Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon … that you can use them in C++ ( for example through lib torch that you would need a .pt model ). There are… some C++ solutions out there like lib torch and llama cpp (for C++) but those hit limits… Lib to add in project->refernces ,Components Programming Software Development by suneel kar … my old frnds is there any list of lib (like Microsoft ADO 2.5 lib)to be included in project refernces and… lib, lib64, and multilib installations Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by spetro3387 … see if OpenCV had installed its libraries into /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64. It installed in /usr/local…/lib. What's the deal? This code was compiled using 64-… Re: Lib to add in project->refernces ,Components Programming Software Development by suneel kar hey debasis thanx to reply. if i wanna use a code alrweady written anywhwere .after simply cut and paste that code anywhere else gives the error "user defined data not not defined " so wt i did i added the the lib in project frst then cut and paste that code there.but then also same error comes ?????????????? Re: lib, lib64, and multilib installations Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by rubberman … and Fedora) systems, 32-bit libraries are installed into /usr/lib, and 64-bit ones in /usr/lib64. The system knows… lib. string type sizes and that stuff... Programming Software Development by wellibedamned is there a way to "resize" a lib. string? is there a way to limit/set its size … .lib, .dll, .h - How to combine them in project? Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo … have built it, and now I have the files (.h, .lib, .dll). How do I combine them in project? I use… lib project Programming Software Development by mozy1691 am a student developing a programe for a lib but am failing to create new JFrames when buttons are clicked i need help handing in with 3 days Error when linking: msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP90D.dll) : error LNK2005 ..... already defined Programming Software Development by Kosithc …library for algebraic operations - it is one file: libalglib.lib and a few .h files for include). Here comes …are the errors: [CODE]1>Linking... 1>msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP90D.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall std…@D@std@@QBEIXZ) already defined in libalglib.lib(trfac.obj) 1>msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP90D.dll) : error LNK2005: "public… Re: fatal error LNK1104....'kernel32.lib' :( Programming Software Development by iamcreasy …Program files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib\kernel32.lib 2. on codeblocks v10 choose Settings-&…SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib\kernel32.lib. I also added there odbc.lib to using odbc within … __imp__SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4 referenced in function ___CxxSetUnhandledExceptionFilter| LIBCMT.lib(invarg.obj)||error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol… Re: Error when linking: msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP90D.dll) : error LNK2005 ..... already defined Programming Software Development by Kosithc … in project (via add new item) library for Alglib - libalglib.lib. In tools I added in VC directories location of include… Re: Error when linking: msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP90D.dll) : error LNK2005 ..... already defined Programming Software Development by Kosithc I tried to change ITK, in hope, that ALGLIB will work with another library and oops, I used GDCM library (for reading dicoms) and there it is - same errors with libalglib.lib as with the ITK ;( Problems with wx.lib.masked.combobox.BaseMaskedComboBox Programming Software Development by acrocephalus … line 27, in __init__ self.Country = wx.lib.masked.combobox.BaseMaskedComboBox(panel, -1,size=(200, -…'] places = ['1', '2', '3'] self.Country = wx.lib.masked.combobox.BaseMaskedComboBox(panel, -1,size=(200, -1), choices=countries…55, -1),label='Region: ') self.Region = wx.lib.masked.combobox.BaseMaskedComboBox(panel, -1,size=(200, -1),… need help in lib management project Programming Software Development by maddy05 …bkcol); color=maxcolor; setcolor(color); ofstream foutbook("lib.dat",ios::app|ios::binary); { char … ifstream finbook; ofstream foutbook;"lib.dat",ios::in);"temp…void dispallbook(void) { ifstream finbook;"lib.dat",ios::in|ios::binary); finbook.seekg(0,ios… Php Create own lib.php with all css files and js files Programming Web Development by phoenix254 …i add this file in tst.php like this **include(../../../lib.php);**. when i run my tst.php file in browser…folder... ? Do i use something like $_server['something']./lib.php... ? here is my lib.php: echo '<script src="js/browjs…quot;>'; echo " this is content for check if lib.php is loaded or not";// this line show me… Re: Problems with wx.lib.masked.combobox.BaseMaskedComboBox Programming Software Development by acrocephalus … the provided example). I have tried using wx.lib.masked.ComboBox instead of wx.lib.masked.combobox.BaseMaskedComboBox without luck. Can anyone… Regarding .lib and .dll files Programming Software Development by myk45 …Now, i'm confused as to what are these lib files. Also, when I download binaries for libraries, … for loading jpeg images, i generally get a .lib and a .dll file. And in the linker …options for the IDE, I would set the .lib file as a dependency. Now, i'm not… sure as to what those .lib files are, and what exactly is the difference between… fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'dsound.lib' Programming Software Development by cargito … "fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'dsound.lib'" Build log was saved at "file://c…gt;LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'dsound.lib' 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open …>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'dsound.lib' 9>------ Build started: Project: pjsystest, Configuration: Debug … Building DLL from .LIB & .H Programming Software Development by bmarzouk …/bluetooth/bluetooth/bluetoothauthenticatedevice.asp[/url] The two files (irprops.lib & bluetoothAPI.h) downlodable at [url]http://www.….DLL files only. 1) Please check the attached .LIB file. Does it contain the implelmenations of the functions ….asp[/url] 2) Does the file "irprops.lib" refere to other DLLs that I can use… Re: Building DLL from .LIB & .H Programming Software Development by whatisid …/bluetooth/bluetooth/bluetoothauthenticatedevice.asp[/url] The two files (irprops.lib & bluetoothAPI.h) downlodable at [url]http://www.….DLL files only. 1) Please check the attached .LIB file. Does it contain the implelmenations of the functions ….asp[/url] 2) Does the file "irprops.lib" refere to other DLLs that I can use… Re: need help in lib management project Programming Software Development by maddy05 …",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); fstream ifile("lib.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); while(!iofile… Re: need help in lib management project Programming Software Development by maddy05 …",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); # fstream ifile("lib.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);[/QUOTE] see… using borland lib classes Programming Software Development by Sarguna … know how in borland c++ to use the lib file i have a .lib file present with the source code of that… library i want to use the lib file I have just added the lib into the project through Project->AddtoProject… i tried is to add all the files of the lib i got the class but got some 10 errors Pls… Re: fatal error LNK1104....'kernel32.lib' :( Programming Software Development by iamcreasy …was not solved, I have to relocate the kerner32.lib to make it work. The interesting thing in the…two folders, Include and Lib, where this lib contains Kernel32.lib.I added this kerner32.lib(from v5.0\lib) to codeblock, which didn…folder.They are Include & Lib. Now, when I relocated kerner32.lib(from v6.0A\lib) in the linker setup of … static lib with .pch file Programming Software Development by student89 …use this code in my project so i build a .lib file with these setting under precompiled header *create precompiled …header file $(IntDir)\$(TargetName).pch and then i got that .lib file + .pch file and put it in another project … finding it i dont know how to use static lib files that contain multiple classes and headers inside it … Re: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lib' Programming Software Development by Gribouillis … Thanks, Eswari[/QUOTE] Perhaps add a statement [icode]import wx.lib[/icode]. See [code=python] >>> import wx …>>> wx.lib Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>…object has no attribute 'lib' >>> import wx.lib >>> wx.lib <module 'wx.lib' from '/usr/lib64/… Re: Regarding .lib and .dll files Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … a matter of linking and loading. In all cases, a .lib file is a static-link library, meaning that it is… it. And that's the code that is in the .lib file which comes with the .dll file. It's as… Re: Regarding .lib and .dll files Programming Software Development by jmichae3 …, you can link to winuser.h and libuser32.a/user32.lib and this library is tied to a user32.dll that…" means Dynamic Link Library. it is possible that the .lib/.a library you are linking to may indeed be a… Re: Regarding .lib and .dll files Programming Software Development by jmichae3 the .dll/.so and the .a/.lib are both compiled files. what exactly do you mean? DLLs … put it in the same directory as your .exe the .lib import library files are compiled I think using .def files… Re: Regarding .lib and .dll files Programming Software Development by raptr_dflo … "static library", you end up with a large .lib file which contains all the compiled code for the functions… end up with a large .dll file and a small .lib, as previously described. All of the compiled code for the…