Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … have you ever wondered why is Ubuntu the ultimate Linux distribution? Why is it so popular? Why did Canonical…is, in fact, the ultimate Linux distribution. Debian GNU/Linux is Ubuntu's parent distribution which firmly places it at the… that Ubuntu is the world's most popular Linux distribution with several choices for any purpose or application,… One For All and All For One: A Single Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …Debian is a wise choice since it is the GNU Linux distribution and not particularly partial to any platform or company.… Red Hat, you're now the one and only Linux distribution for the entire world! No one can make illegal … the sole creator and maintainer of this, our only Linux distribution. Manufacturers will flock to you to create drivers to… 5 Ways to Decide on a Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Networking by khess … career you'll be asked to select a viable Linux distribution for your corporate network. How will you choose?…corporate environment? Here are 5 ways to decide on a Linux distribution for your corporate network. [B]1. Commercial Support[/B… You might feel strongly about <Insert obscure Linux distribution here> but is it a good fit for… Re: One For All and All For One: A Single Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by legolas558 There will never be a single Linux distribution and, no, RedHat is not that good. What we should …] and [b]open standards[/b] for most parts of a Linux system, that would really help the user experience (for both… Best Linux distribution for drastic changes in TCP/IP stack and features Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by uspiper … and network internal. Please tell me which is the best Linux distribution to install on my computers for making drastic changes to…? If possible, also give justification for any specific Linux distribution. I have used linux mostly simulations on ns2 network simulator, and haven't… Linux Ain't Broke But Here's Five Ways to Fix It Hardware and Software Networking by khess …, free of charge and able to virtualize almost any Linux distribution; that could rapidly change. What's needed: Fully …s needed: A comprehensive education suite and education-optimized Linux distribution. There you have my five ways to fix what …areas will touch if they were converted to Linux or if Linux were a real possibility as a choice for… Best Linux Distribution for Server? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by spice I was a linux admin, back in time, 6 or 7 years ago. Now … not much different from linux, still linux is more known and some people need linux setups, so coming back to linux my question to… you is what is now the best linux distribution for Servers (web, mail, vpn, router - usages)? I heard about … Linux Distro with a Hint of Hyper-V a la Perlow. Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …] is working on (as I'm writing this) a new Linux distribution that is Hyper-V ready. It is a modified OpenSUSE… for everyone to use. So, Jason is baking a new Linux distribution that he calls the Jason Server and he's using… tried to get him to name his first distribution OpenSUSE Argonaut Linux but he hasn't embraced that idea as yet. I… Linux Gestalt: The Whole is Getting Bigger Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Canonical, Inc. provides commercial support for the Ubuntu Linux distribution and is committed to the development…, distribution and promotion of open source software products… Linux Newbie, You Have Options. Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …look back. Forget all the rhetoric surrounding this distribution or that distribution--just use it, learn it and go from…more about Linux, you might find that Ubuntu doesn't work for you as well as another distribution--so be…. Change monthly if you want. Realize this: Your Linux distribution is a tool, an operating system--a righteous one but… Linux in space Community Center by newsguy … time. Wind River Platform for Network Equipment, Linux Edition, will be the underlying OS supporting the… Equipment contains a fully tested and validated Linux distribution based on Linux 2.6 kernel technology. It is an… managing individual patches to transparently build the Linux run-time distribution for a specific device. "Honeywell … Linux Portable Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by ooisootuck … came across a Linux distribution that is portable and persistent called Slax. I have been looking for such a distribution for quite sometime… Linux Package Management at a glance Community Center by blud …dependencies, I felt that I might give [url="http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/"]Yum[/url] a try, …Just for kicks, I then expanded my experiment to other Linux Distributions to see how long it would take, thinking that… very short rather quick installs. I went to my next Linux distribution [url=”http://www.gentoo.org/”]Gentoo[/url]. Now, I… Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …. I like GNOME and have used it exclusively on every Linux distribution that I work with for a few years. The fact…'ve gone so far as to set two of my Linux computers to runlevel 3. I only go into GNOME when… Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by KimTjik "... keep it at the top of everyone's best distribution list." I don't know what conclusion to draw.… how much does Ubuntu benefit from development done by other distribution, and how much does it give back? - if Ubuntu's… work for the totality of Linux is less than its proclaimed dominance, why is that? All… Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by loganf …making an easy to install, easy to use, commercially supported Linux was their vision years ago, before buntus were even born…is about. But it never does. Saying any Linux is the Ultimate Linux seems dumb. What keeps bumtu at the top of… are still there, building a very user friendly, stable, Linux. Let bumtus hype wear off and get a few more… Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by gregzeng …listed it as the best of the top ten Linux versions. Linux, generally, has a bad reputation from most PC…, Cocacola, Macdonalds, Toyota, etc) is usually mediocre. 3) Linux is not recommended for pc users because it comes in…unpredictable types; Adobe Flash in four (?) dubious Linux versions, etc. 4) Linux data should be stored ONLY on NTFS-3G … Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Greycoat I'm trying out Kubuntu 9.10 and I enjoy it. However, I have to use it via VMWare player within Windows since I can't connect to the internet using Linux and a modem. I'm on dialup. No driver for modem(s). Within VMWare I can try out Kubuntu and it will connect to the internet via Windows. Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Greycoat Oh by the way, this thread article showed up on the Google News Page under a Linux section I had. So you're getting out there. After getting therapy for the "April June 2006 date scandal", I have to say I really enjoyed your article. Thank you. Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by qizzer … its licensing and only uses free software in its main distribution. It uses the urpmi or rpm based package system which… will be there in the future. There is no ultimate linux. Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by danni999 …... As qizzer says, Ubuntu is no better than several other Linux distros, in fact Mandriva for example is quite a bit… Re: Ubuntu, The Ultimate Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by gregboo … to recognize and give me my internet. I realize that Linux folks are used to typing dos type commands to get….com I really want to get off windows and learn Linux/Ubuntu/Mint/... et al. HP DV9626 Pavillion Laptop with Broadcom… Re: One For All and All For One: A Single Linux Distribution Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by ryuslash … to the big one. Why stop at creating just one linux? All operating systems pretty much let us do the same… to really help, and the public supposedly doesn't like Linux, Unix or any other operating system out there... What are… Re: Best Linux Distribution for Server? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by officeitplus If you are looking for a simple to install and maintain distribution, have a look at SMEserver. [url]www.smeserver.org[/url] Tony Re: Best Linux Distribution for Server? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jwenting Most of our servers that aren't running Solaris are running on RH Enterprise. The rest run Debian. That's a total of something like a hundred Linux servers. Re: Best Linux Distribution for Server? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jbennet … all secondly, dont nececerially discredit windows for sevrers. I like linux but after trying server 03 i was very impressed although… Re: Best Linux Distribution for Server? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by stgb I thing that using another account besides root account is good. Every linux system usuary you may login directly with root account but in Ubuntu distro you will login with another account. Is more dificult to know the account name in a brut force attack. The usual root simple will be disabled. Re: Linux anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by stultuske …idea of the number of people that are actually using Linux, I can assure you, both for personal as for…, again, Windows will be more targeted compared to any Linux distribution. To make one thing clear: I am not saying Windows…turns it's way of thinking and working completely around, Linux will always be safer and more secure compared to Windows… Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by onehiccup 'Linux innovation non-existent'??? Listen to yourself. You say that you … Re: Linux Ain't Broke But Here's Five Ways to Fix It Hardware and Software Networking by RemoteUser I think you should google "Linux POS" or "Linux Restaurant POS" or "Linux Restaurant Software". You'll find… that not only does Linux POS exist but that it has been around since about… 6 or 7 years before Linux started this thing that has become known as Linux. It first ran on UNIX and…