Re: Python - Optimization Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by Dani I wish I could help but I do MySQL and PHP. I definitely agree with you that it makes … get data into the database and then process it and query it as much as you can from in there. However… because you *can* do it from within MySQL, doesn’t mean you should. MySQL is not always the best tool for the… mysql query Programming Web Development by arsala211 mysql query for selecting a specifice row mysql query problem Programming Web Development by yy886 mysql query problem Sample data of my mysql. id | id2 | sender | recipient | senderread | recipientread | Title 31 | …get the result if id or id2 is 31. $query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM pm where id="'.$id…quot;no"... $_SESSION['user'] = "A177"; $query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM pm where id="'.$id.'" or… Mysql query Programming Databases by rajeesh_rsn … in that shop will show. I did that using the mysql query like this [ICODE]select * from data_base where type="TV… brands without repeating the name. If I will use this query models will repeat [ICODE]select "Brand" from data_base… MySQL Query Programming Databases by felix001 Can anyone help ? Im looking to find a MySQL query using regular expressions to allow me to remove any paragraph html tags within block quote tags. An example is : [CODE]<blockquote> <p>TEXT</p> </blockquote>[/CODE] Should be : [CODE]<blockquote> TEXT </blockquote> [/CODE] Thanks, mysql query Programming Databases by xmens may peace on you !guys i am new to MySQL query. i am developing a student information management system and the … Mysql query to protected spreadsheet Programming Software Development by muppet … am using VB to query a MySQl database and populate an …quot; End If Next WSheet 'MySQL Query With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="ODBC… = 0 .PreserveColumnInfo = True .SourceConnectionFile = "C:\MySQL.dsn" .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=True End With 'Protect all … Mysql query, selecting id that is less than previous id Programming Web Development by garyjohnson Hello, I have a mysql query $query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE commenter_username IN (" . join(',', $list) … id. so im thinking it would look something like this $query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE commenter_username IN (" . join…array that is parsed with a comma so the mysql query can comprehend it. Re: MySQL query error Programming Web Development by ayooshkasmth …(id, parent_id, child_name) VALUES ('', '','Test name') MySQL query failed [/code] and this is my INSERT query [code] if(isset($_POST[Submit])){ $id = $_GET…[parent_id]','$_POST[child_name]')"; echo $query; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('<br /><br /> MySQL query failed'); } // End else echo $… MYSQl query fix suggestion Programming Databases by oksam I have been trying to create a search query. Following is my mysql query: SELECT id, title, SUBSTRING(description, 1, 80) AS description,… me if you can'); There is an error on this mysql query. Can anyone spot it. Error exists in this "…if you can');" section only. if i run full query without this MATCH section it works. So how can I… MySQL query problem Programming Web Development by rp91 … a problem I have been having with my mysql query and thought this would be the best place…jpg) for the snapshot of the table. The mysql query is as follows: mysqli_query("INSERT INTO post_tag(post_id…' AND tag IN ('$music','$sport','$tech')") or die ('Query is invalid: ' . mysql_error());; Any help will be so … MySQL query error Programming Web Development by ayooshkasmth …php include("database.php"); $id = $_GET['id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM parent WHERE id=$id"; $result… child_name) VALUES ('','$_POST[parent_id]','$_POST[child_name]')"; echo $query; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('MySQL query failed. '); } // End else echo $child_name; [/… Mysql Query Array Result Problem Programming Web Development by DILO3D I need to use the mysql query result.following is the mysql query. [CODE] while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name=$row['name']; } [/CODE] For …example: result of above query is (name1,name2… MySQL query ignoring "ORDER BY" clause? Programming Databases by jay.barnes Good morning/afternoon/evening! I'm trying to run a MySQL query, but it seems to be ignoring the "ORDER BY…I'm using the "IN" keyword in my query (several times, as a matter of fact, along with … BY" clause? I've included an example of the query below: [code] SELECT * FROM Ships, Accounts WHERE Available_Loads.Action != '… mysql query having orderby, limt Programming Web Development by aithabuddy … have a problem with the mysql query that uses both order by and limit.Following is the sql query i'm using, select… primary key, and i created index on venue, cat1. This query is examining 78000 records out of 90000. If i can… only. I need both order by id, limit in this query but number records examining should reduce. Can you please tell… Re: Mysql query to mysqli query Programming Web Development by Dieter_1 … I have another include page where I query the database and with the old mysql query it worked just fine like:` function getSetting… mysqli like: function getSetting($property){ global $dbpraefix; $res = $mysqli->query("SELECT value FROM ".$dbpraefix."settings WHERE property… Mysql query to mysqli query Programming Web Development by RonKevinT.Manuela Im trying to convert mysql query to mysqli but it doesnt work...why? From: mysql_query("…=views+1 WHERE viewID='1'"); To: $q1=$mysqli->query("UPDATE views SET views=views+1 WHERE viewID='1… on line 5 Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\SICS\home… mysql query - search keywords Programming Databases by cubespeed Hello to everybody I have a problem with a MYSQL query and I almost got it but am stuck for a … and value "val5". All I got is this query: [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT,, t2.cat_id, t3… ---+--------+-------- 6 | fillip | 70 [/icode] So on output from my previous query I need the record that has both val1 and val5… Re: mysql query having orderby, limt Programming Web Development by vibhaJ BTW its different question but how to see that query has examined how many record? I am having mysql query browser and phpmyadmin. mysql query cache Programming Databases by aithabuddy How to clear the mysql query cache? RESET QUERY CACHE; is not working. Thanks in advance mysql query with conditional date range Programming Databases by mbarandao Hello all: I have the following mysql query statement: SELECT COUNT(*) as ttl_rows FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(date(timeentry)) … 2012-12-03. My interest here is to modify the query to return all dates with the date range and where… Re: MySQL query's Programming Databases by pty [QUOTE=dami06;317164]Hi, I am trying to understand MySQL as i am new to this and i have a … not giving me any answer at all.. I am using MySQL query.. Thank you so much in advance for your help[/COLOR… desc [/code] /you may need to alter these slightly for mysql - i use postgresql these days MySQL query's Programming Databases by dami06 Hi, I am trying to understand MySQL as i am new to this and i have a … not giving me any answer at all.. I am using MySQL query.. Thank you so much in advance for your help[/COLOR… Mysql query result Programming Web Development by o12357 Hi everyone, i would like to know whether the result of a mysql query executed from one php page will be available to another php page on the same site. thanks! MySql Query - First Order Date per customer Programming Databases by riteshuae Hi, i have installed prestashop & i need a report of first order date for each customers, please help me to create mysql query. i need below columns information from database. id_customer, firstname, lastname, first order date thanks, Ritesh Re: MySql Query - First Order Date per customer Programming Databases by riteshuae In order_history table there is no id_customer column mysql query giving error Unknown column 'order_history.id_customer' in 'group statement' Mysql query to list all most common pairs with their IDs Programming Databases by Mati_1 I am looking for a mysql query to search and list most common pairs with their IDs and number of occurence. Thanks. MySQL Query from C# to PhP Programming Web Development by jeeter19 … I'm trying to send a MySQL query string from a C# application to… I'm trying to compare to. [B]The Query[/B] SELECT * FROM `tblUser` WHERE `Name`='username…' The above is the query string that I build in the C# application and… my application it won't accept the query string anymore and says it's incorrect … MYSQL Query inside Javascript Programming Web Development by jonnypixel Hi, Im trying to run a MYSQL query to check if the input value exists first. A user …" The java script on the same page checks the MYSQL table if that tag is already there and if so… does it for me using just php and the mysq; query. Except i cant seem to work out how to run… MySQL query problem in CodeIgniter Programming Web Development by xNZxAssAssiNx … code I have a mysql query: "SELECT `username`,`password` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = 'Tyler'" This query doesn't return anything in… codeigniter but it does return username and password if I query in phpmyadmin. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong…