Re: Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by caperjack results of google search as i like you didn't know the answer ,it might shed some light on the subject for you ,no all the answers im sure ,but a good read none the less [url][/url] also [url][/url] Re: Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by absolute_zero … of trasistors. So the more complex the logic of a microprocessor, the larger the gate count, and the larger the transistor… Re: Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by harrypinto11 It is the brain of the computer. The microprocessor contains all, or most of, the central processing unit functions. Many companies make it and it is very useful for computer. Without it PC can't work. Alarm digital clock assembly language for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Jeniefer I am final year student. my final year project is designing digital alarm clock. i want to display digital clock at computer screen and i have worked on it for 2 days but still cant find a way to do it. can anyone pls write a program running in 8085 microprocessor for me. i need help......:-| Re: Alarm digital clock assembly language for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Arun pushkar … it. can anyone pls write a program running in 8085 microprocessor for me. i need help......:-|[/quote] hello even i am… Re: Alarm digital clock assembly language for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Arun pushkar … it. can anyone pls write a program running in 8085 microprocessor for me. i need help......:-|[/quote] [quote=Ancient Dragon;308268… Digital clock source code for assembly language for 68k microprocessor Programming Software Development by pijo22 Hi guys.....I need the guide and also the source code on how to built the digital clock with stop-watch.....for the 68000 microprocessor using assembly language.Please help me.....!!!! How microprocessor converts binary into decimal equivalent? Programming Computer Science by oanahmed I want to know how a microprocessor converts the binary digits into decimal equivalent. The processor only has the ability of manipulating 0's and 1's but, how these numbers are converted back into their decimal equivalent? Are they converted by another circuit? If so, then how and what it is called? Or If they are converted by the software? Digital alarm Clock assembly for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Sara_10 Hi I want Example for code in assembly language to develop alarm clock using **8085 microprocessor** As soon as you can Thanks By using the PPI and 8086 microprocessor make a simple project that turns o Programming Software Development by Mem_206 By using the PPI and 8086 microprocessor make a simple project that turns on/off one LED for 2 seconds. Explain the address of PPI and the proper control word, and assembly language program that you will use in this project. microprocessor upgrade Hardware and Software Hardware by 67chops Does anyone know of a site that lists what processor upgrades a Dell Dimension 8200 can take? I am looking for a boost. Chops Re: microprocessor upgrade Hardware and Software Hardware by nizzy1115 [QUOTE=67chops]Does anyone know of a site that lists what processor upgrades a Dell Dimension 8200 can take? I am looking for a boost. Chops[/QUOTE] [url][/url] I dont know exactly what processor you have in yours, but from what i see it takes … Microprocessor 8086 Help Please Programming Software Development by Kavkaz86 Write an 8086 assembly language program that will read a single byte arbitrary hex value declared in the data section of the code, convert this value into decimal, display it on the screen and then exit back to DOS. For example, if the value defined in your data section is: Val DB 0FFh Then your code should produce as output: 255 N.B. … Microprocessor 68000 question!!! Help! Programming Software Development by umarslayer can u help me with this problem: Write a program that will be able to examine every character in a string to see if matches the character supplied by the user. i. Ask for an input string (up to 4 characters) from the user. Display each character to the screen as the user types it in. If the user attempts to enter more than 4 characters, given… Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by arshi9464 I had a doubt as how does adding more number of transistors in a M.P.increases its speed?? I know that the use of transistor in a MP is switching of current. The how does that helps to increase the speed pf MP. PLEASE HELP THANK YOU Re: Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by arshi9464 @caperjack, my friend actually all of my threads which you've commented upon, have been posted by me after thoroughly reading the google stuff and one more thing i am a regular user of howstuffswork(dot)com . I just wanted some extra knowledge about the concepts, i thought some intelligent people out there might provide me with some more info. I … Re: Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by caperjack [QUOTE=arshi9464;1421875]@caperjack, i thought some intelligent people out there might provide me with some more info. I AM HUNGRY FOR SOME REAL KNOWLEDGE AS KNOWLEDGE IS THE ONLY FOOD GOOD FOR MY BRAIN, NO CASHEWS, NO NUTRIENTS. LOL . JUST NEED YOUR AND OTHER PEOPLE'S HELP, MY FRIEND.........[/QUOTE] i can appropriate that ,but i think most… Re: Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by arshi9464 @absolute zero, that helped a lot. thanx Re: Microprocessor(m.p.) Hardware and Software Hardware by rikwilsion A great advantage of consoles is the standard material and does not constantly update the drivers (although the frequent firmware updates in the form of evil of it). I do not see how a new processor will handle everything. It might be better in graphics than previous integrated graphics were, but a decent dedicated video card is still going to … Re: Alarm digital clock assembly language for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon post your code so we can help you. We are not here to help you cheat at school. Re: Alarm digital clock assembly language for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Arun pushkar even i am making digital clock using 8085 assembly language if you have got the solution please email me at [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] Re: Alarm digital clock assembly language for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by moriasi i simply want to define an assembly language Re: Digital clock source code for assembly language for 68k microprocessor Programming Software Development by Salem [url][/url] Here's some questions for you - how are the switches and display wired to the processor? - how are specific elements of the display selected? Perhaps begin with something simple, say incrementing a digit every time a key is pressed. It's not much, but you'll learn a lot, and not come… Re: Digital clock source code for assembly language for 68k microprocessor Programming Software Development by sereenaa i need program by assembly to make wathe digital clock and how to Preparation it please help me with short long Re: Digital clock source code for assembly language for 68k microprocessor Programming Software Development by sereenaa type ic 80515 and 12 MH Re: How microprocessor converts binary into decimal equivalent? Programming Computer Science by Schol-R-LEA What you need to see here is that the 'decimal equivalent' is actually a string of characters, for which there may be (in the case of a 64-bit two's-complement integer representation) 19 digits and a sign to represent. Depending on the character encoding, this may mean as much as 80 bytes (in the case of Unicode-32), though the most common … Re: How microprocessor converts binary into decimal equivalent? Programming Computer Science by mike_2000_17 Yeah, as Schol-R-LEA said, it's all done in software, and it's mainly just a matter of characters. The reality is, a computer never has to convert numbers into a decimal representation unless it is about to display it on the screen for a human being to read it, and human beings read characters. So, this is really just about converting a number into… Re: Digital alarm Clock assembly for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA *I've ended up pulling this boilerplate reply out twice in 24 hours, sheesh* First off, we don't do other people's homework for them. Second, we *don't* do other people's homework for them. And third, ***we don't do other people's homework for them***. Sensing a pattern here yet? No one here will simply hand you a solution on a silver platter. If… Re: Digital alarm Clock assembly for 8085 microprocessor Programming Software Development by Sara_10 Sorry !!! Re: By using the PPI and 8086 microprocessor make a simple project that turns o Programming Software Development by rproffitt Odd way of asking but OK, can you write where you are stuck versus dumping your homework assignment?