angular ng-table in subpage with jquery Programming Web Development by nevek …;script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/angular/ng-table.js" ></script> <div> <…;> </script> <table ng-table="tableParams" show-filter="true" class="table table-striped"> <tr… autofocus in angular js form Programming Web Development by Priti_P … </b></a> </div> <table ng-table="tableParams" show-filter="true" class="…"> <tr ng-repeat="degree in $data"> // table code </tr> </table> </div>… Table with Angular Programming Web Development by davy_yg …;div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="customersCtrl"> <table> <tr ng-repeat="….Country }}</td> </tr> </table> </div> <script> var app…}); </script> It produces a customer table. I wonder what is in customers.php to produces… Re: Table with Angular Programming Web Development by davy_yg What the API file could be look like? Any example ? (an API file that's readable to produce a table consist of name and country. Since I have a create a table using angular (the data in the table is provided), I only see the result. So I wonder what's the best way to input the data? If not through API is there some other methods to do it? Re: Table with Angular Programming Web Development by s3xandch0c0late Most probably it contains the API that returns the data in the form of an array with Customer Name and Country. This data might be hardcoded in the file, or it is requesting from a table somewhere. bar chart and table Programming by davy_yg …000.00'} ]"> <table border="1"> <tr ng-repeat="x in names">… 3 * 2 }}</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Check my code… above. how to take the table data from a seperate json file and for the … insert multiple records in one table php/mysql Programming Web Development by breakzzzz20 form: <form> <table> <tr> <th>…the subjects. Subject must not be encoded. Baka lalagyan ng maling subject. I just base it to your design… /></td> </tr> </table> </form> then this is my summary of… Re: insert multiple records in one table php/mysql Programming Web Development by monica2016 …=1 ; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `tbl_questions` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_questions` ( …latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=5 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `tbl_questions` -- INSERT INTO `tbl_questions` (`questionid… Re: Nationality Lookup table Programming Databases by tesuji …QUOTE=pritaeas;628451]AFAIK there is no ISO table for nationalities.[/QUOTE] Sure there are country…NI NIC 558 NIGER NE NER 562 NIGERIA NG NGA 566 NIUE NU NIU 570 NORFOLK ISLAND… help me! Programming Web Development by haiconsoba …["sMess"][3]="Tên đăng nhập không được bỏ trống"; $_SESSION["DangKy"]=false;…sql,$connection); //kiểm tra user có tên người dùng chưa while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $usersql=$row…;post" action="xulydangky.php"> <table width="978" border="0"> &… input type="file" validation (bootstrap) Programming Web Development by solomon_13000 …-body"> <!-- <table class="table table-responsive table-hover table-condensed"> --> <…quot; class="form-control-file" ng-file-select="onFileSelect($files)" ngf-…quot; class="btn btn-secondary" ng-click="closeImage()" data-dismiss="… Angular Js recieve Url Parameters Programming Software Development by MagnusTheRed90 …quot;> <span uib-accordion-header ng-class="{'text-muted': isDisabled}">… > 0"> <table ng-repeat="weapon in unit.Weapons">…lt;/td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class… Can't Fix Error in my Program Programming Software Development by softwaretime …lt;"run_grid - runs the table application, which lets you display numbers in a table format"<<endl;…float nc; float nd; float ne; float nf; float ng; float nh; float ni; float nj; float nk; float…lt;"Enter cell 7:"; cin>>ng; cout<<"------"<<"------&… AngularJS Example: Programming Web Development by mani_12 …"> <br /> <table> <tr ng-repeat="row in rows"> <…;/button> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <!-- Modal --> <…; <div class="modal-body"> <table> <tr> <td> <…quot;text" ng-model="value"/> </td> </tr> </table> </… Create a conditional with AngularJS Programming Web Development by gcardonav … <div ng-controller="wordController"> <p> <table align="center&…;/tr> </table> <p align="center" ng-if="guestGuess == … <p align="center" ng-if="guestGuess != wordToGuess">{{… Cookies between too linked files Programming Web Development by 4789787 … (c) 2009-Present, XNova Support Team <> * All rights reserved. * * This program is…' => mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ); $sql =<<<EOF UPDATE {{table}} SET `onlinetime` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), `current_page` = "{$sessionData['request_uri']}"… Apply Date range filter in ANGULAR JS between two dates using one column Programming Web Development by babaji01234 … Code: <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl"> <div> <table> <tr&…text" name="E_Date" ng-model="endDate"/> </tr> </table> </div> <…gt;{{ subject.marks }}</td> </tr> </table> Angular js: <script> var app = angular.… AngularJS render updated record + Laravel backend Programming Web Development by solomon_13000 …gt; </tr> <tr ng-repeat="person in employee | orderBy:orderByField… <button class="btn" ng-click="viewEmployee("><…</td> </tr> </table> </div> EmployeeController.js scope = … Insert the data into Database Programming Software Development by chanlichin …) input = Val(txtInput.Text) fault = (ng / input) * 100 visual = 100 - fault 'first table summary Dim addUser As String = "INSERT… INTO summary (line, plants, dates,PartID, PartMD,total_count,ng,total_input) VALUES (… jquery mouseover Programming Web Development by VenusCrystal …type == 'mouseover') $(this).attr('src','/C:/Users/ng/Documents/Unnamed Site 1/core/images/tables/ipop_ovr.png');…type == 'mouseout') $(this).attr('src','/C:/Users/ng ![Snap51](/attachments/small/3/Snap51.png "align-right…script> </head> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <td… $id=$_GET['criteria_id']; not working please help Programming Web Development by ronelo … charset=utf-8" /> <title>Araw ng Talusan - Beauty Pageant</title> </head> … charset=utf-8" /> <title>Araw ng Talusan - Beauty Pageant</title> </head>…quot; /></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html… Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in /home/web Programming Web Development by coolseancool …i++; } // ------------------------- // Çekilen kullanici for döngüsüyle takip ettiriliyor for ($i=0;$i<$jumlah…i++; } // ------------------------- // Çekilen kullanici for döngüsüyle takip ettiriliyor for ($i=0;$i<$…;/th></tr></table>"; echo "<… array_search always coming up null Programming Web Development by Icetigris …- if yes, insert the class into the grades table with the student's GWid and grade of IP(in…progress). if the course was already in the grades table with an NG grade, change the grade to IP. - if no…GWid AND classid='$cid'"; } else {//insert class into grade table with in progress grade (IP) $sql = "INSERT … Re: Gradebook Project help c++ with two dimensional arrays Programming Software Development by KungFuTze … second test: "; cin>>ng; while(ng>100||ng<0) { cout<<"**…score for project: "; cin>>ng; while(ng>100||ng<0) { cout<<" … of absences: "; cin>>ng; while(ng>20||ng<0) { cout<<"*******… Sum Values in Array Programming Web Development by shelexelex …sname . $oname . $year . $clss . $classType . $country . $address; if ($country=='NG'){ $countryamt= '2000'; }else{ $countryamt= '5000' ;} $tableDataNew=array('sname' => $…$_SESSION['tableData']=($tableData); ?> <table border="0" class="table table-bordered"> <tr><… Re: array_search always coming up null Programming Web Development by Icetigris … = "SELECT classid FROM grades WHERE GWid=$GWid AND grade='NG'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if(!$result) { die("Error querying… My Array Doesn't Insert! please take a look! Programming Web Development by lastgame2007 … die(mysql_error()); } } //sql statement here (example): insert into table name (value ng $data) values( value ng $d[$x]) -- }}}} ?> <?php function debug… help with jquery mouseover Programming Web Development by VenusCrystal …and with a tooltip. This icon is placed inside a table row before the text data. When mouseover happens it moves… type="text/javascript" src="/C:/Users/ng/Documents/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"><… id='contextual-action-icon' align='top' src='/C:/Users/ng/Documents/Unnamed Site 1/core/images/tables/ipopglyph_sm_qualifier.png' title… "non numeric" error Programming Software Development by forgot …to record payment(update "payments" database table) and print a receipt. I hope u will…'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "ng"; } else { echo "Error updating record: " .…;; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "ng"; } else { echo "Error updating record: " … Re: How to get Dev-Cpp to support chinese characters and pinyin. Programming Software Development by stilllearning … of that, you will need to build in a mapping table, and map the bytes you are reading in to your…