betwen high level languages and low level languages? Here is a bash script to answer your …question: #!/bin/bash echo "high level languages" | sed -e 's/\ /\n/g' > … few lines of code. But, fundamentally, high level languages are detached from the hardware, are sandboxed into virtual … Re: Formal Languages - Quick and Dirty Programming Computer Science by AuburnMathTutor … addenda to [b]An Introduction to Alphabets, Strings, and Formal Languages[/b]. We will call s' a [i]substring[/i] of…