Tracking clicks with OpenX ad tags Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … server and are trying to track clicks with third-party OpenX ad tags, here's how you do it: <script… Maximizing Your Revenue with an AdServer Digital Media Digital Marketing by jsherm101 … of the most popular ones out there: Google DFP, OpenX, AOL ADTECH, and Adzerk. The "industry standard&…website. Next up to Google DFP is certainly [OpenX](, a long-time competitor and free alternative… to Google DFP. While OpenX allows you to download their software and serve ads… Mac-compatible banner management software? Hardware and Software macOS by John Sunier …site. My webmaster installed a new version of OpenX some time ago (not the latest version). …quot; I have received conflicting opinions about whether OpenX is compatible with Macs or not but I… know this version of OpenX doesn't work for me. I have …will lose advertisers! I need something simpler than OpenX - all I need to do is place … Need banner management software Programming Web Development by John Sunier … ap for my banner-supported publication. My webmaster gave me OpenX and it's simply not working for me and he… something by Sept. 30 or I might lose advertisers! With OpenX I don't see a banner I place for up… up to a day to disappear from the site! The OpenX forum has not been helpful. And the stats jump around… Content Aggregator Programming Web Development by armyany … other areas of my business. I plan to use SugarCRM, OpenX and JBillling for my main business applications. News aggregation is… Maze class Programming Software Development by effBlam ….valueOf(maze[i][j]) == "."){ open = maze[i][j]; openX = i; openY = j; } } } } public void displayMaze() { for (int i=0… Re: Get advertisers Digital Media Digital Marketing by OpenX is a great automated ad management system and it's free. Takes some time to set up and probably only worth it if you have a portfolio of sites. Re: Blocking Script? Programming Software Development by codeorder Forgot to mention that the previous post of mine, only blocks ads from "", at least for the most part, if not all. No personal intentions to harm "[URL=""][/URL]" as a online business, it was just a site that was available to displays ads with the current URL for the WebBrowser. Re: Getting sponsers Digital Media Digital Marketing by chas84 … about two months ago and decided to make use of openx to serve ads. Once I got that figured out, I… Re: banner management software Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by einfoway I love [url][/url] all features that any one can look for Re: Ad Management in PHP?? Programming Web Development by PoA Try [url][/url] Re: Blocking Script? Programming Software Development by codeorder … to when App is Loaded. Dim sStart As String = "" '// change it to "<script" to… Re: Document.write written to a specific place Programming Web Development by Dani … of comments, but that's a real-world possibility: <!--/* OpenX JavaScript tag */--> <!-- /* * The tag in this template has… Re: Document.write written to a specific place Programming Web Development by Airshow …" style="width:728px;height:90px;"> <!--/* OpenX JavaScript tag */--> <!-- /* * The tag in this template has… Re: Document.write written to a specific place Programming Web Development by Dani …="ad" style="display:none"> <!--/* OpenX JavaScript tag */--> <!-- /* * The tag in this template has… Re: Maximizing Your Revenue with an AdServer Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch >Stay tuned to our tutorials section as we post guides on these ad serving platforms and much, much more. When will the tutorial be up? Re: Need banner management software Programming Web Development by mexabet Then, you may have to take a look at [B]Omnistar Affiliate Software[/B] and see if it has what you're looking for. It is MAC compliant as well. Re: Maze class Programming Software Development by NormR1 Can you describe the steps the code should take to solve the problem? What is the program supposed to do? Re: Maze class Programming Software Development by effBlam Pretty much the program opens a txt file with a sample maze to be read into a 2d array which ive already done in my driver class. "s" - starting point, "e" - ending point, "|" - wall, "." open path. Im supposed to find a solution to the maze using recursion from the starting point "s" to "e&… Re: Maze class Programming Software Development by NormR1 Work on the program's requirements one by one. How is the program going to read in the file with the sample maze and save its contents? Re: Maze class Programming Software Development by effBlam Ive already done that portion separately just didnt show it in the code. the first two lines of that text file are #, the first being # of rows and # of columns which i create a char 2d array from. I used readline() for the first line of the file then the second line of the file. Ive stored them into an array already. Now i have a visual … Re: Maze class Programming Software Development by NormR1 Work through how you'd solve it with any method. How does it find the Starting s location, what would the program need to look at? How would it determine where it can move to? When and how can it make a move? What part of the searchig logic can be used recursively?