604 Topics

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The Swiftpoint Mouse is primarily designed with one purpose in mind, and that is to replace the touchpad on your laptop or netbook. Indeed, unlike any mouse I've ever used (and that includes the smallest of portable units) the Swiftpoint can be comfortably operated within the confines of the palmrest …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for newsguy

Apple has tonight given us a sneak preview of what is coming in the iPhone 3.0 major update which DaniWeb writer Davey Winder was [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4137.html"]second guessing[/URL] earlier. While Davey managed to predict the arrival of cut, copy and paste functionality for iPhone 3.0, this was pretty much a given to …

Member Avatar for Appspy
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hi.I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. I wanna use sms gateway service. So, I've installed Kannel sms gateway and also I've installed playsms to manage it. I'm using my Nokia 5233 mobile phone as modem. Can u pls help me in confoguring and sending the sms using playsms & my nokia 5233 …

Member Avatar for happygeek

If you have never played Angry Birds before, here's the skinny: use a giant rubber band to slingshot a variety of birds (some of which explode, drop egg bombs, multiply in flight, speed up like a rocket, well you get the idea) at a bunch of pigs hiding in a …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for deadelgabar

hi, im having a graduation project which i should make a windows mobile application using visual studio 2005, and really i dont know what topic can i choose and the doctor doesnt want to provide me with a topic,, so if anyone can help just with a topic, because it …

Member Avatar for rahulbatra
Member Avatar for EricMack

Hey Daniheads, I'm one of the newish Staff Writers here at Daniweb, and I'm working on lining up my calendar for the fall for reporting and interviews on mobile topics. I'm going to be focusing on devices running the Android OS, but I wanted to put it to all you …

Member Avatar for ZackBrust
Member Avatar for emorjon2

hello! I'm coding in python and have make the computer controll a lego NXT robot via bluetooth. Next step is to involve my lg ku990 mobile to the network, so I can get the camera and sound information from the mobile phone. Do anyone knows a python library as allow …

Member Avatar for EricMack

Hey Daniheads, I'm one of the newish Staff Writers here at Daniweb, and I'm working on lining up my calendar for the fall for reporting and interviews on mobile/wireless topics. I'm going to be focusing a lot on development for the Android OS, but I wanted to put it to …

Member Avatar for thunderbird123

Hello, Can anybody please tell me how to get a free internet on Samsung L170 or any other samsung mobile. I am struggling from 3 weeks and can't find anything. Please Help.... Thanks................

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rockfloyd

hello everyone, any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance :) i've been having a problem with my connection recently. since the past two weeks or so i've been having really lousy internet(slow as a snail).although the browsing speed has been ok. the download/upload and streaming speed …

Member Avatar for BlackFetus
Member Avatar for APatrizio

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16982[/ATTACH]It's been rumored for a few months, but on Monday morning, Intel made it official: it is purchasing the Wireless Solutions (WLS) business unit from Infineon Technologies for $1.4 billion. The purchase gives Intel a one-stop semiconductor offering in its quest to take mobile market share. The company has openly …

Member Avatar for Queen007

Greetings to everyone!! I'm really glad to be here. This is a new experience for me. I hope I can learn a lot from all of you and if I can bge of any help just ask. Thanks in advance. Felicita Vazquez

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] has upgraded its mobile version of [URL="http://www.youtube.com"]YouTube[/URL] so that it shares more in common with the desktop version on HTML5 enabled phones. This anticipates the idea that more people will watch videos on the move than on the desktop, so you'll get a better browsing experience, the ability to …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16752[/ATTACH]Intel announced on Thursday their agreement to purchase all of McAfee’s common stocks at $48 a share, a deal approximately worth $7.68 billion. McAfee will act as a wholly-owned subsidiary and report to Intel’s Software and Services Group. The endeavor marks what is sure to be a harmonious relationship for …

Member Avatar for marshal_ramdev
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Who needs plastic in the 21st century? [ATTACH=right]16789[/ATTACH] Two major U.S. banks have confirmed that they will later this year be launching joint test programs with Visa to let customers make in-store purchases with their smart phones. [URL="http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE67I59S20100819"]Reuters[/URL] reported Thursday night that both Bank of America and U.S. Bancorp will …

Member Avatar for hindu times

So I'm building a mobile website using the WPtouch plugin for Wordpress. I'm using an external CSS file to style certain elements of the site. By default, the site displays the page title like this - "Home" "Shows" etc... I would like to add something to CSS to make them …

Member Avatar for santoodesigner
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

[ATTACH=right]16767[/ATTACH]In Google's apparent on-going quest to take over the entire (virtual) world, the latest rumors have the search giant making a major play for the tablet market on the biggest shopping day of the entire year. If rumors are true, on the one day a year when apparently normal people …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

Imagine taking your favorite games with you wherever you wanted and being able to play whenever you wanted. That is the selling point behind Microsoft's latest move today at [URL="http://www.gamescom.de/en/gamescom/home/index.php"]GamesCom 2010[/URL] in Germany where they announced a massive line up of game titles to be released on [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/cmpn/windowsphone7/default.mspx"]Windows Phone 7[/URL] …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16444[/ATTACH]Japanese mobile social gaming company DeNA, traded publicly on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, is reported massive first quarter profits yesterday (August 5th), with heavy implications that there may soon be a new social sheriff in town. Revenue for their first fiscal quarter reached $279 million, up 175% year-over-year. In comparison …

Member Avatar for jeffholland00
Member Avatar for happygeek

Despite [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story292997.html"]the ongoing signal strength problems displayed by the new iPhone 4[/URL], there can be no denying that the latest Apple gadget has been a runaway success. With Apple claiming 1.7 million units sold in just the first three days it would be hard to argue. One of the not …

Member Avatar for lapunluyang
Member Avatar for Avasulthiris

Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to Mobile Development. I'm a final year student and this is my first major project that might just get me a job for next year. So I'm very keen on getting it working! Pleeease help :) As far as I understand - I need to …

Member Avatar for jfoo111
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

On Sunday an [URL="http://www.tra.ae/news_TRA_Announces_the_Suspension_of_Blackberry_Messenger%2C_Blackberry_E_mail_and_Blackberry_Web_Browsing_Services_in_the_UAE_from_October_11%2C_2010-180-1.php"]official statement[/URL] was released by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) confirming that certain mobile features for the BlackBerry device including mobile email, messaging, and mobile web browsing will be blocked by government authorities. [ATTACH=right]16330[/ATTACH]The ban will officially go into effect beginning on …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

[ATTACH=right]16221[/ATTACH]iPhone users can now create Web photo albums straight from their phone, with the ability to update existing albums. No longer is uploading photos from the iPhone a time-consuming task. In the past, iPhone users needed to select photos one-by-one. The updated version of the photo sharing app from [URL="http://jalbum.net/apps/iphone"]Jalbum[/URL], …

Member Avatar for monstercameron

i've been thinking, what is the easiest way to make a game...flash(albeit mostly 2d). what platform has the most games... any thing w/ flash suupport. what format has the most devs...flash. look at kongregate, miniclip, armor games, they recieve a new game everyday. there are alot of markets out there...open …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Dear Steve Ballmer, I believe it's time to give up development of a mobile operating system. With all due respect to the multi-billion dollar empire you're entrusted with running, the simple truth is that Microsoft is quite bad at developing user interfaces that are friendly and intuitive. Windows 7 is …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for EricMack

More of us could be taking Linux with us wherever we go in the coming years - that according to a [URL="http://www.abiresearch.com/products/service/Mobile_Devices_Research_Service"]pair of reports from ABI research[/URL] that predict a big chunk of both smartphones and non-smartphone mobile devices will be Linux-based by 2015. [ATTACH=right]15931[/ATTACH]"The number of Linux-oriented initiatives recently …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

[ATTACH=right]15792[/ATTACH]Google has been attempting to break out of their search engine based box for quite some time by presenting challenges to some of the IT world's biggest names such as Microsoft and Apple. Now with the new App Inventor that Google has launched for Android it is giving developers more …

Member Avatar for Dcurvez
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

hi friends i made a web application using php and working fine. and i also developed the same site for mobile also. For that i made it as imageless and optimised. and i uploaded in a folder. now i just want to divert user who is using mobile to mobile …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Maybe Prince was on to something when he recently [URL="http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2010/07/05/prince-world-exclusive-interview-peter-willis-goes-inside-the-star-s-secret-world-115875-22382552/"]proclaimed the Internet is dead[/URL]. Steve Rubel, in an [URL="http://adage.com/digital/article?article_id=144867"]Advertising Age article this week[/URL], suggests we prepare for "the end of the web as we know it." "It's hard to believe but soon, if not already the web is going to …

Member Avatar for dannyblooming
Member Avatar for 4delite

See you guys on various threads! Meanwhile, here is a bit about me. Daniweb Handle: 4delite Name: Mary Nickname: Mary Height: 5'6''-ish Weight: nyb Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Location: CA Age: nyb Hobbies: [INDENT][LIST] [*][URL="http://collegeperspective.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/mia-hamm.jpg"]playing soccer[/URL] [*][URL="http://sanfrancisco.grubstreet.com/"]trying new restaurants and food carts[/URL] [*][URL="http://soccernet.espn.go.com/world-cup/?cc=5901&ver=us"]watching EuroCup and World Cup matches[/URL] [/LIST][/INDENT] Relationship …

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The End.