Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani … that can be acted upon that object such as login(), logout(), edit_profile(), etc. In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post… a built-in User class that natively has login() and logout() methods, and is easily extensible to create other methods that…($product_obj)`, but both would be taking advantage of the login/logout stuff already being handled). Logout Does not working in Production Environment Programming Web Development by harry.suren … 'sessions#new' post 'login' => 'sessions#create' delete 'logout' => 'sessions#destroy' resources :users resources :questions #resources :…" resources :sessions, only: [:new, :create, :destroy] Logout Code: <%= link_to "Log out", logout_path , method… Logout Programming Web Development by niths …am having a problem with logout. whenever i click on logout it wil logout but wen we click back … going to the previous page page even after logout. so i want to avoid that. so… can any one.. Thank u.. [/QUOTE] ------logout.php---------- [CODE] <?php ob_start(); @session_start(); session_destroy(); … Logout help Programming Web Development by veledrom Hi, What should i do for "logout link" to clear "login session" because, when i click "logout link", i can come back to same page without any problem with clicking on back button on the IE. Thanks LogOut Programming Web Development by ManishS I made a Login and logout page but whenever i login and press backspace i am redirected to the login page .... what to do to prevent it from going to the login page even if i have not pressed logout option Re: logout and BACK Programming Web Development by crishjeny Hi You can refer following code for back and logout. <a href="logout.jsp" target="_new" onclick="location.replace('browserClose.php');">Logout</a> Re: logout and BACK Programming Web Development by new SE … it still the same, user can enter the system after logout by hitting the back button.. for the login,i'm…;Invalid Login!!"); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } }[/CODE] for the logout, now i just have this: [CODE] Session["username"… Logout Programming Web Development by niths hi all, i had a logout page wer i am destroying the session value. so now … Re: Logout Programming Web Development by niths i didnt post the whole code. just to have a clear idea abt wat i had done after logout button clicked,i had posted only that part. session_start() is already present. logout and BACK Programming Web Development by new SE hi.. i've review the latest logout and cannot back if BACK button is press.. anyone can help me in clearly how to code it? Re: logout and BACK Programming Web Development by dnanetwork … End. i.e the reason why after you hit the logout button, it will not call the page events. but instead… Logout Programming Web Development by Maha Sh. Hi all, I am trying to write a code for logout, and I want to clear session My code Protected Sub … Re: Logout Does not working in Production Environment Programming Web Development by harry.suren I have figured the answer for the above Question. in the "Logout Code" Instead of <%= link_to "Log out", logout_path , method: "delete" use <%= button_to "Log out", logout_path , method: "delete". This one worked for me. Logout with using session Programming Web Development by dr.4030 … at /home/royalfa/public_html/admin/logout.php:2) in /home/royalfa/public_html/admin/logout.php on line 5 Warning:…at /home/royalfa/public_html/admin/logout.php:2) in /home/royalfa/public_html/admin/logout.php on line 7 and …here it is my php commands : <title>Logout</title> <?php //error_reporting(0); ob_start(); … Logout in php Programming Web Development by santhanalakshmi … this page, i created a submit button called "LOGOUT". In logout only,i am facing a big problem.when by…", i redirected to first page `index.php. logout.php <? session_start(); session_destroy(); header ("Location: index.php"); ?&… Re: Logout in php Programming Web Development by nickyspace … i created a submit button called "LOGOUT". In logout only,i am facing a big problem.when… by clicking "Logout button", i redirected to first page index.…php. > > logout.php <? session_start(); session_destroy(); header ("Location: index.… Logout code Programming Web Development by beginnerpals This is the php code i have in my logout.php file: <?php session_start(); session_unset(); session_destroy(); header('…variables username and password. My logout file isn't working properly. When i click logout, it leads me to my…profile page. What changes should i make in my logout.php file so that i'd stay on my … Re: Logout code Programming Web Development by beginnerpals … have not put any other piece of code in my logout.php excepting this (which is the latest version after making… link leading to it: <a href="logout.php">Logout</a> I have the following code in… know if i need to make changes in my login/logout files. Thanks! logout problem Programming Web Development by sandy183 … did it using jsp), but i am not able to logout properly, that is, when i click on a "…;logout" hyperlink, it sends me to the proper page, but … explorer, it gives me the previous page again. so my logout is pointless. can anyone tell me how to prevent this… Logout session Black Screen Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Ferianto … update 8 on it. Everything looks good untill I logout . When I logout, I got black screen. So, I never got the… login screen anymore (after I logout). And, what strange is this problem was occured sometimes. (So… Logout Problem Programming Web Development by niths hi all, i had done a logout page. so wen we click on logout i am getting out but wen i click on… account. so wat can i do..any idea...? thank u.. ---logout.php---- [CODE]<?php ob_start(); @session_start(); require_once ("check.php… Logout on Chrome Programming Web Development by yanwick … a way in jquery or javascript that enables the logout code to be run on chrome,(or any other …explorer there is a way to run that code, (the logout code). Any help will be sincerely appreciated, the code …type="text/javascript"> window.onbeforeunload=function (evt){//logout code} </script> and it only doesnt work … Logout then redirect to home page Programming Web Development by phingko …'ve been stuck for a while. I would like to logout from my shopping website then redirect the user to homepage…(\'Auto' + eQ + 'Off\',\'opener' + eQ + 'null\')+\'&amp;action' + '' + eQ + 'logout&amp;sitename=\'+escape(sitename)+\'&amp;GoBack' + eQ + '\'+escape… Re: Logout code Programming Web Development by minitauros Your code should work, as you have a redirect in logout.php, which means that if you were to press backspace after you've been redirected, you would end up in logout.php again, which would redirect you to index.php :o. Re: Logout code Programming Web Development by broj1 …; $_SESSION['user_level'] == 'admin') { // do admin stuff here ... } else { header('location:logout.php'); exit(); } If login information is not correct the user… will be redirected to logout page that will destroy the session and clean up whatever… logout not working Programming Web Development by Mike_danvers …']; echo "WelCome ".$name; ?> //logout.php <?php session_start(); session_destroy(); header("location:checkpass…is my entire login session..but i cant logout successfully,i want to show my user "…successfully loged out" after clicking on logout link.if anybody can then see my code… logout function is not working Programming Web Development by lui.szeleong … build a login system. However the logout system is not working well. After I click logout in /main/home it shows URL… function denied() { $this->load->view('denied'); } public function logout() { $this->session->sess_destroy(); redirect('main/login'); } public function… Re: logout problem Programming Web Development by masijade … (i.e. the login fails or you go to the logout page), do the following: [code] session.invalidate(); [/code] This will… it succeeds, then continue with the site, and on the logout page, invalidate the session again. Re: logout problem Programming Web Development by sandy183 … (i.e. the login fails or you go to the logout page), do the following: [code] session.invalidate(); [/code] This will… it succeeds, then continue with the site, and on the logout page, invalidate the session again.[/QUOTE] i tried using the… Re: logout problem Programming Web Development by skoiloth …] then put a condition down to forward the page . your logout button should take you to the page where session.invalidate…