42 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sheba_1

Dim Values As Range Dim CurrentSheet As Worksheet Set CurrentSheet = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet Set Values = Rows(5) For j = 0 To 20 For i = 1 To Values.Cells.Count - 1 Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlBetween, _ Formula1:="=Delimit2!$A$" & i, Formula2:="=Delimit2!$B$" & i Selection.FormatConditions(Selection.FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font Color = -16383844 TintAndShade = 0 End …

Member Avatar for infoitmanoj

I have 2 sheets in same Excel. First excel sheet contains the following fields No Material 10th july 11th july 1 DATUM DCP ESD Black 2 DATUM DCP ESD Blue My second worksheet contains the following fields No Date Material Stock size+Wastage 1 10th july DATUM DCP ESD Black 283.47 …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tom_17

Hi, I need to write a macro that has one row of dates. Row D. I need the macro to go down row and depending on the date I need to input a number to the cell to the right of that date. Example. If date < 12/22/16 insert value …

Member Avatar for tom_17
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi, I have an excel sheet and the is a row filled with data the row starts from B5 everytime, what i want to do it to read the values of the cell until the row comes to an empty cell how do i do it, thanks appreciate a reply, …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for squeak24

Hey Everybody. I have been asked to create a spreadsheet that will create a list of matches, for example in Table 1. (Please see the tables attached). OK, fair enough, basic table so far. What I want to do is have three columns, that will return the results that match …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I've recreated a spreadsheet that has multiple macro's behind it. One of these macro's opens and existing file, copies the data in it and then pastes it into the original workbook (where the macro's originate) and then closes the existing file. After the copy and paste is done, …

Member Avatar for hefaz
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I've written a macro to save a copy of the spreadsheet at the end of each day. I tried to test it as a shared file and learned the macro wouldn't work. Is this normal for a shared document? If so, is there a way around this? How …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for happygeek

Think that macro viruses written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) are just something that people using the Internet a couple of decades ago had to worry about? Think again. Word macro attacks never went away, they just went into decline. New evidence suggests they could be making something of …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

**note:** This was also posted to the [comp.lang.scheme](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/comp.lang.scheme) earlier today. I normally wouldn't cross-post, but after I noticed the extremely low traffic on the newsgroup, I decided to try a more active, if less specialized, forum. As part of a larger project, I am writing a macro that defines a …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for gibookrishnan

Hi, I have a set of word macros which I need to share it with my friends. I want to make the job easy for them such that I share them an installable which they will install and all my macros will be automatically added in their PC's MS word …

Member Avatar for gibookrishnan
Member Avatar for hvebsr

I want to put the path and name of a spreadsheet, the page and number of pages and the date and time into the footer(s) and display it in Times New Roman 6 pts. I made the following macro: Range("A1").Select ActiveWindow.View = xlPageLayoutView` Application.PrintCommunication = False With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .LeftFooter = …

Member Avatar for hvebsr
Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I need to search the content from one list (List A, Column A) for the mention of items from another list (List B, Column A), and if any matches are found, I need to publish in Column B of List A the data from Column B of the associated matching …

Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1
Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I am having an impossible time finding a solution for this. I need to combine cell contents in an unusual way (see below), based on if there is an "x" in column A. See below for the exact representation of what I need to do in a worksheet with 200,000 …

Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1
Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I copied a list into Excel and some of the list formatted into the neihgboring columns instead of lining up in the list. I need to get the items floating out in the columns back into the proper place in the list. I assume I need to somehow run a …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for fourty

How can i copy data from a named range in a different worksheet and paste it to another worksheet all done without activating both sheet. With all code just behind a form button If i try to use the statement **application.goto reference:="x"** where x is the named range but this …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for CPT

currently I have a class function: class MyClass{ static int E(int A,int B, int C){ //function code } }; //and I call it like this : MyClass::E(1,2,3); //what I would like to do is call it in this way: E(1,2,3); //my current macro definition is this #define E(a,b,c) Myclass::E((a),(b),(c)) how …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for andyshera
Member Avatar for mgunia

Hello, I want to re-arrange my existing macros in the excel file. I have a macro which goes to the specified sheet and checks column R if there are commas. If it finds the commas it replaces it to dots. Column R is called Email. But in some of documents …

Member Avatar for mgunia
Member Avatar for mgunia

Hello. I would like to ask for a help. I deal with excel spread sheets and very often I need to amend specific column. The whole steps look like this: Step 1. Find the column name, Step 2. Mark the all populated rows in this column, Step 3. Proceed with …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi, I have a sheet name 'rate' and another sheet name "master". rate sheet has data as below EmpCol1 rateCol1 a 1 b 2 c 3 etc... and master has data as empCol2 rateCol2 c a b What i want to do is to get the rateCol1 from rate sheet …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for ZnepJ

Can anyone recommend any software that will allow me to have *program-specific* key mappings? I have a problem with a laptop that has an odd keyboard map (in particular, the Enter and NumEnter have the same scancode)[1] and I need to be able to map another key combo to use …

Member Avatar for victcg
Member Avatar for hg_fs2002

When we define a variable name using #define in macro like: #define BUFFER_SIZE buff 5, and then in our main function declare a variable which has the same name like: int buff=8, Does the second buff overwrite the first one? I mean generally is a macro definition considered related to …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for _avishek

My understanding of the C language is that the same identifier cannot be reused. However, the code below compiles on GCC without complaints, even when using the "-Wall -pedantic" flags. Is there something that I am missing? Does the standard say anything about functions/macros having the same name as typedef'd …

Member Avatar for _avishek
Member Avatar for ashvyas

Am having this piece of COde, but whenever am trying to execute this , Dim tsf As TestSetFactory - > error user not defined appears. pls help Dim tdc As TDConnection Sub UpdateStats() 'create QC connection QCconnect_silent "URL", "DOMAIN", "PROJECT", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD" 'process tests getMetrics 'disconnect QCdisconnect End Sub Private …

Member Avatar for Gobble45

Helloooo Firstly, ive done a bit of googling, and found a few articles relating to my problem. None seem to help though. I require a simple method of acquiring the "Page Number" of the selected cell. range1.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) Something like this, does not work. Even though i read that it does. …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi , i have a textbox control in one sheet and a range of data in another sheet in the same file. how do i copy the range of data in paste it in the textbox control? appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for krishnisilva
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I was wondering if there is any way using the mingw g++ compiler to make code that acts like this: [CODE]#define myLanguageBlock(X) doMyLanguageBlock(#X) void doMyLanguageBlock(const char* code){/*this executes the code as if it were in another language, I have already written this function*/} int main() { myLanguageBlock( this is all …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for SoftwareGuy

Hi. I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I can't get the text searched for. If anyone can explain them, refer me to an article, or give me the correct search query I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Member Avatar for SoftwareGuy
Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi, i'm using winwedge to link up a balance to a computer, in order to gather the readings into an excel sheet. i've writen the code that starts winwedge at the press of a button, and created the macro that is supposed to request readings and send them to the …

Member Avatar for yeldar13

Hi everyone, I am totally new to VB and am trying to put together a macro. In short, I want it to select a range, store the values as an array (employee names). Then I want to loop through the values in the array. For each iteration, I want to …

Member Avatar for monarchmk

The End.