‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … Council-backed mandate to curtail infringements, including the use of military force against violators. Such a regime will at least remove… Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Military time error checking Programming Software Development by legendofme I need help figuring out how to do error checking with military time. So that if the value is over 59 (ex 1372) it gives an error message. My C++ knowlege is fairly basic Re: Military time error checking Programming Software Development by legendofme Would that mean i'd have to get the time from user twice. Once for hour and once for minutes? Right now it's just accepting the time as a whole (in military) Re: Military time error checking Programming Software Development by CoolGamer48 … it's just accepting the time as a whole (in military)[/QUOTE] time as a whole in what format? as a… military time Programming Software Development by MichelleCrews … tells you if the time you called is a correct military time .... heres what i have so far [CODE]def valid_mil_time… Re: military time Programming Software Development by __qwerty__ I think you have to define somewere what is correct military time. Currently you ask if the number 1299 is less than 2359 which it is. Maybe something like this: [CODE]h = range(0,24) m = range (0,60) def valid_mtime(mtime): if mtime[0] in h and mtime[1] in m:print 'true' else: print 'false' valid_mtime((12,99))[/CODE] Re: military time Programming Software Development by vegaseat Your military time has to be a 4 character numeric string of format hhmm. You can use function zfill() to pad with the proper amount of leading zeros. To extract the numbers for hh and mm respectively use string slicing. You should let your function return True or False to make it useful in validating the mtime string. Re: military time Programming Software Development by MichelleCrews …]I think you have to define somewere what is correct military time. Currently you ask if the number 1299 is less… Military Time Programming Software Development by NH1 I need help with converting standard time to military time through a button. Then being able to use another button to convert back. Re: Military Time Programming Software Development by Momerath Where are you getting the time you want to convert? Where do you want the result to end up? If you have it in a DateTime object, then: [code]myDTobject.ToString("hh:mm"); // 'standard' time myDTobject.ToString("HH:mm"); // 'military' (or 24 hour) time[/code] Re: Military Time Programming Software Development by NH1 …:mm"); // 'standard' time myDTobject.ToString("HH:mm"); // 'military' (or 24 hour) time[/code][/QUOTE] This is what i… Re: military stuff... Digital Media UI / UX Design by mira216268 hhye anshu.khadka..emmm..actually, i need to do the project regarding my university, where i study...anything that i could do for my university...im a military university student...what shud i do? US Military Technology Paradox: Cutting Edge & Clueless Digital Media Digital Marketing by Techwriter10 … discussed. To be honest, my perception of the military would be more in line with the recent announcement … Defense Information Systems Agency. Hight explained how the military has set up a flexible set of cloud services… Yet just as I'm beginning to think the military completely understands technology comes [URL="http://www.readwriteweb… Re: US Military Technology Paradox: Cutting Edge & Clueless Digital Media Digital Marketing by mjeffer … the cutting edge on technology that's solely for the military, commodity software they always wait for a long time after…. That said don't believe for a second that all military computers run Windows. Yes they use it for general computing… ints to standard and military time Programming Software Development by luvsom …; seconds << endl; while(ans == 'M') //display military time { char type('A'); cout << "Do you… cin >> type; if (type == 'A')//AM military time cout << "The time is " &…quot; << seconds << endl; else //PM military time { hours += 12; cout << "The time… Re: US Military Technology Paradox: Cutting Edge & Clueless Digital Media Digital Marketing by dogbreath077 … of miles away from our site. Always remember that the Military must stay ahead of the general populace, so that they… Re: US Military Technology Paradox: Cutting Edge & Clueless Digital Media Digital Marketing by Techwriter10 Hi: Thanks for the comment and for sharing your experience. That's what I'm learning and private sector companies can learn from this especially when military personnel share their experiences at conferences like the ones I've seen recently. Re: US Military Technology Paradox: Cutting Edge & Clueless Digital Media Digital Marketing by Techwriter10 … and I'm sure that's the case throughout the military for larger systems when you get beyond the desktop. Re: ints to standard and military time Programming Software Development by restrictment …;< seconds << endl; while(ans == 'M') //display military time { char type('A'); cout << "Do you…; cin >> type; if (type == 'A')//AM military time cout << "The time is " <…quot;:" << seconds << endl; else //PM military time { hours += 12; cout << "The time… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon … that sells it. >>The U.S. military is overstepping its bounds here drastically, something it tends … every right to ban anything they want from military installations. Military installations and the people on it are not … -- they are only subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. US Constitution rights do not apply there. Anyone… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Lusiphur … their property. First, it's U.S. Military property, they have the right to say that… contrary to popular belief, the U.S. Military does not answer to or have to abide …to play as the bad-guy in a military video game. This argument is particularly strengthened … over the fact that the U.S. Military is simultaneously making the claim to protecting the… C++ Military Time Program Programming Software Development by mo_snow …should accept arguments for the hour and seconds, in military format. The time should then be converted to …of the Time class. getHour : Returns the hour in military format. getStandHr : Returns the hour in standard format. … The program should then display the time in both military and standard format Basically trying to create a program… Re: U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by VernonDozier … Bible bombs. Just the point that the US government/military always seem to make a bigger mess of things wherever… what you decide to listen to. Anyway, the U.S. military has been given (key word - "given") responsibility…, security concerns, ...). Whatever you think of the U.S. military, one thing it's damn good at is large scale… U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Glass_Joe …prohibition also looms over the 49 GameStops located nationally on military bases. "At the hands of the Taliban, …a story is what realists call “propaganda”, something our military isn’t a stranger to. Aren’t these soldiers …invokes the same feelings with them. The U.S. military is overstepping its bounds here drastically, something it tends … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Glass_Joe … to defend those who serve and have served in the military. My dad,my uncle, my grandfather, my great-grandfather,… my great-great grandfather all served in the military. I am so glad that the government banned the … it. In this instance, it's about the US military controlling what its service men and women see, and considering… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mjhurdle … against owning the game. I served in the military and spent over a year in Afghanistan. I…7-ton. I have no problem with allowing military members to play this game if that is…However, I also have no problem with a military base deciding not to sell a game that …I can't help but think that on a military base, there would be several people that have… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by kes166 … Dragon;1330447]Only people who have never served in the military would be shocked at the banning. Such a thing is…movie because it involved drugs.[/QUOTE] I served in the military for 10 years and was in Iraq. While in Iraq… not do anything about a web site that leaks confidential military secrets. If a soldier wants to play MoH, just order… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jon.kiparsky The military is an organization; it has to "forbid" certain … PX" and it's done. People serving in the military don't seem to have any trouble getting hold of… these things, and the military organization can say "we've done what we can…