lowest function isnt working Programming Software Development by jelinky … is the exact same as the 'highest' function, double lowest; lowest= amt[length-1]; for (int i=0; i<…; length; i++) { if(amt[i] < lowest) lowest=amt[i]; } cout<<"\nLowest : "<<… Re: lowest function isnt working Programming Software Development by Duki …break point at the beginning of your "lowest" function and step through the code.…lt; length; i++) { if(amt[i] < lowest) lowest=amt[i]; } cout<<"\nLowest : "&…lt;<lowest; cout<<"\n\n\n";[/… Re: lowest function isnt working Programming Software Development by Fbody … or maximum value, it is advisable to initialize your "lowest"/"highest") variable (whatever it happens to be… or some arbitrary value. This simple change guarantees that your lowest/highest detected value will be part of your data set… Re: lowest function isnt working Programming Software Development by Duki Perhaps you should take another look at how you're indexing amt[] in your "lowest" function. Here's a hint: (length - 1) isn't what you want to use. amt[length - 1] is 0, and you're not going to have a grade lower than that, right? lowest form of rational numbers Programming Software Development by aalice … a, int b) { /* To reduce the rational number to its lowest form. */ if(b==0) return a; else return gcd(b…,hw can i make x and y give me the lowest form of the rational numbers Re: Lowest Common Denominator Programming Software Development by WolfPack … with with the algorithm of determining how to get the lowest common denominator in order to be able to easily add… this situation.[/QUOTE] Why on earth do you want the lowest common denominator to add the fractions?? Can't you just… Re: lowest and highest value in an array Programming Software Development by Kontained … is:"<<high; cout<<"\nThe lowest number is:"<<low; getch(); } [/CODE] [/QUOTE] Added… And firstly, arent' you wanting to find the highest and lowest values [I]in an array[/I]? I do not see… Re: lowest form of rational numbers Programming Software Development by Tom Gunn …]hw can i make x and y give me the lowest form of the rational numbers [/QUOTE] Do you mean you… Lowest Common Denominator Programming Software Development by riscphree … with with the algorithm of determining how to get the lowest common denominator in order to be able to easily add… lowest and highest value in an array Programming Software Development by fza.h … is:"<<high; cout<<"\nThe lowest number is:"<<low; getch(); } lowest and highest value in an array Programming Software Development by fza.h … is:"<<high; cout<<"\nThe lowest number is:"<<low; getch(); } i cant understand… Lowest to Highest and Duplicate numbers Programming Software Development by krusnik08 … which is the highest number label12 displays which is the lowest number label14 displays which is the number that is duplicated… Lowest/highest bit set in integer. Programming Software Development by Gribouillis These two functions compute the orders of the lowest bit and the highest bit set in the binary representation of an integer. I expect them to handle securely very large integer values. Need Help: Passing 2D array in function, Highest, Lowest, Average Programming Software Development by erozero …} //Call functions highest = getHighest(food, NO_MONKEY); average = getAverage(food, NO_MONKEY); lowest = getLowest(food, NO_MONKEY); //Display report cout << "This… pounds[][COLS], int rows) { double lowest; //Initialization for lowest lowest = pounds[0][0]; //Check other values for lowest for(int i = 0; i … Find Lowest score entered Programming Software Development by Lostelf …; if ( lowest < s2) { lowest = s2; } if ( lowest < s3) { lowest = s3; } if ( lowest < s4) { lowest = s4; } if ( lowest < s5) { lowest = s5; } if ( lowest < s6) { lowest = s6… help with sorting arrays from hightest to lowest Programming Software Development by joelw …; count < size; count++) { if (array[count] < lowest) lowest = array[count]; } return lowest; } //******************************************************************* // Definition of function sortArray * // This function performs an descending… Re: help with sorting arrays from hightest to lowest Programming Software Development by joelw …; count < size; count++) { if (array[count] < lowest) lowest = array[count]; } return lowest; } //******************************************************************* // Definition of function sortArray * // This function performs an descending… Re: help with sorting arrays from hightest to lowest Programming Software Development by may4life … getLowest(double array[], int size) { double lowest; lowest = array[0]; for (int count =…++) { if (array[count] < lowest) lowest = array[count]; } return lowest; } //******************************************************************* // Definition of function sortArray… Re: Find Lowest score entered Programming Software Development by zeroliken your logic is wrong in the findLowest function for example if ( lowest < s2) { lowest = s2; } means if lowest is less than the value of s2 you change the value of lowest to s2 even though s2 has a higher value than variable lowest ...try greater than and change the rest of the conditions Help on getting 2 lowest values in an array. Programming Software Development by samuel_1991 …if (price[i]<= lowest) { lowest = price[i]; loworderNo=i;//make the lowest price order number equals to… i //value, who is index contains lowest price } } System.out.println("…quot;+ item[loworderNo] + "\t" + lowest); [/code] Notes: My assignment is about a restaurant… Drop Lowest Score Programming Software Development by pltndragon … scores, numScores ); showAverage( total, numScores ); //Get lowest lowest = scores[0]; for ( int count = 1; count…lt; numScores; count++) { if(scores[numScores] < lowest) lowest = scores[numScores]; } //Free memory. delete [] scores;… Re: Drop Lowest Score Programming Software Development by csurfer …] [B]3>[/B] [code=c++] showAverage( total, numScores ); //Get lowest lowest = scores[0]; for ( int count = 1; count < numScores; count… < numScores; count++) { if(scores[numScores] < lowest) lowest = scores[numScores]; } showAverage( total, numScores , lowest); //Then go on with your deletion of allocated… Re: Drop Lowest Score Programming Software Development by pltndragon …calculate the average without changing using the lowest grade in the calculation. Thanks. […: \n"; showArrPtr ( scores, numScores ); //Get lowest lowest = scores[0]; for ( int count = 1; count… if(scores[numScores] < lowest) lowest = scores[numScores]; } //Function that holds total minus lowest grade. float lstotal; int number… Re: Find Lowest score entered Programming Software Development by speakon … Highest sort (scores.begin(), scores.end()); //Print lowest number cout << "Lowest Number: " << scores[0] &…lt;< endl; cout << endl; //Remove Lowest Number scores.erase(scores.begin()); //Shows New Vector cout <… highest and lowest value ? Please help me Programming Software Development by pt_solar …"}; int numOfJarsSold [typesOfSalsa]; int totalJarsOfSalsa = 0; int highest; int lowest; for (int count = 0; count < typesOfSalsa; count++) { …lt; typesOfSalsa;count++) { if (numOfJarsSold[count] <lowest) { lowest = numOfJarsSold[count]; cout<<" The lowest selling product is: "<<… Re: Drop Lowest Score Programming Software Development by pltndragon … are: \n"; showArrPtr ( scores, numScores ); //Get lowest lowest = scores[0]; for ( int count = 1; count …{ if(scores[numScores] < lowest) lowest = scores[numScores]; } //Function that holds total minus lowest grade. float lstotal; int number;… Re: Drop Lowest Score Programming Software Development by zalezog … in the calculation. Thanks. [/QUOTE] [CODE=cplusplus] //Get lowest lowest = scores[0]; //Without the for loop code works fine. //for ( …[numScores]; //} //Function that holds total minus lowest grade. float lstotal; int number; lstotal = (total - lowest); number = numScores - 1; //showAverage(lstotal, numScores); //should… getting my code for highest and lowest value in a numeric array to work Programming Software Development by blsnls … int findLowest (const GradeType, int); // finds lowest of all grades int main() { GradeType grades;…contains the highest grade. int lowestGrade; // contains the lowest grade. // Read in the values into the array…highest; int findLowest (const GradeType array, int size) { float lowest = 0; for (int pos = 0; pos < … Re: Find Lowest score entered Programming Software Development by Lostelf in printAverage( average, test6) Test 6 is set as lowest scored since calcaverage is calling getlowest. so how can I get calcaverage to set test6 as lowest and print it? Re: Find Lowest score entered Programming Software Development by speakon … last element off? So: * Create Vector * Sort It Highest to Lowest (Reverse This Tutorial)( http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort…/ ) * The last element in the vector will now be the lowest number entered * push_back the vectors last element. Sorry if this…