Listener? Programming Software Development by blackx how do i write a delete listener? Re: Listener? Programming Software Development by BestJewSinceJC I don't know if this helps or not but check out Ezzaral's example on post #3 [url][/url] Re: Listener to run a function Programming Web Development by Freon22 … get the id to the link and tie an event listener to it. When it is clicked it will fire the… Implementing Action Listener and Change Listener Programming Software Development by poojavb …I click on cancel button.... code for change listener final JColorChooser ColorChooser = new JColorChooser(… newColor = ColorChooser.getColor(); } } ); code for action listener public class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae… Convert mouse listener to key listener Programming Software Development by sk8er3577 …out is how I would convert the mouse listener to a key listener. I believe the checkEmpty, moveTile, and …//====================================================== constructor public SlidePuzzleGUI() { //--- Create a button. Add a listener to it. JButton newGameButton = new JButton("New Game"… Re: Convert mouse listener to key listener Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … keyboard focus is on the component that you added the listener to. So most of the time the keyboard focus is… guess, then try adding the key listener to that component (or components - adding the listener to everying in sight often works). Sun… Application Key Listener not working Programming Software Development by sirlink99 … application, and it wont work. This is my first key listener in an application, however I have done a mouse… listener in one before. Anyway here is my code: [CODE] import … key pressed method will not activate. I have added the listener and everything. Thanks for the help. Re: Convert mouse listener to key listener Programming Software Development by sk8er3577 … when I try to just change it to a key listener. This is why I thought the method would have to… be rewritten. How can I make the key listener always focus the empty tile? That is the main problem… Re: TCP/IP Listener Programming Software Development by kvprajapati …TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 4554) listener.Start() While True Dim result As IAsyncResult = listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(callBack, listener) End While … Private Sub callBack(ByVal result As IAsyncResult) Dim listener As TcpListener = DirectCast(result.AsyncState, TcpListener) Dim client… Re: Convert mouse listener to key listener Programming Software Development by sk8er3577 … EMPTY tile to always be the tile selected by the listener. I hope I am making more sense :) Thanks for your… Action listener Programming Software Development by rpjanaka …several options 1. create new class by implimenting Action listener interface and using an object of that class, … actions. 2. use one class by implimenting Action listener interface and create all buttons in that class and…the buttons 3. create 4 seperate instence of action listener interface and do required things. this is as follow… No action under action listener (ActionListener added!) Programming Software Development by StephNicolaou … button and a text field is empty. [code=java] Action listener - if(event.getSource() == cmdSaveSettings) if(txtPlayerOneName.getText().equals(emptyText)) { …} [/code] Ive add an action to listener to the button and the textfield: (mouse listener also as removes original text on click… Key Listener Programming Software Development by TheParadox Hello, I'm writing a keylogger program that (as the name states), logs all keystrokes into a .txt file. The problem I am encountering is adding the key listener. I know I have to add the key Listener to something, however is there a way to have the key listener always run no matter which component is in focus? Re: Action Listener for an Array of Buttons. Help Programming Software Development by NormR1 [QUOTE]how I can set up a action listener for an array of buttons[/QUOTE] Are you going to …create a new listener for each button or use the same listener for all the buttons? The syntax… to a button>.addActionListener(<A ref to the listener>); The <A reference to a button> could… JButton listener not firing Programming Software Development by sam_7 my confirm button action listener is not printing the username and password even though I …() { return new String(passwordTF.getPassword()); } public void confirmBtnListner(ActionListener listener) { confirmBtn.addActionListener(listener); } } import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java… Re: Action listener Programming Software Development by DavidRyan …'ll define (say) JCloseButton which extends JButton with a default listener.[/quote] IE: Define a class which extends JButton, the first… the code adds and defines an actionListener. Write tha action listener once (in the newly defined class) and use that class… Re: Check Box Listener Programming Software Development by th3b3n …[/CODE] to it and input the filterMap code to my listener or would it be best to create a new… listener for the check boxes. Also, with in said listener I assume I will need to… Re: JButton listener not firing Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill You have TWO login dialogs - one created in main (line 24), the other created in showLoginDialog() (line 72). The line 24 one gets the action listener, but the line 72 one is the one that is displayed, and that has no action listener. MFC Listener Programming Software Development by Nedals … a Thread, but I am lost. I have a working listener in 'console' mode but I need one that works with… Re: MFC Listener Programming Software Development by Nedals … - with help from my Google search results... [code] // Initilize the Listener - (in OnNewDocument for me) BOOL CMFCSocketDoc::OnNewDocument() { .. // #include "MFCServer…::OnReceive(nErrorCode); } [/code] And there you have it - A simple listener without threads. If I did something REALLY wrong, please let… Re: Action listener Programming Software Development by DavidRyan …'ll define (say) JCloseButton which extends JButton with a default listener. Re: Action listener Programming Software Development by rpjanaka …'ll define (say) JCloseButton which extends JButton with a default listener.[/quote] thank you for your reply but in your case… Error configuring application listener Programming Software Development by pentasoft4u …-09-26 12:29:40 StandardContext[/consumergen2]Error configuring application listener of class ge.common.SessionHandler java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ge.common…-09-26 12:30:43 StandardContext[/consumergen2]Error configuring application listener of class ge.common.SessionHandler java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ge.common… Re: No action under action listener (ActionListener added!) Programming Software Development by jasimp … brackets to the first if statement. (In red) [CODE]Action listener - if(event.getSource() == cmdSaveSettings) [COLOR="Red"]{[/COLOR] if… Two in one: Mouse and key listener. Help needed. Programming Software Development by Alex_ Hi, i want to do a listener and this is what i have at the moment: [code] … done somehow... or should i just make a separate key listener? One action listener for multiple JButtons? Programming Software Development by surk23 … field to something different. I started out having an action listener for each button but i would like to link all… the buttons to just 1 action listener and have it recognise which button has been pressed to… TCP/IP listener in ASP .NET Programming Web Development by jcexited … develop the application that will act as a TCP/IP listener to receive the hardware devices data, since it must run… some advice or suggestion about how to develop the server listener application? I think a web service is not a good… Event Listener for a Vector or for an array Programming Software Development by niranga Hi All, Is it possible to bind an array or a Vector with a event listener? For an example if we add an element to the Vector or remove from the Vector, can I use an event listener to track the changes? Thanks a lot in advance. Cheers..!! Re: Event Listener for a Vector or for an array Programming Software Development by hfx642 How do you add/remove elements from the Vector? Don't you have to do that programatically? So... You know WHEN it is happening, why would you need a listener? A listener "listens" for events that you don't know when they will occur. (Like a user; pushing a button, checking a box, or selecting a radio button) Action Listener for an Array of Buttons. Help Programming Software Development by J-Dub … need to know how I can set up a action listener for an array of buttons. I am trying to make… JButton("");// button[i].addActionListener(new Button());//adds Button Listener. Will This work? p1.add(button[i]);} p1.setLayout(new…