Re: If Moore's Law is in Danger, What's Ahead for Other Famous Laws? Programming Computer Science by Madisson If Moore's Law is in Danger, What's Ahead for Other Famous Laws?" explores the potential impact on other technological principles if Moore's Law, which predicts the doubling of transistors on a microchip approximately every two years, faces challenges. This discussion includes examining the future of laws like Metcalfe's Law (network value) … With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. … can stifle innovation, reduce operational flexibility, create bureaucratic inefficiencies, and limit responsiveness to individual needs. Furthermore, the concentration of power within… Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …-tuning job print( =, limit=10)) ``` Finally, once fine-tuning is completed, you will receive… LIMIT Programming Databases by jackbauer24-2 … from the index 0, not 1. You can limit the number of rows affected by a statement using… deleted, updated etc. according to the number specified. LIMIT can accept two numerical arguments instead of one, and will… instead of 1.) SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT 3; SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT 2, 5; The first example will return… LIMIT, TOP help Programming Databases by headedtomexico …. [ICODE]SELECT phonenumber FROM users WHERE firstname= 'jim' LIMIT 0, 50;[/ICODE] That would return the first 50,…: [ICODE]SELECT phonenumber FROM users WHERE firstname= 'jim' LIMIT 49, 50;[/ICODE] page 3 [ICODE]SELECT phonenumber FROM… users WHERE firstname= 'jim' LIMIT 99, 50;[/ICODE] Using the TOP clause I would … Re: LIMIT BY Programming Databases by smantscheff ….g. by a field named ID, you can check the limit entry like this: [CODE]select from mytable t1….id < = 9;[/CODE] And instead of a limit clause you use this value as your select condition: [CODE… LIMIT BY Programming Databases by Acute …' will reach some number, for instance 10. If I use LIMIT 10, the total number of rows will be 10, but… Re: LIMIT BY Programming Databases by shdwmage [CODE]SELECT * FROM table [B]WHERE etype='p'[/B] LIMIT 0,10[/CODE] Limit days stored in DB Programming Databases by vimotaru …/dev so I need some help pointing me how to limit the number of days of data stored in a table… datasources that come in files periodically. I'd like to limit the days stored for each table. My system is Oracle… don't know how to refresh date in them to limit data to 'last 5 days' for example. Please, if you… LIMIT Results from query !HELP Programming Web Development by codewalkz I can't seem to limit the result to a desired number. I have this code: [… agents WHERE (sponsor = '1' or sponsor = '2' or sponsor = '3') LIMIT 0,1")or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result… has 2 records each. And as I see it, the LIMIT 0,1 applies to each instead of giving me ONLY… Limit from row 10 onwards Programming Databases by Venom Rush … from a database without having to use 9999 in my limit and I can't seem to find anything on how… certain row onwards. Using this at the moment [CODE=mysql]LIMIT 10, 9999[/CODE] I was hoping to use something like… Limit pagination page number php Programming Web Development by moblyft … get something like $Num_Rows = mysql_num_rows($objQuery);… (int)$Num_Pages; } $strSQL .=" order by adid DESC LIMIT $Page_Start , $Per_Page "; $objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL); ?>… Limit for number of html inputs Digital Media UI / UX Design by tedkurtz … a situation which suggests to me that there is a limit to the number of input text boxes you can have…, and the PHP program runs only if I observe the limit. I've Googled around and have found some discussion along… be in the know say that that there is no limit for the POST method. Any thoughts? TedK Limit & Page Error Programming Web Development by spluskhan …for paging) $offset = ($num - 1) * $rowsPerPage; // to offset the limit count $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE (`NAME` LIKE…;%') OR (`SERVICES` LIKE '%".$query."%')") or die(mysql_error()); LIMIT, $rowsPerPage, $offset"; if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {… limit show rezult on php script search file on folder. Programming Web Development by Ionut cosmin … file.Worked ok all goood but i need add the limit rezult for show because i search pdf name for example… show me all file pdf,no have limit on page for rezult.I need limit this only 15 rezults,and another question… Re: LIMIT Results from query !HELP Programming Web Development by pritaeas … to the end result of the query. Even without the limit, the count(*) will only return 1 result row. I'm… Re: LIMIT Results from query !HELP Programming Web Development by codewalkz …. with this. thak you so much! [QUOTE=pritaeas;1058013]The LIMIT always applies to the end result of the query. Even… without the limit, the count(*) will only return 1 result row. I'm… Re: Limit buffer input Programming Software Development by ShortYute … [code] char base[31]; char *p = base; int limit = 30; int ch; while ( --limit >= 0 && ( ch = getch() ) … { char base[31]; char *p = base; int limit = 30; int ch; printf ("enter a large word…\n"); fgets ( base, 30, stdin ); while ( --limit >= 0 && ( ch = getch() ) != '\r' ) {… limit the number of downloads Programming Web Development by mvblhp I'm looking for a small script that I can use to limit the number of downloads per day for a specified file, or limit the bandwidth for said file per day. Any Ideas? :D Re: Limit days stored in DB Programming Databases by vimotaru But that doesn't limit the amount of space occupied by the main table. I'd like the disk space remain limited by the number of days and avoiding reject records by not enough space error. Thanks!! Limit the number of sessions in tomcat or iis Programming Web Development by joewazen Hello, I have many jsp applications connected to Apache Tomcat 5 and IIS 6 i need to find a way to limit the number of active users in each application either in tomcat or in IIS, i know there is a way to configure server.xml in tomcat but will that limit the number of active users in all applications or in each individually? Thnx Re: Limit the number of sessions in tomcat or iis Programming Web Development by joewazen i found a way in tomcat to limit the number of users, you either limit in tomcat administrator based on the virtual directory you created or you can manually add it in WEB-INF/Web.xml Re: LIMIT Results from query !HELP Programming Web Development by pritaeas Then you could use this one: [code] SELECT * FROM agents WHERE (sponsor = '1' or sponsor = '2' or sponsor = '3') LIMIT 1 [/code] limit Characters in echo Programming Web Development by mpc123 … page that lists all the news i would like to limit the amount of Characters that is echoed from the database… states echo $row['News']; that is where i need to limit the amount of characters if you could help that would… Re: Limit from row 10 onwards Programming Databases by rch1231 Try this: LIMIT 10, row_count. Re: Limit from row 10 onwards Programming Databases by scarcella Hi, Have ago at this... PHP though, Havent done much in mySQL! [CODE] <?php $sqlnum = "SELECT * FROM tablename"; $querynum = mysql_query($sqlnum); $rowcount = mysql_num_rows($querynum); $sql = "SELECT * FROM tablename LIMIT 10, ".$rowcount; ?> [/CODE] Thanks, Marais Limit Database Record Count Programming Software Development by abelingaw What i wanted to do is to limit the number of users to be registered for my system. …" Then cmdAdd.Enabled = False cmdAdd.grayScale = aiGreenMask MsgBox "Limit of allowed users is reached. Adding of user is no… Limit number of records php - flat file Programming Web Development by cchap … db, not mysql so I can't use $limit I need to limit the number of records to 1, if more than… limit Display Programming Software Development by auwi987 hello guys how limit the number of data being display on DataGridV0iew ex. i have 100 records, i want them to fetch all but limit the display by 10's and navigate the other. sorry guys thats the best way that i can explain the situation, need somehelp pls.., thank you very much to those who want to help :) Re: Limit for number of html inputs Digital Media UI / UX Design by JameB … and the process is killed due to exceeding the time limit. One temporary solution would be to break the pages into…