Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by rproffitt … Visual Studio but VB6, dead and we can't obtain licenses from its maker. Because it's a business we can… Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by ricegf … But why do we have so many licenses? We have so many licenses because authors have varying goals for their … than local computers. The most common non-copyleft free licenses are Apache and BSD, which permit covered software to… free, but later maybe proprietary" is the rule. Licenses aren't just for software - for example, the Creative… Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … the [URL=""]other licenses[/URL] that, [I]grace[/I…kind of software? Currently, there are 64 active licenses listed on the [URL="…gnashing of teeth against software patents but none against licenses. What are your thoughts on the subject? Write… Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by fosslc … you are reading this article, and interested in open source licenses, you will likely be interested in a debate taking place… factors to consider when choosing a license, and subtleties between licenses will be examined. There is a web cast available for… Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by John A … they had reached the 20 million mark of Windows Vista licenses, people have been criticizing the numbers, and rumors have… when XP was starting out, and plus Microsoft is counting licenses, not actual bought copies sold. So for example, if… didn't sell them, this would count as sold licenses of Vista. It's quite understandable why people think that… Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Swashbuckler2 … pointless." So, you're wrong. LEARN something about why licenses exist. I've tried to educate you here. "What… Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by RTC … thats not what Microsoft was saying. They're talking about Licenses sold. I look at our local computer builder here in…'s not an individual owner. And I wonder how many licenses Dell and HP are sitting on. They probably bought them… Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by blud You can't forget that Microsoft is counting licenses sold to companies, that probably arn't using them yet. I know quite a few companies that have over 200-300 licesenses (each) that don't even have vista installed on a single computer. Open Source licenses get copyright law protection Programming Databases by newsguy … US Court of Appeals has ruled that open source software licenses are [URL=""… Re: Moving music licenses. Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by KalebG … I was testing to see if I could restore the licenses via wmp. I got an error and this could be… from a computer that already has a copy of the licenses I am trying ot restore, or my firewall is blocking… Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess Does Public Domain software have a license? Do I need a license to use a hammer? And without a license, it's closed source? Dude, it's you who perhaps needs an education. Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by mjeffer "And without a license, it's closed source? Dude, it's you who perhaps needs an education." Actually, while the author may give the source code it would effectively be closed source in that since the author would own the copyright and without either giving up that copyright and releasing it to the public domain or providing a license … Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess @fosslc Thanks very much for that link. It is very interesting and I'll be sure to catch it. Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Swashbuckler2 "Does Public Domain software have a license?" No. No owner, no license needed. "And without a license, it's closed source? Dude, it's you who perhaps needs an education. " I've already had mine (I'm an open source specialist at a large software company - I know one hell of a lot more about this subject than you do) and… Re: Do Open Source Software Licenses Have a Purpose? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess @Swashbuckler2 No, I'm not a lawyer. Are you? No, I've never tried a case. Have you? It would be interesting to interview you on this subject on The Frugal Tech Show ([url][/url]) if you are truly an expert on the subject. Contact me via that site if you'd like to do that. But this dialog gives me an idea for further … Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Toulinwoek Microsoft is simply doing the exact same thing IBM did back in mid-1995 (and I am surprised and taken aback that they would stoop to this). In order to try to convince a wary public that the then-latest release of OS2 was "catching on" (or had caught on), IBM announced that over 300,000 copies of that latest version had been sold in the … Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jwenting Yawn. And if Microsoft had announced sales figures below expectation you'd have said they're hiding the fact that they're "forcing" people to upgrade. Just another anti-Microsoft rant from a slashdot kiddo. Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Chaky If I was selling something, I wouldn't care less if it went into 20 mil of homes or 1 store, as long as I got paid. You can predict all you want, but the fact is that 20 mil times average of $200 poured into MS. And the global trend says that it will continue to pour in. Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Toulinwoek Ah, but Chaky, it's not necessarily about Microsoft making the money; they have a vested interest in Vista CATCHING ON. What they are saying isn't as much about making money as it is about Vista being accepted, or at least being perceived as being accepted. This is why the 20 million figure is such a problem, because they are using that number, … Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by scru But what's the whole point/issue? Why is this even relevant? Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier Fights FOSS License FUD Programming Databases by Techwriter10 …Not really. The only difference is that open source licenses allow redistribution and modification -- and since there are… a lot of different licenses with different conditions, companies should pay attention when they…"]copyleft[/URL] type licenses requires that changes be made available when you … How (and Why) To Wrap Your Head Around Free Software Licensing Community Center by Lisa Hoover …I recommend browsing [URL=""][/URL] for the most up… to anyone, then who really cares if the various licenses aren't perfectly compatible, right? Wrong. "There…are many parameters that have been placed into software licenses and if developers are mixing and matching software … 2 Questions: license Installation and Speed Programming Databases by arron … or something like that. We purchased an additional 3 CAL licenses, but I'm not sure how to install them... My… honor to put that spinner to the correct number of licenses. Question # 2 If that IS the correct way to …install your licenses... It made no difference in the 3 workstations SQL speed… Office 365 license migration advice... Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by NuGG …our end, while either maintaining the existing licenses, or purchase new licenses from MS directly without loosing any of …mailboxes? Should I perhaps purchase all the new licenses and then assign them to each user before breaking… relationship? and is it possible to switch these licenses without losing the mailboxes? It is my understanding … Office 365 license migration advice...!!!!!! Hardware and Software by gabrielthomass …our end, while either maintaining the existing licenses, or purchase new licenses from MS directly without loosing any of …mailboxes? Should I perhaps purchase all the new licenses and then assign them to each user before breaking… relationship? and is it possible to switch these licenses without losing the mailboxes? It is my understanding … How to display products in Blockcategories prestashop? Programming Web Development by fireburner29 … 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA * @license Academic Free License (AFL 3… 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA * @license Academic Free License (AFL 3…2007-2014 PrestaShop SA * @license Academic Free License (AFL 3… Gartner Report Exaggerates Open Source IP Concerns Programming Databases by Techwriter10 … the danger and is there less complexity with open source licenses than with proprietary ones? [B]What's The Matter…heaven only knows the EULAs and/or agreements on proprietary licenses can be troublesome. Look at the SCO v. Novell… so, but Groklaw's Jones believes that Open Source licenses are a lot easier to comply with than proprietary ones… Re: Office 365 license migration advice... Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by NuGG …) to set up a new office 365 account, purchase new licenses, migrate users and data, and then cancel the old 365… account and licenses. How exactly we migrate users and data from one office… Re: 2 Questions: license Installation and Speed Programming Databases by Estuardo …, you will know that the problem are not the connections (licenses). Second, use the network monitor to check for any overload… Trojan Zlob ad Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jkatash …[300033162] Root: HKLM Path: software\licenses Value: {02cb50c22b37e1397} [300033163] Root: HKLM Path: software\licenses Value: {i2cb50c22b37e1397} 725 Tracking Cookie …[300033162] Root: HKLM Path: software\licenses Value: {02cb50c22b37e1397} [300033163] Root: HKLM Path: software\licenses Value: {i2cb50c22b37e1397} 725 Tracking Cookie …